. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs"@en . . . . . . "A phenomenon common to animation, video games, and comic books, Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs is the act of a punching an opponent dozens (if not hundreds, if not thousands) of times a second. Multiple hits are guaranteed, and even if each strike doesn't cause much damage by itself, the cumulative effect can be absolutely brutal. If you use one of these attacks in a fighting game, you can almost expect that this move's command will involve tapping your Attack button rapidly. Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs are a staple maneuver by nearly every comic book speedster ever published. It is often combined with a Flash Step for extra effectiveness against a single foe, or for taking on crowds, resulting in Teleport Spam or Speed Blitz. When a character does this while armed, it is a Spam Attack. This trope is a type of Death in All Directions. In trading power per hit for a large hit count, unless you're a Lightning Bruiser with both to spare, beware Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh. May result in Death of a Thousand Cuts. The next step up in cool is the Pummel Duel, where both fighters do this and try to overwhelm the other. Note also that while this trope is traditionally done with punches, there do exist many kick-based examples; it's especially common when it comes to higher-level Kick Chicks. This is actually Truth in Television, as there is actually a Jeet Kune Do technique called the \"Straightblast\" which is exactly this. It's really difficult to keep at it for very long, though. Or with any power whatsoever. (For those not in the know, Jeet Kune Do is a Martial Art developed by Bruce Lee. Yes, that Bruce Lee.) Examples of Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs include:"@en . . . . . . "A phenomenon common to animation, video games, and comic books, Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs is the act of a punching an opponent dozens (if not hundreds, if not thousands) of times a second. Multiple hits are guaranteed, and even if each strike doesn't cause much damage by itself, the cumulative effect can be absolutely brutal. If you use one of these attacks in a fighting game, you can almost expect that this move's command will involve tapping your Attack button rapidly. Examples of Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs include:"@en .