. . "Evil Galactic Umpire"@en . "Their nefarious play calling inabilities are well documented throughout the history of baseball, particularly during the annual Battle of the Fall Classic. Rebel leaders (also known as managers) are repeatedly confounded during this epic struggle as they vie for power in the Rebel Alliance of World Serious. Umperial Corellian Starships frequently disrupt this battle with coordinated attacks from four separate bases which are cleverly hidden among the chaos of the Infield Theatre. Baserunning smugglers from both the American and National Leagues of the \"Trade Me To The Yankees\" Federation (also known as players) are oftentimes mysteriously and violently removed from their safe posts in the Infield Theatre by vengeful Umperial Commanders. Commander Brinkman and General Cederstrom are noted for this Umperial Strategy. It is believed that the Evil Galactic Umpire has moved to within striking distance of infields everywhere and no diamond sector is presently beyond their grasp."@en . . "Their nefarious play calling inabilities are well documented throughout the history of baseball, particularly during the annual Battle of the Fall Classic. Rebel leaders (also known as managers) are repeatedly confounded during this epic struggle as they vie for power in the Rebel Alliance of World Serious. Umperial Corellian Starships frequently disrupt this battle with coordinated attacks from four separate bases which are cleverly hidden among the chaos of the Infield Theatre. Baserunning smugglers from both the American and National Leagues of the \"Trade Me To The Yankees\" Federation (also known as players) are oftentimes mysteriously and violently removed from their safe posts in the Infield Theatre by vengeful Umperial Commanders. Commander Brinkman and General Cederstrom are noted f"@en . . .