. "The Life Issues Forum of Gaia Online is a place for users to come and ask for advice and helpful suggestions regarding a variety of life's problems and dilemmas. One can also ask general or personal questions of other users regarding topics such as school, sexuality, relationships, and the like. It is noted that the users, moderators, and administrators of Gaia Online are not professionals and is intended as an advice channel, but people are urged to seeking a professional counselor or any other authority. It should be noted that many regular users of Gaia use mules while posting in the Life Issues forum to avoid any damage to their main account's reputation."@en . "Life Issues Forum"@en . . "The Life Issues Forum of Gaia Online is a place for users to come and ask for advice and helpful suggestions regarding a variety of life's problems and dilemmas. One can also ask general or personal questions of other users regarding topics such as school, sexuality, relationships, and the like. It is noted that the users, moderators, and administrators of Gaia Online are not professionals and is intended as an advice channel, but people are urged to seeking a professional counselor or any other authority."@en .