. . "Better known as The Hollows, Eastgate boasts some beautiful riverside views and impressive nightlife if you are into makeshift fireworks. Visitors are welcome to house hunt and the landlord Frostfire is a fair one if you can stand temperatures ranging from -50 to 360 degrees Celsius. If you find yourself house hunting in the popular Grendel's Gulch (AKA the 'Nooblet's Graveyard), be warned! It is very hard to get out of and the current residents, The Minions of Igneous, are not very inviting and will rudely pelt you with large, painful boulders if you happen to stroll too close. If you do in fact find a comfortable place to live, then consider visiting the mountains where simply taking a walk will earn you a badge. In these mountains, you can watch the magical Circle of Thorns perform soul extractions as they plunge their soul thorns into the hearts of unknowing and unwilling citizens! WOW!"@en . "City of Heroes/TrialZones"@en . "Better known as The Hollows, Eastgate boasts some beautiful riverside views and impressive nightlife if you are into makeshift fireworks. Visitors are welcome to house hunt and the landlord Frostfire is a fair one if you can stand temperatures ranging from -50 to 360 degrees Celsius. If you find yourself house hunting in the popular Grendel's Gulch (AKA the 'Nooblet's Graveyard), be warned! It is very hard to get out of and the current residents, The Minions of Igneous, are not very inviting and will rudely pelt you with large, painful boulders if you happen to stroll too close. If you do in fact find a comfortable place to live, then consider visiting the mountains where simply taking a walk will earn you a badge. In these mountains, you can watch the magical Circle of Thorns perform soul"@en .