. . . "One of the goodies has just been betrayed by The Mole, whom they let get very close. They ask The Mole, \"Was it all a lie? Everything?\" Two responses are common: 1. \n* A cold blooded \"Yes, you fool, and you took it hook, line and sinker.\" 2. \n* \"It was real, and in another world, we could have been happy together\". Of course, either of these responses can be a disguise for the other (either keeping one's options open just in case, or burning bridges to let their victim get over the betrayal.) A more extreme form of the second case is Becoming the Mask. Related to Et Tu, Brute?"@en . . . . . . . . . "One of the goodies has just been betrayed by The Mole, whom they let get very close. They ask The Mole, \"Was it all a lie? Everything?\" Two responses are common: 1. \n* A cold blooded \"Yes, you fool, and you took it hook, line and sinker.\" 2. \n* \"It was real, and in another world, we could have been happy together\". Of course, either of these responses can be a disguise for the other (either keeping one's options open just in case, or burning bridges to let their victim get over the betrayal.) \"I'm sorry it had to end like this\" is a common additional Stock Phrase, particularly with the second response. A more extreme form of the second case is Becoming the Mask. Related to Et Tu, Brute? Examples of Was It All a Lie? include:"@en . . . . . . . . . "Was It All a Lie?"@en . . . . . .