. "Kyle: I\u2019ve never stopped to think how beautiful it is. Ryan: Yeah. Hey, do you guys know if it\u2019s possible to find a Lapras around here? I\u2019ve always wanted to draw one. Jon, Ryan, Maria and Kyle run toward the beach. When they arrive, they see a lot of Pokemon ranging from Poliwag, Krabby, Clauncher and Clamperl, but no Lapras. Ryan (looking out into the ocean): Yeah, but I don\u2019t see any Lapras anywhere. Maybe we need to get farther out to sea if we want to see any. Moaning, the trainer bounces slightly from foot to foot, the temptation to put on his swimsuit and attempt to swim out to find a Lapras appealing. He manages to calm down. Ryan: Let\u2019s go before I pull a stupid stunt and risk drowning. Jon: Sure. But I\u2019m taking Fletchling and Froakie with me to find the Lapras. I want to see one. Kyle: I\u2019ll stay here with Maria. Ryan, do you want us to look after any of your Pokemon? Ryan: Thank you for the offer, but no thanks. It\u2019s possible I might need the whole team. Maria: Right. Jon: You four have fun. Froakie and Fletchling, let\u2019s help Ryan find a Lapras! Ryan: Ugh, my glasses are hindering me too much. Fletchling, is it possible you could scout from the air while we\u2019re looking from the ground? Jon: Come on Froakie, let\u2019s get some swimming in. The quicker we get in the ocean and swim, the quicker we will find Lapras. Jon and Froakie run from the cliffside and towards the ocean. Meanwhile, Ryan and Chespin stay behind, the former trying to use the binoculars again. Again unsuccessful, he stuffs them in his backpack, which he had taken off. Standing up after Chespin climbed off his back, the trainer walks along the cliffside, looking down at the water. Ryan steps on a loose piece of rock, which abruptly crumbles and causes him to slip. Ryan: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Ryan: Huh? Ryan: Lapras!? No way! Ryan: Fletchling, down here! It\u2019s me! Ryan: Jon! Guess who saved me? Ryan: And Fletchling as well of course. Jon: You found one. But look over there! Jon: I just found them. I was going to get Fletchling to find you, but it seems like Fletchling and you found me. Ryan: Whoa! Awesome! Wish I had my sketchbook. Ryan: Oh my gosh, Chespin! I almost forgot! Ryan: Fletchling, can you go back and tell Chespin I\u2019m okay? Jon: Chespin is fine. He's with the other lapras. Jon: Everyone seems to be having a lot of fun. Jon: What the?! A mini submarine surfaces and two people appear from it. Jon: Mike! Missy! Missy: You didn\u2019t let us do our new intro. Mike: We\u2019ll savour it for next time. Ryan: Uh, as it seems I\u2019m the only one in the dark, who are they? Jon: They try and steal my Pokemon all the time! And Team Rocket wish to do the same and keep on trying to take Pokemon. They tried to take Lugia when I was in Johto. Mike: And we almost succeeded. Though who is the new twerp. Ryan: Excuse me!? Anyway, let us go! Chespin shoves Ryan\u2019s backpack towards him, and the trainer digs around in hit for his Pokeballs. Unfortunately, he hasn\u2019t done anything to differentiate used Pokeballs from \u2018fresh\u2019 ones. Ryan: Ugh, man. Someone stall for time while I find the team! Mike: I\u2019ll help! Inkay, Psybeam! Jon: Urgh. Ryan: Ow! Ryan: No...No...No..No. Ryan: Finally! Scatterbug, Use String Shot to ensnare those two Pokemon\u00AD poaching jerkfaces! Mike: Psybeam! Ryan: Don\u2019t worry Scatterbug, backup\u2019s on the way...eventually. Ryan: Chespin, I don\u2019t know what attack you need to use to help out, but do it while I\u2019m looking for Froakie! Jon: Good plan, but let Chespin and both our Froakie\u2019s try and escape. Fletchling, you ready to battle? Jon: Keep attacking Fletchling! Jon: Good. Now let\u2019s try and escape. Ryan: Froakie, try to use Pound to break the lock on the cage! Ryan: Ugh. So much for that idea. Jon: Come on Fletchling! Missy: That pathetic Pokemon can\u2019t do anything. Mike: Shut them up with Psybeam! Mike: That was a warning shot. Jon: Come on Fletchling. I know you can still battle! Ryan suddenly gets an idea. A desperate one, it\u2019s true, but an idea nonetheless. Ryan: Chespin, get