"A temporal distortion is an effect of poor writing often included in fanfiction. Temporal distortions have strange and unpredictable effects, and can be anything from merely disorienting to outright deadly."@en . "Wyoming, as an agent of Project Freelancer, was given a Temporal Distortion Unit as his armor enhancement. The Gamma A.I., also known as Gary, is needed to run the enhancement and allows the user to manipulate time for brief moments."@en . . "In 2278, the USS Bozeman encountered a temporal distortion, causing it to travel forward in time to the year 2368, where it encountered the USS Enterprise in the area of space known as the Typhon Expanse. When the Bozeman collided with the Enterprise, the resultant explosion, being in close proximity to the distortion, ruptured the spacetime continuum, trapping both ships in a temporal causality loop wherein the Enterprise continually encountered the Bozeman and was subsequently destroyed. In the last loop the collision was prevented, sparing the two ships. (TNG: \"Cause and Effect\" )"@en . "Temporal Distortion"@es . "Ryun Mazuka"@en . "Temporal Distortion"@en . . "1902.0"^^ . . . . "*Deals Damage \n*Tick Hyperaction \n*Tock Hyperaction"@en . "--12-30"^^ . "Temporal Distortion es un \u00E1lbum de m\u00FAsica de White Elephant publicado el 30 de diciembre de 2010 (). Es un \u00E1lbum vocal e instrumental que cuenta con arreglos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object y Double Spoiler."@es . "Attack"@en . "Single cell"@en . . . "All Ranges"@en . "Temporal Distortion"@en . "2"^^ . . "Temporal distortion"@en . "In 2278, the USS Bozeman encountered a temporal distortion, causing it to travel forward in time to the year 2368, where it encountered the USS Enterprise in the area of space known as the Typhon Expanse. When the Bozeman collided with the Enterprise, the resultant explosion, being in close proximity to the distortion, ruptured the spacetime continuum, trapping both ships in a temporal causality loop wherein the Enterprise continually encountered the Bozeman and was subsequently destroyed. In the last loop the collision was prevented, sparing the two ships. (TNG: \"Cause and Effect\" ) 26th century time-pods produced detectable temporal distortions when traveling through time. Such a distortion was observed by the crew of the Enterprise in 2368, when a time-pod piloted by Berlinghoff Rasmussen arrived near their position. (TNG: \"A Matter of Time\" ) In 2368, while investigating an apparent temporal incursion into Earth's past by the Devidians, the Enterprise crew detected temporal distortions on the surface of Devidia II. Data's analysis indicated that the distortions were indicative of a synchronic distortion in which the Devidians were hiding. The distortions were later closed by the Enterprise. (TNG: \"Time's Arrow\" ) In an alternate timeline, the USS Defiant was transported back to the late-22nd century by a temporal distortion in the quantum energy barrier surrounding Gaia. This timeline was negated when Odo's older counterpart changed the ship's flight plan so that they would avoid the distortion. (DS9: \"Children of Time\") A temporal disruptor, a 29th century weapon, produced temporal distortions as it fractured spacetime within a radius of 150 meters. Such a weapon was placed aboard the Starship Voyager in 2372, leading to Voyager's destruction in 2375. The crew of the 29th century Timeship Relativity recruited Seven of Nine from this time period to avert these events. This timeline was later negated when Seven, with assistance from Captain Kathryn Janeway from 2372, was able to stop the saboteur from planting the temporal disruptor on Voyager in the first place. (VOY: \"Relativity\") In 2376, Kes traveled back in time to 2371 by drawing power directly from Voyager's warp core. Kes's arrival in the past produced temporal distortions resulting in the presence of tachyon particles throughout the ship. These particles caused Lieutenant Tuvok to experience a series of premonitions about the future, allowing the crew to prepare for Kes's arrival in five years time, and subsequently prevent her from traveling back in time in the first place. (VOY: \"Fury\")"@en . "Temporal distortion is the result of anachronisms, tat is temporally inappropriate items left in the past. There are 2 types of anachronisms that can cause such disturbances: Simple:A simple anachronism are very minor and temporary alterations to the past, and are often inavoidable