. . "Greg Johnson"@en . "Ka-Ching is a mutant creature from the Japanese show based on the adventures of the Dino Thunder Power Rangers. Viewed for the first time by the Power Rangers, he is able to use his magic wigs to make people greedy and money hungry. His victims include Whacker Wilson, a famous American baseball player who is visiting Japan. Ka-Ching is also able to defeat the Power Rangers with giant coins. He fills up their giant piggy banks, but with the help of Whacker Wilson, the Power Rangers are able to destroy Ka-Ching and bring an end to his chaotic money problems. Lost & Found in Translation"@en . . . . . "Dino Thunder"@en . . . . . . "Ka-Ching"@en . "Ka-Ching is a mutant creature from the Japanese show based on the adventures of the Dino Thunder Power Rangers. Viewed for the first time by the Power Rangers, he is able to use his magic wigs to make people greedy and money hungry. His victims include Whacker Wilson, a famous American baseball player who is visiting Japan. Ka-Ching is also able to defeat the Power Rangers with giant coins. He fills up their giant piggy banks, but with the help of Whacker Wilson, the Power Rangers are able to destroy Ka-Ching and bring an end to his chaotic money problems. Lost & Found in Translation"@en . . . . "Lost & Found in Translation"@en . . . "Ka-Ching"@en . . .