inside. Ryan: It\u2019s okay Chespin. Ryan: Now what do we do? Ugh, if only we had a Pokemon that could pick the locks or something. Jon: Um. I\u2019m not sure if we have one. Mike: Inkay, use Thunderbolt! Jon: Fletchling! Jon: Way to go Fletchling. Missy: Your Pokemon is tired and weak. Mike: Inkay, use Psybeam! Jon: Fletchling! I know you can do it! We have each other\u2019s back no matter what. Psybeam hits Fletchling. Jon: Fletchling! Jon: Is Fletchling-? Fletchling begins to evolve. Its body gets bigger and its wingspan increases. The blue light disperses, and reveals Fletchling has evolved into Fletchinder. Jon: Fletchling evolved! Missy: That doesn\u2019t matter! Jon: Yes, Flame Charge! You learned a new move. Ryan: Great job Fletchinder! Ryan: Rats. Really wish I had a Charmander or another fire type. Then we could heat up the bars of the cage and melt them. Ryan: Chespin, while I appreciate the effort, I\u2019m sure they\u2019ve thought of that. Jon: Fletchinder, now you have evolved, you have more power. Use Steel wing on the cage! Jon: That\u2019s enough. Ryan, if we get our Pokemon to aim in that spot, we can destroy the cage. Ryan: Alright team, that was awesome! Jon: Team Rocket! Missy: Well, I\u2019m not liking this. Jon: If your Pokemon have long range attacks, now would be a good time. Froakie, use Scald! Ryan: Whoa, nice punch! Realization appears on his face Ryan (Pointing a finger at Mike, Inkay and Missy): Alright everyone, ready to get rid of these Pokemon\u00ADsociety-\u00ADperverting jerks!? Jon: Froakie, use Scald! Ryan: Chespin, use Vine Whip! Jon: Good work you guys! Fletchinder, use Flame Charge and break the other cage! Ryan: Froakie, finish them off with a hard Smack Down! Ryan: Awesome! We did it! We saved the Lapras\u2019! Jon: It\u2019s evening already. We need to head back to Kyle and Maria. Ryan: \u201CHey, what\u2019s-\u00AD.\u201D Ryan: You want to come with us? Awesome! Ryan: But I can\u2019t take you away from your family. Ryan: Okay, okay! But only for a little while. Then I\u2019m setting you free to live with your family. Lapras nods, signalling it was okay with the idea. It then swims towards the shore, carrying Jon, Chespin, both Froakie\u2019s and Ryan, with Fletchinder flying above. They arrive on the beach, where Maria, Kyle and Jon\u2019s Pokemon are waiting. Jon and his Froakie get off Lapras. Kyle sees Fletchinder. Kyle: Fletchling evolved? Jon: Yep, while fighting Mike and Missy. Maria: That\u2019s so cool. Jon: Thanks for looking after everyone Maria. Now return. Maria: Who does the Lapras belong to? Ryan: Me. Well, \u2018belong\u2019 is a bit of a stretch, as we agreed to part ways at some point. Anyway, thanks for reminding me. Ryan: Ready? Ryan: AWESOME! We\u2019ve got a Lapras on our side! Maria: Congratulations Ryan. Jon: Good job. Shall we get moving towards Coumarine City again? Narrator: In hope of finding a Lapras, Ryan and Jon decided to go to the ocean, but Ryan had an accident and fell into the water. Luckily, a nearby Lapras saved him and brought him to Jon and Lapras\u2019s other friends. Out of nowhere, Team Rocket attacked, trapping our heroes and the Lapras in a cage, leaving Fletchling all alone to fend for itself. After some battling, stopping Team Rocket, Fletchling evolved into Fletchinder. When everyone was saved, Lapras decided to travel with Ryan. Now, our heroes continue their journey towards Coumarine City."@en . . . . . . . . "Kyle: I\u2019ve never stopped to think how beautiful it is. Ryan: Yeah. Hey, do you guys know if it\u2019s possible to find a Lapras around here? I\u2019ve always wanted to draw one. Jon, Ryan, Maria and Kyle run toward the beach. When they arrive, they see a lot of Pokemon ranging from Poliwag, Krabby, Clauncher and Clamperl, but no Lapras. Ryan (looking out into the ocean): Yeah, but I don\u2019t see any Lapras anywhere. Maybe we need to get farther out to sea if we want to see any. Ryan: Let\u2019s go before I pull a stupid stunt and risk drowning. Maria: Right. Ryan: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Ryan: Huh? Ryan: Lapras!? No way!"@en . . . . . "TFJ011: Water Lot of Trouble!"@en . . . . . . .