. . "Pathfinder (Tau)"@en . "Utilising anti-gravitic Devilfish troop carriers, Pathfinder Teams range far ahead of the rest of the Hunter Cadre in search of enemy forces. They maintain a close watch on the foe while remaining expertly hidden, reporting details of the enemy's nature and disposition by way of highly encrypted, nigh-undetectable communication systems. Pathfinder Teams are also deployed in the role of aggressive patrol groups, maintaining dominance over a wide area around an otherwise stationary Hunter Cadre and detecting any enemy forces that attempt to approach. Occasionally, an entire Hunter Cadre of Pathfinders is tasked with a mission, such as exploring a newly-discovered planet and ascertaining if it is suitable for Tau colonisation. By infiltrating the battlefield before a confrontation, Pathfinders can also activate Homing Beacons or Positional Relays -- bringing reinforcements to the fray with greater precision. Pathfinders are equipped with a range of specialised equipment to aid in their mission, and though they are not protected by a Tau Battlesuit or stealth field generators, they are far from helpless. A Pathfinder's standard kit includes a Pulse Carbine fitted with an underslung Photon Grenade Launcher as their primary weapon -- ideal for the close-ranged firefights they so frequently find themselves engaged in. The blinding, disorienting effect of the Photon Grenades is utilised by the Pathfinders when reacting to sudden and unanticipated contact with the enemy. Every member of the team also carries a Marker Light, a laser designator device attached to his weapon that projects an all-but-invisible, highly-focused beam of coherent light at a potential target. Every Marker Light is networked to support weapon platforms and other units on a Tau battle network, and transmits precise targeting information in order to guide the fire of such units and increase their accuracy. When used to guide the armour-piercing Seeker Missiles carried as additional weapons on many Tau main battle tanks, aircraft, spacecraft or fixed installations, Pathfinders are able to remain hidden as they call in devastatingly powerful and unerringly accurate missile artillery fire onto the target. Many Imperial troops have come to fear the small, red dot of light that appears on the body of those about to be slain, and Imperial troops who fought in the Damocles Gulf Crusade described the signature of the barely visible Marker Light beams as the \"Valkyrie's Mark\", because those it chose were soon numbered among the dead. Often the first indication of imminent contact with Pathfinders is the telltale red dot of a Marker Light appearing upon an enemy warrior's armour, followed an instant later by a barrage of Seeker Missiles. On many occasions, Pathfinder Teams hold back while observing an infiltrating force, only calling in fire when their enemy is too far forward to extricate safely. When fighting on the frontline standard Fire Caste doctrine, as laid down in the Code of Fire, instructs all warriors to fight closely together, with each member of a team doing his utmost to protect not just his comrades, but also nearby teams in his Cadre. Through the use of overlapping fields of fire, Pathfinder Teams can also provide supporting fire and help annihilate the enemy. While every Tau Sept has tales of crafty Pathfinders escaping from impossible odds, even the best-laid extraction plans can fall through. Trading lives for ground is anathema to the Tau, and the warriors of the Fire Caste are trained to retreat and fight another day. All Tau warriors are willing to lay down their lives for the Greater Good, but Pathfinders find self-sacrifice called for more often than all other Cadre teams combined. Holding a Marker Light on a distant enemy while your own position is being overrun is a selfless act, and often, Pathfinders are used as bait in the Tau philosophy of war, drawing the enemies of the Tau Empire out of position so that others can strike them down, but Pathfinders epitomise the Greater Good, and by their actions, many battles are won. During the early days of the Great War of Confederation, some Septs reported Pathfinder casualty rates at 84% or higher. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Fire Caste academies are inundated by volunteers wishing to be Pathfinders, eager to do their utmost for the Greater Good. While many Pathfinders sacrifice themselves to further the Greater Good, some survive their duties and rise to prominence, moving up the chain of command to more illustrious positions. There are those who seek the glory of command, rising to wield mighty Battlesuits and lead massive strike forces to grand victories. Others, however, believe that they can do the most good from behind the scenes, quietly supporting their brethren and guaranteeing that others can destroy their foes. The famous El'Myamoto, also called sub-commander Darkstrider, has never sought promotion beyond the role of Pathfinder. Instead, he has continued to hone his skills as a stealth specialist, contributing to victory after victory for the Tau Empire from the shadows. Such individuals who do not pursue the greater honour of a more visible role are extremely rare, but their impact on the outcome of a battle can be as significant as that of even a prominent leader \u2013 and working in perfect tandem with a skilled commander, both warriors can achieve far grander successes than either could ever hope to win alone."@en . . . . . . "Utilising anti-gravitic Devilfish troop carriers, Pathfinder Teams range far ahead of the rest of the Hunter Cadre in search of enemy forces. They maintain a close watch on the foe while remaining expertly hidden, reporting details of the enemy's nature and disposition by way of highly encrypted, nigh-undetectable communication systems. Pathfinder Teams are also deployed in the role of aggressive patrol groups, maintaining dominance over a wide area around an otherwise stationary Hunter Cadre and detecting any enemy forces that attempt to approach. Occasionally, an entire Hunter Cadre of Pathfinders is tasked with a mission, such as exploring a newly-discovered planet and ascertaining if it is suitable for Tau colonisation. By infiltrating the battlefield before a confrontation, Pathfinder"@en . .