. "983"@de . "El n\u00FAmero (983) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 982 y precede al 984. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "983"@es . "Nach ihrer verwirrenden Begegnung mit Oliver kehrt Celine ins Penthouse zur\u00FCck. Dort trifft sie auf Richard, der in Gedanken ganz bei Ben ist. Erst Celines verletzte Reaktion macht ihm bewusst, dass er sie erneut versetzt hat. Richard ist klar, dass er sich ins Zeug legen muss, will er nicht Celine und das Kind verlieren. In typischer Richard-Manier h\u00E4lt er um Celines Hand an. Nachdem er die Kontrolle gegen\u00FCber Maximilian verloren hat, zieht sich Ben verst\u00F6rt an den See zur\u00FCck. Als Katja davon erf\u00E4hrt, taucht sie beim Ben auf, um ihn zu tr\u00F6sten. Doch die freundschaftliche Geste wird von Tom falsch interpretiert. Marian ist ger\u00FChrt \u00FCber die Kalender-Aktion seiner Freude, die damit einen Teil der Renovierungskosten der 'Sieben' eintreiben wollen. Angesichts so toller Freunde und so vieler Unterst\u00FCtzung kann er Essen nat\u00FCrlich nicht verlassen - und so st\u00FCrzen sich die Freunde motiviert in das notwendige Shooting."@de . "983"^^ . . ""@en . . "El n\u00FAmero (983) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 982 y precede al 984. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . ""@en . "983"@en . "968"^^ . . . . . . . "Nach ihrer verwirrenden Begegnung mit Oliver kehrt Celine ins Penthouse zur\u00FCck. Dort trifft sie auf Richard, der in Gedanken ganz bei Ben ist. Erst Celines verletzte Reaktion macht ihm bewusst, dass er sie erneut versetzt hat. Richard ist klar, dass er sich ins Zeug legen muss, will er nicht Celine und das Kind verlieren. In typischer Richard-Manier h\u00E4lt er um Celines Hand an. Nachdem er die Kontrolle gegen\u00FCber Maximilian verloren hat, zieht sich Ben verst\u00F6rt an den See zur\u00FCck. Als Katja davon erf\u00E4hrt, taucht sie beim Ben auf, um ihn zu tr\u00F6sten. Doch die freundschaftliche Geste wird von Tom falsch interpretiert. Marian ist ger\u00FChrt \u00FCber die Kalender-Aktion seiner Freude, die damit einen Teil der Renovierungskosten der 'Sieben' eintreiben wollen. Angesichts so toller Freunde und so vieler Un"@de . . "Maggie is wandering around the drawing room at Collinwood and Elizabeth walks in. Elizabeth asks her if she is ready to see the children. Maggie is visibly nervous and wishes Quentin was with her. Meanwhile upstairs, Daniel says he will do whatever it takes to drive her out of Collinwood. Daniel tells Amy, the other child of the house, that Quentin only married Maggie because he was lonely, and that he still loves his mother, Angelique. Amy tries to convince him to give Maggie a chance. Elizabeth goes upstairs to Daniel's room. Amy is excited to meet Maggie, but Daniel wants no part of it."@en . "Maggie is wandering around the drawing room at Collinwood and Elizabeth walks in. Elizabeth asks her if she is ready to see the children. Maggie is visibly nervous and wishes Quentin was with her. Meanwhile upstairs, Daniel says he will do whatever it takes to drive her out of Collinwood. Daniel tells Amy, the other child of the house, that Quentin only married Maggie because he was lonely, and that he still loves his mother, Angelique. Amy tries to convince him to give Maggie a chance. Downstairs, Maggie tells Quentin she thinks she will be a disappointment to the children, but Quentin manages to calm her down and says not to worry about Amy (who is Daniel's cousin). A man enters the room and greets Quentin. Quentin introduces Maggie to Chris Collins, who is his cousin, lawyer, and manager of the estate. Chris says they need to talk about someone named Bruno. Chris informs him that Bruno is back living at Collinwood, which immediately upsets Quentin. Quentin orders Chris to kick Bruno off the estate, however Bruno has apparently told Chris that Angelique gave him a place to stay. After Quentin leaves, Chris offers Maggie a tour of the estate. Maggie gladly accepts and tells him she'll do anything to make Quentin happy, but Chris warns her she has a lot to live up to following in the footsteps of Angelique. Elizabeth goes upstairs to Daniel's room. Amy is excited to meet Maggie, but Daniel wants no part of it. Downstairs, Maggie asks Quentin who Bruno is, but Quentin only tells her the less she knows about him, the better. The children, along with Elizabeth, return to the drawing room. Quentin introduces Maggie to his son Daniel and Amy. Amy pleasantly greets Maggie, but Daniel is very cold towards her. Quentin and Elizabeth leave the three alone to get better acquainted. Back in the drawing room, Amy is eagerly talking to Maggie, while Daniel keeps to himself. Maggie forces Daniel to speak to her and asks him to give her a tour of Collinwood, but he says thats a job for Chris, not him. Daniel talks constantly about how Angelique influenced everyone at Collinwood, which makes Maggie feel very uncomfortable. As Daniel and Amy leave the drawing room, Elizabeth yells at Daniel for how he treated Maggie, but he doesn't seem to care. She goes into the drawing room to comfort a crying Maggie, and says it will take time for Daniel to get over Angelique's death. Daniel and Amy go to the East Wing and into Angelique's room. Amy tells Daniel they shouldn't be in \"her\" room, but Daniel tells her he has figured out how to get rid of Maggie. Amy tells Daniel she isn't going to help him with his plan. Daniel grabs Amy's arm and hurts her until she finally agrees to help him. Meanwhile in the drawing room, Quentin asks Maggie how her meeting with the children went. Maggie tells him it was a disaster. Quentin tries to convince her that Daniel will eventually come around, but Maggie isn't so sure. In the East Wing, Daniel takes Amy through a secret passageway that goes directly behind Angelique's portrait in her room. Daniel instructs Amy to hum a tune when he gives a verbal cue. Daniel returns to the drawing room and asks Maggie where Quentin is. The clock in the foyer suddenly chimes, and Daniel says he had forgotten that Quentin usually goes to \"her\" room at this time of day. Daniel continues to taunt Maggie about Angelique, but Daniel insists that Quentin is in Angelique's room. Maggie rushes up to the East Wing and finds Angelique's room empty. Daniel enters the room and stares at Angelique's portrait. He tells Maggie that she will be coming back soon. Maggie dismisses his claims and begins to leave, but she then hears a humming sound coming from the portrait. Frightened, Maggie runs out of the room, and Amy enters from the back entrance. Daniel congratulates her on a job well done, but Amy is surprised and tells Daniel she wasn't the one who was humming."@en . . . . "1970-04-01"^^ . . . "983"^^ . "1970"^^ . . "1970-03-13"^^ . . .