. . . "1156"^^ . "Alle sind in gro\u00DFer Sorge um Katja. Ben versucht verzweifelt herauszufinden, wo der Container abgeblieben ist. Erst durch einen Hinweis der Polizei erfahren sie, dass sich der Container zwar immer noch im Hafen befindet, aber der genaue Stellplatz nicht zu ermitteln ist. Ben eilt auf eigene Faust los, um den Container mit Katja zu finden. Jessica und Marian verbringen eine wundervolle Nacht in ihrem Zelt. Doch w\u00E4hrend Marian \u00FCbergl\u00FCcklich ist, miit Jessica zusammen zu sein, kocht in dieser das schlechte Gewissen hoch. Immer wieder wird sie daran erinnert, dass sie Marian mit seinem Sohn betrogen hat. Jessica ertr\u00E4gt ihr schlechtes Gewissen schlie\u00DFlich nicht mehr und entschlie\u00DFt sich, vor der Wahrheit zu fliehen. Als der anstehende Gerichtstermin wegen Jennys Erbe auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben wird, da der Richter angefahren worden ist, vermutet Axel dahinter sofort eine typische Steinkamp-Intrige. Er will sich das nicht gefallen lassen und schaltet die Polizei ein. Als jedoch klar wird, dass die Steinkamps unschuldig sind, rastet Axel vor der Polizei aus."@de . "1970-12-23"^^ . "Pisa, Italy: \n* Construction begins on the Tower of Pisa. \n* Bart claims to have been consulted about the building work, but his advice isn\u2019t taken."@en . ""@en . . "1173"^^ . . . "Alle sind in gro\u00DFer Sorge um Katja. Ben versucht verzweifelt herauszufinden, wo der Container abgeblieben ist. Erst durch einen Hinweis der Polizei erfahren sie, dass sich der Container zwar immer noch im Hafen befindet, aber der genaue Stellplatz nicht zu ermitteln ist. Ben eilt auf eigene Faust los, um den Container mit Katja zu finden. Jessica und Marian verbringen eine wundervolle Nacht in ihrem Zelt. Doch w\u00E4hrend Marian \u00FCbergl\u00FCcklich ist, miit Jessica zusammen zu sein, kocht in dieser das schlechte Gewissen hoch. Immer wieder wird sie daran erinnert, dass sie Marian mit seinem Sohn betrogen hat. Jessica ertr\u00E4gt ihr schlechtes Gewissen schlie\u00DFlich nicht mehr und entschlie\u00DFt sich, vor der Wahrheit zu fliehen. Als der anstehende Gerichtstermin wegen Jennys Erbe auf unbestimmte Zeit versc"@de . . . . . "1173"@en . "1173"^^ . "1970-12-15"^^ . "1173"@de . . . "Lamar catches Daphne placing the letter in the tree and takes it. Lamar plans to use the letter as evidence that Quentin communicates with the dead, and demands Daphne to testify against him. She flatly refuses, but Lamar threatens to turn her into the police unless she cooperates. Daphne returns to Collinwood and confronts Gerard; she is convinced that Gerard knew Trask would be at the tree waiting for her, and tells him she is going to tell Quentin he can't be trusted."@en . . "Lamar catches Daphne placing the letter in the tree and takes it. Lamar plans to use the letter as evidence that Quentin communicates with the dead, and demands Daphne to testify against him. She flatly refuses, but Lamar threatens to turn her into the police unless she cooperates. At the Old House, Valerie tells Julia she feels responsible for Barnabas' circumstances, and wonders if Judah Zachary is preventing her from being with him. Julia is surprised that Valerie knows about Judah and her and Leticia's attempt to reunite his head and body. Valerie explains to Julia that she was once Judah's follower and lover, and he is the one who gave her the powers of witchcraft. Julia realizes she is actually Miranda du Val, and the two wonder if Judah is possessing someone at Collinwood. She wonders if it is Quentin, but then recalls the time when Gerard accidentally called her Miranda, thus allowing Valerie to point her suspicions toward Gerard. Valerie is unable to find out where Barnabas might be, so Julia decides to ask Leticia for help. Daphne returns to Collinwood and confronts Gerard; she is convinced that Gerard knew Trask would be at the tree waiting for her, and tells him she is going to tell Quentin he can't be trusted. Later that night, Lamar arrives at Collinwood and shows Gerard the letter. Much to Lamar's surprise, Gerard wants him to return the letter to the tree in order to gain more evidence against Quentin. Gerard feels that if the letter is still in the tree, Joanna will appear and reply to the letter, which would further incriminate Quentin. Lamar is skeptical, but agrees to go along with the plan. After Lamar leaves, Samantha walks into the foyer, and unsuccessfully attempts to turn down Gerard's advances. Gerard instructs her to put on Joanna's cape and pretend to be her: she will retrieve Quentin's note from the tree, bring it back to Collinwood and write a response in Joanna's handwriting. The two passionately embrace. After Samantha leaves, Gerard performs a ceremony that causes Daphne to have a dream where she is in a bridal chamber with Gerard, and they both profess their love for each other. Daphne wakes up, but is unable to remember her dream. Seemingly in a trance, Daphne goes to the drawing room and apologizes to Gerard for her earlier outburst and agrees to assist him with the trial the next day. Daphne suddenly becomes drawn to Gerard and hugs him. At the Old House, Julia informs Valerie that Leticia was unable to find Barnabas in her visions. Valerie decides to confront Gerard, thinking she can give some clues to Barnabas' whereabouts. In the woods, Gerard and Lamar arrive at the oak tree and find that the letter is gone. Lamar is visibly nervous, wondering if a spirit will soon appear. They hide behind a bush and see a hooded figure approach the oak tree and place a new letter inside. After the figure leaves, Lamar gets the note and reads the letter. After he finishes reading, he smiles menacingly and declares Quentin will soon be beheaded. Back at Collinwood, Gerard congratulates Samantha for writing a perfect letter to appease Lamar, but Samantha admits she did not write nor leave the letter."@en . . . "1840"^^ . "1173"@nl . . . ""@en . . . . . "Pisa, Italy: \n* Construction begins on the Tower of Pisa. \n* Bart claims to have been consulted about the building work, but his advice isn\u2019t taken."@en . . . .