even by the most careful of agents. These cause no noticeable effect on history. Effective:Effective anachronisms involve the result of more significant changes to the past, more enduring than the first. There are two kinds and both are taken very seriously, likely caused by deliberate historical sabotage. Limited:Limited effective anachronisms are the changes whose effects to history are not great. Their repercussions (temporal distortion ripples) fade with time and do not alter the course of history. Exp"@en . "Boar \u2192 Dog \u2192 Bird \u2192 Monkey \u2192 Ram"@en . . "The Xelor inflicts damage on his target. If his timing is good, he'll also make it more prone to AP loss. If not, he'll protect it."@en . "Air"@en . . . "A temporal distortion is an effect of horrible writing often encountered by agents while dealing with badfic. The Department of Temporal Offenses was created partly to address particularly complicated temporal distortions. Temporal distortions have strange and unpredictable effects, and can be anything from merely disorienting to outright deadly. Temporal Distortion is a charge (at least to some agents.)"@en . . "Wyoming, as an agent of Project Freelancer, was given a Temporal Distortion Unit as his armor enhancement. The Gamma A.I., also known as Gary, is needed to run the enhancement and allows the user to manipulate time for brief moments."@en . "Electr\u00F3nica, Rock Alternativo, Rock, Techno"@es . "4"^^ . . . . . . "2"^^ . . "192"^^ . "Temporal Distortion"@es . . "Xelor"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Temporal Distortion es un \u00E1lbum de m\u00FAsica de White Elephant publicado el 30 de diciembre de 2010 (). Es un \u00E1lbum vocal e instrumental que cuenta con arreglos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object y Double Spoiler."@es . "9"^^ . "A temporal distortion is an effect of poor writing often included in fanfiction. Temporal distortions have strange and unpredictable effects, and can be anything from merely disorienting to outright deadly."@en . . "Supplementary"@en . . "A temporal distortion is an effect of horrible writing often encountered by agents while dealing with badfic. The Department of Temporal Offenses was created partly to address particularly complicated temporal distortions. Temporal distortions have strange and unpredictable effects, and can be anything from merely disorienting to outright deadly. Temporal Distortion is a charge (at least to some agents.)"@en . "A linear Attack that doesn't need Line of Sight. The effects of Hyperaction change at any level, they only change on a critical hit. Applies Hyperaction State depends on Tock/Tick if the State is positive or negative. Can only be cast once per target. For Tock/Tick to apply the Xelor must have at least level one of the special ability Temporal Waves."@en . "Temporal distortion is the result of anachronisms, tat is temporally inappropriate items left in the past. There are 2 types of anachronisms that can cause such disturbances: Simple:A simple anachronism are very minor and temporary alterations to the past, and are often inavoidable even by the most careful of agents. These cause no noticeable effect on history. Effective:Effective anachronisms involve the result of more significant changes to the past, more enduring than the first. There are two kinds and both are taken very seriously, likely caused by deliberate historical sabotage. Limited:Limited effective anachronisms are the changes whose effects to history are not great. Their repercussions (temporal distortion ripples) fade with time and do not alter the course of history. Expansive:Expansive effective anachronisms are changes to historically significant items or events with major repercussions or chain reactions (reality distortion waves) that make sweeping changes to history as they grow with time. When they reach the present they make unmake persons or give them new lives, completely unaware of the original timeline."@en . . . . . . . . . "A linear Attack that doesn't need Line of Sight. The effects of Hyperaction change at any level, they only change on a critical hit. Applies Hyperaction State depends on Tock/Tick if the State is positive or negative. Can only be cast once per target. For Tock/Tick to apply the Xelor must have at least level one of the special ability Temporal Waves."@en . "WECD-0002"@es . "Xelor Spell Temporal Distortion.png"@en . "*Deals Damage \n*Tick Hyperaction \n*Tock Hyperaction"@en .