"60"@ko . "60 (sixty) is a positive integer following 59 and preceding 61. Its ordinal form is written \"sixtieth\" or 60th."@en . . "red"@en . "27112006"^^ . . "60"@ko . . "1.4"^^ . "At the Evans cottage, Victoria finds a portrait that Sam painted that she feels resembles her. The painting could be any number of years old and Victoria anxiously awaits Sam's return home. Burke shows up at the Sheriff's office for an update, which George is not prepared to give. He is anxious to get to his dinner. Burke is upset that the Sheriff doesn't have clear goals set for arresting Malloy's killer. Maggie vows that she'll never set foot in Collinwood. She and Victoria talk about ghosts, and Maggie asserts that there's a ghost about her house. Victoria tells Maggie of her experience with a ghost (30). Maggie tells Victoria that her family troubles are 10 years old, and Victoria puts it together with Burke's trial. Sam comes home and learns they'll be having a dinner guest. Burke sees David's drawing, which the Sheriff states was pretty close to being accurate. Burke wants to know where the three potential spots Malloy could have entered the water were. They were Lookout Point (halfway between the Cannery and Malloy's house), Sim's Cove, and Malloy\u2019s house, which was on the water. George tells Burke that his assertions about the meeting\u2019s purpose have been contradicted by both Sam and Roger, one of whom Burke believes is the murderer of Bill Malloy. During a break, Victoria tells Sam her sad story. She asks about the portrait, which he says is 25 years old. He finally places the portrait's subject as Betty Hanscombe, whom Sam might have run with before he met Maggie's mother. Betty left town 5-6 months after the portrait, and 5-6 months past that she perished. Maggie remembers that Hansen was the name of the man \"Burke\" killed. Sam doesn't want to tell Victoria about the accident. They continue to needle him about the accident. He tells them about Burke, Laura, and Roger, who were friends. Burke and Laura were intimate before he introduced Roger to Laura. Sam tells of how drunk Burke was the night of the accident, and that Laura and Roger affirmed each others' testimony that Burke was driving the car. They were married a week later. The Sheriff calls Sam and warns him that Burke might come around to question Sam and to be careful. He gives Sam permission to call him if Burke shows up. Burke does indeed as the trio are about to have dinner. He asks for an invitation."@en . "60"^^ . "59"^^ . . "El sesenta (60) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al cincuenta y nueve y precede al sesenta y uno.. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "#60 (commonly referred to as Niku) is the sixtieth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . "This is the 61st episode in the game, and the first episode of the 60s column."@en . . "60"@en . "60"@de . "Diana erkennt, dass sie sich k\u00FCnftig vor Simone in Acht nehmen muss. Jenny Bem\u00FChungen, die Beziehung zu Julian zu kitten, zeigen keinen Erfolg. Im Gegenteil: Julian \u00E4u\u00DFert sogar Zweifel an seiner Liebe zu ihr und wendet sich Diana zu. Die zeigt sich jedoch von Simones Drohung beeindruckt und lehnt schweren Herzens ein Angebot von Julian f\u00FCr ein gemeinsames Wochenende ab. Julian ist entt\u00E4uscht und stellt Diana zur Rede. Vanessa ist von Tims Ablehnung sehr getroffen. W\u00E4hrend sie die Schuld bei sich sucht und glaubt, zu unattraktiv zu sein, qu\u00E4lt Tim das schlechte Gewissen, Vanessa nur ausgenutzt zu haben. Auch Ben hat kein Verst\u00E4ndnis f\u00FCr Tims Verhalten. Juttas Bedenken, dass Dieter ihr das Vorstellungsgespr\u00E4ch vermasselt hat, werden best\u00E4tigt. Um Jutta zu helfen, bietet Annette ihr an, sich"@de . . . "1966-09-09"^^ . "60 (sixty) is a positive integer following 59 and preceding 61. Its ordinal form is written \"sixtieth\" or 60th."@en . . "61"^^ . "61.0"^^ . "Number 60 was an item on The List."@en . "Number 60 was an item on The List."@en . . . "59.0"^^ . . . . . "This is the 61st episode in the game, and the first episode of the 60s column."