"Male"@en . "Brian K. Vaughan; Adrian Alphona"@en . . "Thomas Maximoff ;"@en . . "===Origins===\nBefore Ultron was defeated by the Scarlet Witch, Ultron met with a petty criminal and former drug mule Marianella Mancha, who superstitiously believed him to be a prophet. Marianella brought him home and the pair grew close; she even disclosed her inability to physically bear children and her inability to adopted due to her criminal past. In exchange for gathering the material he needed to construct a new body, Ultron promised to give her a child as a \"reward\". He began using Marianella's DNA and his cybernetics to create a cyborg. Designed with nanites, Victor's body would continue to develop until he would be virtually indistinguishable from a fully biological human.\n\nUltron programmed false memories of a childhood into Victor, but he also encoded a deep-rooted love and admiration for superheroes. Additionally, Victor was built with latent electromagnetic abilities set to activate upon his first contact with another super-powered individual. Ultron's long-term plan involved Victor visiting New York City at the age of twenty-one, meeting the Avengers, activating his powers, and be recruited to the team as an unsuspecting sleeper agent.\nRunaways\nVictor appeared to live an uneventful life growing up in Los Angeles. His mother told him his father was a U.S. Marine that died during the Panama Invasion. Due to her superstitious believes Victor was forbidden from flying in planes and even had to change schools, though in actuality these were tactics to avoid metal detectors.\n\nAfter receiving an ominous message from a fatally wounded Heroine about the villainous Victorious, the Runaways set out to turn Victor off this evil trajectory. The Runaways confronted Victor outside of East Angeles High School where his electromagnetic power unexpectedly activated, unintentionally causing a fight that was soon clumsily broken up by the arrival of Excelsior.\n\nThe Runaways were eventually able to explain their motivation for kidnapping Victor, but still shocked with disbelief, Victor attempted to contact his mother only to have Doctor Doom answer. Fortunately, Doctor Doom turned out to be merely a Doombot; unfortunately, this lead to discovering who Victor's real father was, Ultron. The megalomaniacal robot had implanted a device in Marianella, which would kill her if Victor found out the truth. With his mother dead and nowhere else to go, Victor joined the Runaways as a provisional member.\n\nAfter a month of observation, Victor was finally permitted to help in battle and single-handedly defeated Swarm. He also helped defend Karolina against Xavin, take down the Security Daemons, thwarted Dragoness, and saved Gert and Old Lace from falling off a skyscraper in New York City. However, Chase continued to distrust Victor long after the other Runaways had accepted him.\n\nUnbeknownst to Victor, his software had been hacked by Geoffrey Wilder and his New Pride, allowing them to spy on the Runaways. When it was discovered that Victor was linking information, the others quickly turned on him. Victor was able to clear his name by reversing signal and locating the Pride.\n\nLike the others, Victor took the death of Gertrude Yorkes very hard. Victor found comfort in a physically intimate relationship with Nico, but she was very reluctant to explore the possibility of an actual relationship.\n\nWhen Chase bound Nico and stole the Staff of One, he was confronted by Victor. Chase exploited Victor's omnipotence paradox programing flaw before leaving to meet the Gibborim. Victor remained completely catatonic until Molly, with the help of Alex Wilder's ghost, was able to break the paradox loop. Molly and Victor then joined the other already in battle with the Gibborim and was able to rescue Nico with a Fastball Special courtesy of Molly.\n\nUpon returning to the Hostel, the Runaways were unexpectedly greeted Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.. Along with the other Runaways, Victor escape to New York City where they inadvertently traveled back in time to the turn of the century. Here's Victor met a young Lillie \"the Spieler\" McGurty, and the pair shared a brief but intense romance. Spieler was invited to return to the future with the Runaways, but due to fear, she remained in the past, a decision she would always regret.\n\nAfter returning to the present, traveling back to California, and taking up residence in the Malibu House, Victor began to foster his mechanical abilities and grew closer with his fellow A.I., Leapfrog. When Leapfrog's body was damaged beyond repair, Victor was able to save his \"heart\" , and install them into a new model of Leapfrog ship. Victor also attempted to rekindle his romance with Nico, but was brutally rebuffed."@en . "Speed ;"@en . "Good"@en . . "Vic, Junior, Kid Ultron, Victron, Small Wonder, Dorkbot, C-sleepy-O"@en . "Green"@en . . "250"^^ . "Victor Mancha (Earth-1010)"@en . "Marianella Mancha ;"@en . "Brown"@en . . . . "American"@en . "High school dropout"@en . "* Polyglot: Victor is fluent in both English and Spanish, but with access to the internet, he can download and understand numerous other languages such as Russian."