. "Morgeilen"@en . "Over a thousand years ago, Morgeilen was once the brother of Legenimor, the first king of Daventry (then known as Daventria) when the kingdom was founded. One thousand years ago during the Grand War his brother gave up all of his power to the cosmos, because he believed the power had caused death to untold number of people. The process made him become mortal (which lead to his death defending the kingdom, perhaps even betrayed by his own brother). Morgeilen resented his brother's choice and began to covet the lost power, seeing his brother as a fool. Morgeilen disappeared and was presumed killed in the war. With Legenimor dead and Morgeilen missing, Legenimor's first knight, Granthithor succeeded him as the king of Daventry. Unbeknownst to others, he took on the identity the Father (and his true name would no longer be heard for a millennium). He created the Black Cloak Society, to make plans to recover the power (and become more powerful than even Legenimor), and prepare for his future Ascension as a being of immense power and ruler of all. He learned that his brother had created a means to regaining the power; \"the Item\". To find the Item, he needed the Crown of the First King, which Legenimor had passed on to Granthithor, his loyal knight. However, he couldn't just steal the crown, it had to be given to him or passed on to him. Centuries later, his plan in motion, he prepared to infiltrate into Graham's household. He came to the castle claiming to be Gervain, a man from small insignificant land to the far south. He became Daventry's security and defense minister, and had only held the position for a short while, before becoming Graham's close councilor, commander of the guard, and next line for throne if Graham died. He began to reassigning Daventry's forces, and sending them to make allegiances with nearby nations. In order to distract the king while he prepared his plans, he played on the king's loneliness and convinced him to look for a queen. He suggested that Graham have a royal ball and invite all the eligible maidens of the kingdom. However, Graham was not interested in any of the maidens. A week later Gervain's returned to the castle to discuss latest troop movements and plans for an allegiance with Eusperia. He continued to play on Graham's melancholy during the conversation, suggesting that Graham's would only be happy if he found someone someone to be by his side. Soon after, Graham discovered in the Magic Mirror that one of the Father's minions, Hagatha, had kidnapped a maiden of the Realm of Kolyma, Valanice, and locked her in a quartz tower. Graham's decided that he would travel to Kolyma to save her. Gervain prepared a ship for Graham, but made sure that he traveled there without any guards or support. Donning his black cloak as The Father, he contacted Hagatha and ordered her to eliminate Graham by any means possible, so that he could receive the crown and find the Item (and be ready for his ascension in thirty years time). Graham was able to avoid Hagatha and soon The Father contacted Hagatha again to find out what was taking her so long. She updated The Father, letting him know that Graham was about to fall into the hands of one of their colleagues, one Count Caldaur, who would soon tie up the loose end. However, when Caldaur betrayed them, and failed to kill Graham, The Father, then ordered Hagatha to take out Graham herself. She confronted Graham in the quartz tower, but was defeated, having identified Gervain as the mastermind behind Valanice kidnapping and the attempts on Graham's life. Graham vowed that Gervain would see justice. Soon after their wedding, Caldaur, returned Graham and Valanice to Daventry through his magic. At the queen's coronation ceremony, Gervain welcomed them back and congratulated the king on the marriage. However, since Graham knew of his treachery he slugged him in the face. Graham commanded his guards to arrest the minister. Gervain drew his sword and threatened everyone saying that no one knew who they were dealing with. Graham told his guards to stand down and accepted Gervain's challenge himself. They fought long and hard throughout the throne room, but finally Graham got the upper hand, knocking Gervain's sword to the ground. However, Gervain was not be defeated so easily. He showed his true identity, his clothes turned into black robes, and his eyes and face began to glow. He then put three curses on Daventry before disappearing, the first was that his family would be endangered, the second that Graham's heart would give out, and the third that Graham's heirs would never reign over the kingdom. For seventeen years, Morgeilen wrought untold misery on the land of Daventry. The first of the three curses began with the kidnapping of Alexander by Manannan (about one year after Graham's wedding), and other maladies were unleashed on Daventry soon after. He caused earthquakes to destroy the land, mountains collapsed, rifts were opened. He sent the three-headed dragon to ravage what was left, and to to take young girls. Seventeen years later, The Father reappeared before King Graham. He hoped that the loss of his son, the eminent sacrifice of the king's daughter, and the destruction of his realm would convince Graham to give up the crown to him freely. He promised to restore the blighted nation and Graham's family minus his title. However, he underestimated Graham's resolve, as King Graham mistrusted the wizard. Graham attempted to swing his fist at The Father, but the wizard was prepared, and would not make the same mistake he made decades before. Graham's fist passed harmlessly through his non-corporeal image. Graham knew he couldn't defeat The Father, but decided he wouldn't turn over the crown as that would betray everything it stood for. Having failed again, The Father prophesied that some day, that they would meet again, Graham would put aside his obligations and would seek him out. Soon after, Alexander made it across the mountains into Daventry and saved his sister and the kingdom from the three-headed dragon. Both returned to the castle to meet their parents, along the way in the forest they encountered the Father, and had a brief conversation. During the reunion, Daventry was repaired, ending the first curse. The Father cast the final part of the spell to slow Graham's heart (fulfilling the second curse) and nearly killing King Graham. However, Rosella was able to travel to Tamir and bring back a magical fruit which broke the spell saving her father. Meanwhile, The Father found the broken shards of the Item outside the Castle gates. Taking them, his eyes began to glow. Many years later, the Father's third curse lead to his children forging their own paths in other kingdoms. Alexander married Cassima becoming the ruler of the Land of the Green Isles and Rosella married Edgar becoming the crown princess of Etheria. Yet chance brought a new champion to fill the void. Connor returned from reforging the Mask of Eternity and defeating Lucreto. Having proven his nobility to King Graham, the king made Connor his First Knight; thus he became Graham's successor and heir to the throne, averting the third curse."@en . . "Over a thousand years ago, Morgeilen was once the brother of Legenimor, the first king of Daventry (then known as Daventria) when the kingdom was founded. One thousand years ago during the Grand War his brother gave up all of his power to the cosmos, because he believed the power had caused death to untold number of people. The process made him become mortal (which lead to his death defending the kingdom, perhaps even betrayed by his own brother). Morgeilen resented his brother's choice and began to covet the lost power, seeing his brother as a fool. Morgeilen disappeared and was presumed killed in the war. With Legenimor dead and Morgeilen missing, Legenimor's first knight, Granthithor succeeded him as the king of Daventry."@en . . . . . . . . .