@en . "60"@pl . "Diana erkennt, dass sie sich k\u00FCnftig vor Simone in Acht nehmen muss. Jenny Bem\u00FChungen, die Beziehung zu Julian zu kitten, zeigen keinen Erfolg. Im Gegenteil: Julian \u00E4u\u00DFert sogar Zweifel an seiner Liebe zu ihr und wendet sich Diana zu. Die zeigt sich jedoch von Simones Drohung beeindruckt und lehnt schweren Herzens ein Angebot von Julian f\u00FCr ein gemeinsames Wochenende ab. Julian ist entt\u00E4uscht und stellt Diana zur Rede. Vanessa ist von Tims Ablehnung sehr getroffen. W\u00E4hrend sie die Schuld bei sich sucht und glaubt, zu unattraktiv zu sein, qu\u00E4lt Tim das schlechte Gewissen, Vanessa nur ausgenutzt zu haben. Auch Ben hat kein Verst\u00E4ndnis f\u00FCr Tims Verhalten. Juttas Bedenken, dass Dieter ihr das Vorstellungsgespr\u00E4ch vermasselt hat, werden best\u00E4tigt. Um Jutta zu helfen, bietet Annette ihr an, sich die Stelle im Imbisswagen zu teilen..."@de . "Pulled fire alarm"@en . . . . . . . "Episode 60"@en . . "#60 (commonly referred to as Niku) is the sixtieth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . "This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number \"60\" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. \n* Brian Bohanon (1996) \n* Robert Ray (2009) \n* Scott Schoeneweis (2005-2006)"@en . . "2"^^ . "272.225"^^ . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 60."@en . . . . . . . . . "List Number 60"@en . "Incomplete"@en . . "At the Evans cottage, Victoria finds a portrait that Sam painted that she feels resembles her. The painting could be any number of years old and Victoria anxiously awaits Sam's return home. Burke shows up at the Sheriff's office for an update, which George is not prepared to give. He is anxious to get to his dinner. Burke is upset that the Sheriff doesn't have clear goals set for arresting Malloy's killer. Maggie vows that she'll never set foot in Collinwood. She and Victoria talk about ghosts, and Maggie asserts that there's a ghost about her house. Victoria tells Maggie of her experience with a ghost (30). Maggie tells Victoria that her family troubles are 10 years old, and Victoria puts it together with Burke's trial. Sam comes home and learns they'll be having a dinner guest. Burke see"@en . . . "El sesenta (60) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al cincuenta y nueve y precede al sesenta y uno.. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . ""@en . "60"@ko . "60 - linia tramwajowa nocna - kursowa\u0142a z placu Teatralnego ulic\u0105 Moliera, ulic\u0105 Tr\u0119back\u0105, Krakowskim Przedmie\u015Bciem, ulic\u0105 Nowy \u015Awiat, mostem i alej\u0105 ksi\u0119cia Poniatowskiego, alej\u0105 Zielenieck\u0105, Zamoyskiego, Grochowsk\u0105 na Goc\u0142awek. Linia uruchomiona 1 wrze\u015Bnia 1937 roku w wyniku zmiany oznaczenia linii tramwajowej Goc\u0142awek. Dwa lata p\u00F3\u017Aniej lini\u0119 zlikwidowano w zwi\u0105zku z wybuchem II wojny \u015Bwiatowej."@pl . "60"^^ . . . "Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 60 (3/17/11) That Guy: Kohomada! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to \"Ask That Guy With The Glasses.\" Narrator: Why are drakes dragons, but also ducks? That Guy: That's a very good question. And it's all because of the great scientist, Ludwig von Drake. / [jump cut] You see, \"drake\" was originally just the name of a dragon, but then Ludwig von Drake came along and did an amazing accomplishment. He cured cancer! / That's right. Cancer Birmingham, one of the most famous Nazis who ever existed! / And because of this, Ludwig von Drake was beheaded, and eaten for dinner. / So we call ducks \"drakes\" also just to dishonor his name. / And I bet all you thought he did was host Disney specials. / [laughs, and then abruptly becomes angry, slapping the c"@en . . . . ""@en . "250"^^ . . "1966-09-16"^^ . . . . . "Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 60 (3/17/11) That Guy: Kohomada! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to \"Ask That Guy With The Glasses.\" Narrator: Why are drakes dragons, but also ducks? That Guy: That's a very good question. And it's all because of the great scientist, Ludwig von Drake. / [jump cut] You see, \"drake\" was originally just the name of a dragon, but then Ludwig von Drake came along and did an amazing accomplishment. He cured cancer! / That's right. Cancer Birmingham, one of the most famous Nazis who ever existed! / And because of this, Ludwig von Drake was beheaded, and eaten for dinner. / So we call ducks \"drakes\" also just to dishonor his name. / And I bet all you thought he did was host Disney specials. / [laughs, and then abruptly becomes angry, slapping the countertop with his pipe hand] Oh, ho-ho-ho--HE HATED JEWS! / [abruptly returns to his regular demeanor, nods] Yes. Narrator: What is the capitol of New Hampshire? That Guy: The letter \"N.