. "The War of 1531 also known as, The Mexican Natives Wars, was a war that lasted 49 years. The war was about 3DS fans fighting for their independence from the local natives. This war was led by brilliant military leader Saint James who won the war on May 3rd,1580. Though he was assassinated in the event named Assassination of Saint James by a man named Marc Anderson."@en . . "3"^^ . "+15,000,000"@en . "The Battle at Delicias"@en . "The War of 1531 also known as, The Mexican Natives Wars, was a war that lasted 49 years. The war was about 3DS fans fighting for their independence from the local natives. This war was led by brilliant military leader Saint James who won the war on May 3rd,1580. Though he was assassinated in the event named Assassination of Saint James by a man named Marc Anderson."@en . "tens-of-thousands"@en . "+14,000,000"@en . "hundreds-of-thousands"@en . "Mexican victory, Independence from Local Natives"@en . "3"^^ . "1531"^^ . "Mexican Natives Wars"@en . . . . . "The War of 1531"@en .