"Romeo and Juliet/WMG"@en . "Romeo goes to the tomb and gets blitzed drunk on the \"poison\" (as in \"What's your poison?\" or \"the measure makes the poison\"). Juliet's kiss wakes him up, and she sheathes his knife within her... heart. Then they skip town and leave the friar to explain his knowledge of the situation, and Prince Escalus makes his heartfelt speech about the maleficence of feuds either before or after discovering the truth."@en . . "Romeo goes to the tomb and gets blitzed drunk on the \"poison\" (as in \"What's your poison?\" or \"the measure makes the poison\"). Juliet's kiss wakes him up, and she sheathes his knife within her... heart. Then they skip town and leave the friar to explain his knowledge of the situation, and Prince Escalus makes his heartfelt speech about the maleficence of feuds either before or after discovering the truth."@en . . . . . . . . . .