\" [sound of angry audience booing loudly] Shut up! Shut up, shut up! Shut up! [booing continues until the next title card appears] Narrator: It's been 5 years. Who let the dogs out? That Guy: Judge Doom. / Everyone thought he framed Roger Rabbit. But he didn't. He let the dogs out. / [laughs] Isn't that a silly mix-up? Framing somebody for murder and letting a bunch of canines out of a cage? / 'Course, those canines did eat a mother cat and her litter of kittens. [pauses, as if contemplating, then smiles and shakes his head] But that was just funny! / [laughs diabolically] / Or was it? [pause] / Yes, it was. / [laughs diabolically] Narrator: Why did Tiffany voice Judy Jetson in the Jetsons movie? That Guy: I think the real question is why do you know this? / I mean, seriously. Why would you know that the daughter did the voice of the mother in the movie that came out years ago? / Wait a minute, the mother's name was Jane. / Who the hell's Tiffany? I'm gonna look it up. / To the IMDB page! [An Adam West-style Batman title card with the IMDB logo appears and the \"Batman\" theme song begins to play. Several pages from the IMDB website flash in rapid succession, indicating That Guy quickly searching through the site. The IMDB title card shows once again and we cut back to That Guy walking back to his usual spot in his bar.] Okay, now I know. Tiffany was some bullshit singer in the '80s. / Oh, she was also the star of Mega Python! / Classic. / And now that I've figured all this out, I still don't fucking care! / You watched the Jetsons movie recently? / Go outside, the sun misses you! / There's a whole world of people out there waiting to judge you! / [gestures with his hands in a manner indicative of telling the asker to go away] Away you go! [gestures with his hands again, indicating a bird flying away] Fly fly fly! Narrator: Anyone for tennis? Daffy Duck: [lisping] Nice game! Narrator: Why do feet smell and noses run? That Guy: [chuckles] Noses run to get away from the feet smelling them! / In an ironic twist, feet have an incredible fetish for noses. / How do I know this? [points underneath the bar] Because my foot is smelling a nose right now! [frantic sniffing noises come from underneath the bar] Stop it! Stop it! Stop it, I say! I told you before, stop it! [Reaches offscreen, grabs a bottle of Windex, and sprays it toward is feet. Whimpering sounds, similar to that of a dog, come from underneath the bar. The whimpering subsides, That Guy puts the Windex back, and resumes his normal pose. A splat is heard, followed by a baby crying. That Guy moves his pelvis back and forth while rapid machine gunfire comes from the area of his penis. (Note: See Episode 58 to fully understand the joke.)] Narrator: If train A left New York traveling west at 80 mph, and train B left Chicago traveling 60 mph, then at what time will my Subway club cards be valid? Narrator: Easy come, easy go, will you let me go? That Guy: Sure, off you go. Narrator: Th-that's it? That Guy: Well of course it is, why wouldn't it be? Narrator: It's just, I was expecting a little something else. That Guy: Like what? Narrator: Well, haven't you ever heard of Queen? That Guy: [laughs] Of course I have! What a terrible singer she is! / Somebody should give her balls just so they can chop them off! Narrator: I, it's just that I... That Guy: What? What is it you want me to do?! Narrator: N-nothing. That Guy: That's what I thought. Next question. Narrator: Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again? That Guy: No, but I do feel like a pretentious 1999 film that didn't age especially well. / Seriously, watch it again. It's, just okay. Narrator: Does he look like a bitch? That Guy: [Queen's \"Bohemian Rhapsody\" starts playing in the background while That Guy lip syncs emphatically] Beezelbub has a devil put aside for me! For me! For me!!!! [Throws his pipe very forcefully on the countertop of the bar, which bounces out of frame. That Guy makes the \"rock on\" symbol with his right hand and begins headbanging. He then grabs the bottle of Windex again, sprays it several times in front of him, and slams the bottle on the countertop, continuing to lip