. "4"^^ . . . "* 23~29"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "* Vitality > 50\n* Agility > 50\n* Intelligence > 50"@en . . "81"^^ . . . "Clever Axe is an axe. Formerly known as Clever Hatchet."@en . "Clever Axe is an axe. Formerly known as Clever Hatchet."@en . "12"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "30"^^ . "1"^^ . "* 21~50 Vitality\n* \n* 21~40 Intelligence\n* 21~40 Agility\n* 6~15 Wisdom\n*"@en . "81"^^ . "Clever Axe"@en . "Axe"@en . . "Many inscriptions can be read on this big axe. Its creator, Claus Ansipedi, thought it would be a good idea to bring a semblance of culture to those cretinous dogs. What a waste of time! Just as he was about to finish his inscriptions, a crazed Amaknan drunk cracked the poor man's skull open for 'spoiling a perfectly good axe.'"@en . "30"^^ .