"The Buixei were a species native to Gerate before being wiped out by the Nulvarl in 280 BBY. The species were first contacted by Nulvarl explorers in 356 BBY and greeted them warmly. They were not as advanced as the Nulvarl were, but they did have sub-hyperdrive spacecraft and energy weapons. The Nulvarl looked down upon the more primitive species and attempted to dominate affairs on the planet through force. The Buixei were alarmed at the forceful colonization of their planet and were wary of the influence the Nulvarl were exerting. Tensions finally reached a boiling point in 345 BBY during the Buixei War. For three years, the Buixei attempted to resist the invaders, but were defeated. Despite their defeat, many Buixei resisted the invaders and made their occupation of the planet difficult and shut down most of the industry and logging. The Nulvarl responded with a horrific series of massacres in 332 BBY that saw 95% of the population killed. The remaining children that were spared for slave labor were forced to live in slavery for nineteen years before choosing to revolt again. This time, the Nulvarl spared none and wiped out all but a few thousand who managed to flee into the forests and oceans. The Nulvarl decreed that any Buixei was to be killed on sight and spent a great deal of time and money hunting them down. By 280 BBY, the last Buixei was killed and the species became extinct."@en . "The Buixei were a species native to Gerate before being wiped out by the Nulvarl in 280 BBY. The species were first contacted by Nulvarl explorers in 356 BBY and greeted them warmly. They were not as advanced as the Nulvarl were, but they did have sub-hyperdrive spacecraft and energy weapons. The Nulvarl looked down upon the more primitive species and attempted to dominate affairs on the planet through force."@en . . . "Buixei"@en . .