@en . "My name is Victor Mancha and I am an android. Like father like son, sort of. He built me to infiltrate and kill all the Avengers. So that way, you could say I've been a great disappointment to him. I guess that makes us even."@en . . "Adventurer"@en . "Earth-1010"@en . . . "* Before learning the true identity of his father, the Runaways postured that Victor may be the son of Electro, Kingpin, the Leader, Norman Osborn, Magneto, Hitler and the Red Skull. Ultron also programmed a Doombot posing as Doctor Doom to make Victor and the others believe Doom was his father. He also claimed Victor was a mutant.\n* Although Victor appears to be in his mid to late teens, he is chronologically only a few years old.\n* Victor has had complicated relationships with many of the other Runaways:\n** With their similar sense of humor and intellect, Gertrude and Victor shared some chemistry. However, Gert and Chase's relationship and Gert's death prevent anything from progressing.\n** Chase was jealous of Victor's and Gert's chemistry, intimidated by Victor's intellect, and bore a grudge at him for Victorious murdering Heroine. Chase remained suspicious of Victor long after the other Runaways had accepted him. The pair eventually fell into a playfully contentious relationship as friends.\n** Nico and Victor had intercourse after Gert's death, but she was very reluctant to explore the possibility of an actual relationship. Their relationship officially ended when Victor became interested in Spieler.\n** Xavin looked down on Victor for being an inferiorly designed android and often made disparaging remarks towards him.\n** Molly trusted Victor easily, and the two were often paired together for outings because Molly is the only one who could take on Victor. Later, Victor began to be an older brother figure to both Molly and Klara.\n* It was Victor who first recognized Old Lace as a Deinonychus. Until then, all the other Runaways believed Old Lace was a Velociraptor.\n* Victor sleeps in the nude.\n* Victor's mother was devoutly Catholic, and \"raised\" Victor in that religious faith.\n* Victor has never had an official codename, but he's received several nicknames including: Static Cling Lad, Zapper, Calculator Kid, El Diablo Robotico, Man of La Mancha, Doom Junior, Amigo, Speak and Spell, Jinx, Se\u00F1or Cyborg, Magnetic Man, Energizer Bunny, Cool Magneto, Tin Man, Victorious, Junior, Terminator, Small Wonder, etc.\n** Recently he's also tried out a few codenames including: Wolf-Swag, Devil Slayer, Wolf Bro, Skull Boss."@en . "* Mancha is Spanish for stain, spot or mark."@en . "Vision ;"@en . . "Victor Mancha is a cyborg, created with DNA from Marinella Mancha and with the advanced cybernetic technology from Ultron. As such Victor possesses the following abilities:\n* Electromagnetokinesis: Victor has been shown capable of directing electricity outwards as damaging, high voltage electric blasts from his hands, as well as using his magnetic abilities to reshape and bend metallic objects to his will. \n** Self-Propelled Flight: Recently Victor has been able to manipulate magnetic fields granting himself flight. This is similar to his alternate future self, Victorious.\n** Force Field: Using his magnetic abilities, Victor is able to create protective force fields around himself.\n* Nanite Cybernetics: Ultron's nanite technology was so advanced that, over time, Victor's artificial robotics would become indistinguishable from his biologically human parts.\n** Automated Self-Repairing: His nanite physiology also allows for rapid self-reparation.\n* Advanced Intelligence: Victor has high levels of intelligence and can process information at an execrated speed.\n* Photographic Memory: Victor has a literal form of photographic memory.\n* Computer Interfacing: He has the ability to interface with other machines directly both with connective hardware and wirelessly.\n* Superhuman Strength\n* Superhuman Durability\n* \"Dragon Claw\": Victor was recent installed new upgrades to his forearms allowing for launching projectiles and provide much greater control in directing his electronic discharge."@en . "197.0"^^ . "Ultron ;"@en . "Eyes and mouth occasionally glow blue and discharge sparks"@en . . "TBA"@en . "No Dual"@en . "Single"@en . . "Undisclosed location in/near Los Angeles, California; formerly Malibu House, Malibu, California; The Hostel, La Brea Tar Pits, California; Los Angeles, California"@en . . . "Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) ;"@en . "Jocasta ;"@en . . . "* Leapfrog and self-propelled flight"@en . . "Los Angeles, California"@en . "Wiccan"@en . "Cyborg son of the killer robot Ultron"@en . "* Omnipotence Paradoxes: The pages Chase stole from the Abstract outline three secret shutdown codes embedded in Victor's programming. These rhetorical questions create a logical paradox conflicting with Ultron's \"super-logical\" and \"super-religious\" programming. Once the question is posed, Victor's system shutdown temporarily for several hours, but each question is only effective once. Currently Nico is in possession of these pages.\n** \"Could God make a sandwich so big, that even He couldn't finish it?\" \n** Two unknown questions remain."@en . "William Maximoff ;"@en . . . "glowing blue when powers are active"@en . "9.0"^^ . "Victor Mancha"@en .