. . . . . . "Our heroine, sent to her mother's world to learn there. Not too happy about this. \n* Author Avatar: Word of God states that a great deal of the things Aylia has done while at college were things she really wanted to do herself, but didn't dare to (Mainly because unlike Aylia, she actually cared about her GPA). \n* Deadpan Snarker \n* Eureka Moment: When Aylia turns twenty, she realizes that she doesn't have to obey her parents any more. \n* I Just Want to Be Normal: Aylia doesn't want to be the Child of Prophecy. \n* Rapunzel Hair \n* The Smart Guy: Word of God has stated that Aylia is something of a magical genius. \n* Weirdness Magnet"@en . . . "A Magical Roommate/Characters"@en . . . "Our heroine, sent to her mother's world to learn there. Not too happy about this. \n* Author Avatar: Word of God states that a great deal of the things Aylia has done while at college were things she really wanted to do herself, but didn't dare to (Mainly because unlike Aylia, she actually cared about her GPA). \n* Deadpan Snarker \n* Eureka Moment: When Aylia turns twenty, she realizes that she doesn't have to obey her parents any more. \n* I Just Want to Be Normal: Aylia doesn't want to be the Child of Prophecy. \n* Rapunzel Hair \n* The Smart Guy: Word of God has stated that Aylia is something of a magical genius. \n* Weirdness Magnet"@en . . . . .