sync.] So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye?! [gesticulates and poses wildly, lip syncing continues] So you think you can love me and leave me to die?! [continues to lip sync while ripping off his ascot, followed by his robe, throwing them roughly onto the floor] Ooooh, baby! Can't do this to me, baby! Just gotta get out! Just gotta get right out of here! [headbangs some more, then grabs the bottle of Windex and begins to spray it again] / I'm so inspired, I'm gonna quit from a car factory somewhere! [runs out of frame] That Guy: [slowly emerges from the underside of the bar, slamming his right hand on the countertop and pulling himself up to look at the camera, continuing to lip sync through the end of the song] Nothing really matters, anyone can see. Nothing really matters... [picks up his drink from the countertop] Nothing really matters, to me... This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, there's no such thing as a stupid question, until you sing it. [Takes a breath, then takes a sip of his drink, holds it up and then smiles at the camera, before finally sinking tiredly behind the bar. The song continues to play through the end of the last title card.] Doug: [holds his camera at arm's length in front of his face] Ladies and gentlemen, I have sad news. [Turns the camera to the floor, where we see That Guy's pipe broken into two pieces. Turns the camera back to his face.] Fuck."@en . "This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number \"60\" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. \n* Brian Bohanon (1996) \n* Robert Ray (2009) \n* Scott Schoeneweis (2005-2006)"@en . . "61"^^ . . . . "60"^^ . . "60"@es . . . . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 60."@en . . "Bawz_20061127_0060_awz_b_216x136.jpg"@de . . "60"^^ . "60"^^ . "1967"^^ . "Season 1 opening sequence"@en . . . "KIERUNEK OSOWA G\u00D3RA MORSKA G\u0142owackiego - Ba\u0142tycka G\u0142owackiego - Gajowa Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Wyszy\u0144skiego Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Lelewela Rondo Wielkopolskie Mickiewicza - 20 stycznia 1920 r. Hetma\u0144ska - Kaszubska Dworcowa - Sobieskiego Kr\u00F3lowej Jadwigi - Garbary Rondo Grunwaldzkie Grunwaldzka - Kana\u0142owa Grunwaldzka - Kraszewskiego Siedlecka - Nad Torem Grunwaldzka - Koronowska Grunwaldzka - Chojnicka Grunwaldzka - Las Grunwaldzka - Przej\u015Bcie Grunwaldzka - Kolbego Podmiejska - Kruszy\u0144ska Srebrna - Centrostal Srebrna - Spi\u017Cowa Spi\u017Cowa - O\u0142owiana OSOWA G\u00D3RA"@pl . . "59"^^ . "KIERUNEK OSOWA G\u00D3RA MORSKA G\u0142owackiego - Ba\u0142tycka G\u0142owackiego - Gajowa Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Wyszy\u0144skiego Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Lelewela Rondo Wielkopolskie Mickiewicza - 20 stycznia 1920 r. Hetma\u0144ska - Kaszubska Dworcowa - Sobieskiego Kr\u00F3lowej Jadwigi - Garbary Rondo Grunwaldzkie Grunwaldzka - Kana\u0142owa Grunwaldzka - Kraszewskiego Siedlecka - Nad Torem Grunwaldzka - Koronowska Grunwaldzka - Chojnicka Grunwaldzka - Las Grunwaldzka - Przej\u015Bcie Grunwaldzka - Kolbego Podmiejska - Kruszy\u0144ska Srebrna - Centrostal Srebrna - Spi\u017Cowa Spi\u017Cowa - O\u0142owiana OSOWA G\u00D3RA KIERUNEK MORSKA OSOWA G\u00D3RA Srebrna - Spi\u017Cowa Srebrna - Centrostal Podmiejska - Kruszy\u0144ska Grunwaldzka - Kolbego Grunwaldzka - Przej\u015Bcie Grunwaldzka - Las Grunwaldzka - Chojnicka Grunwaldzka - Koronowska Grunwaldzka - Kraszewskiego Grunwaldzka - Kana\u0142owa Rondo Grunwaldzkie Kr\u00F3lowej Jadwigi - Garbary Fredry - Warszawska Mazowiecka - Pomorska Mickiewicza - 20 stycznia 1920 r. Rondo Wielkopolskie Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Lelewela Powsta\u0144c\u00F3w Wielkopolskich - Wyszy\u0144skiego G\u0142owackiego - Gajowa G\u0142owackiego - Ba\u0142tycka MORSKA"@pl . . . "1"^^ . "60 - linia tramwajowa nocna - kursowa\u0142a z placu Teatralnego ulic\u0105 Moliera, ulic\u0105 Tr\u0119back\u0105, Krakowskim Przedmie\u015Bciem, ulic\u0105 Nowy \u015Awiat, mostem i alej\u0105 ksi\u0119cia Poniatowskiego, alej\u0105 Zielenieck\u0105, Zamoyskiego, Grochowsk\u0105 na Goc\u0142awek. Linia uruchomiona 1 wrze\u015Bnia 1937 roku w wyniku zmiany oznaczenia linii tramwajowej Goc\u0142awek. Dwa lata p\u00F3\u017Aniej lini\u0119 zlikwidowano w zwi\u0105zku z wybuchem II wojny \u015Bwiatowej."@pl . . "DStitle.jpg"@en . . . .