. . . . . "The next day, at the palace, the doors opened and an angry Tigger hopped into the room. \"Grr! I've never been so insulted!\" Tigger shouted. He passed by King Bagheera, Sawyer's father. \"Prince Tigger, you're not leaving so soon, are you?\" Bagheera asked. \"Good luck marrying her off!\" Tigger said, as he bounced off off. And with that, the angry tiger was gone. Bagheera then groaned as he looked at a piece of Tigger's coat. He then said \"Sawyer\" as he went into the courtyard to find his daughter. \"Sawyer! Sawyer!\" he called. He spotted a slender, white Persian cat with red lips, small hands, a peach face, a big white tail, small discrete feet, and brown eyes, sitting on a fountain. She wears a gold bracelet on her right wrist and a sleeveless dress consisting of a sky-blue skirt and a blue bodice. She is also barefoot. It was Sawyer, the princess of Toongrabah and Bagheera's daughter. \"Sawyer,\" Bagheera said and walked toward her until a strong stag came up and bleated at her. In his mouth was a brown torn sheet. It was The Great Prince of the Forest. \"Ooh, confound it, Great Prince!\" Bagheera scolded, pulling on a torn sheet out of The Great Prince's mouth. He looked at the sheet, and suddenly realized that it was a piece of Tigger's overcoat. \"So this is why Prince Tigger stormed out.\" \"Oh, father,\" Sawyer smiled, \"The Great Prince was just playing with him.\" Then she leaned over to The Great Prince and said to him in a cute tone, \"Weren't you, Great Prince? You were just playing with that over-dressed, self-absorbed Prince Tigger, right?\" She hugged The Great Prince, and the stag giggled. Bagheera gave Sawyer a stern look as he tapped his foot. Then Sawyer cleared her throat. Bagheera followed Sawyer to the birdcage, \"Dearest,\" he said. \"you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call. The law says you must be \u2026\" \"\u2026married to a prince\u2026\" Bagheera and Sawyer said together. \"\u2026by your next birthday.\" Bagheera finished. \"The law is wrong,\" Sawyer said, as she opened the bird cage and picked up the bird. \"You've only got three more days.\" Bagheera said. \"Father, I hate being forced into this. If I do marry, I want it to be for love.\" Sawyer said. \"Sawyer,\" Bagheera said, before he placed the bird back in the cage, \"it's not only this law. I'm not going to be around forever. I just want to make sure you're taken care of. Provided for.\""@en . . "Sawyer's desire"@en . . "The next day, at the palace, the doors opened and an angry Tigger hopped into the room. \"Grr! I've never been so insulted!\" Tigger shouted. He passed by King Bagheera, Sawyer's father. \"Prince Tigger, you're not leaving so soon, are you?\" Bagheera asked. \"Good luck marrying her off!\" Tigger said, as he bounced off off. And with that, the angry tiger was gone. Bagheera then groaned as he looked at a piece of Tigger's coat. He then said \"Sawyer\" as he went into the courtyard to find his daughter."@en . .