. "Marcus T\u00E1bor war der Aufseher \u00FCber die Stadt Dras-Leona. Er war nur K\u00F6nig Galbatorix untergeordnet. Kategorie:Personen Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Imperiale"@de . . . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Marcus T\u00E1bor war der Aufseher \u00FCber die Stadt Dras-Leona. Er war nur K\u00F6nig Galbatorix untergeordnet. Kategorie:Personen Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Imperiale"@de . . . "Marcus T\u00E1bor was the lord of Dras-Leona. He abused his authority however and for the first time in nearly ten years, King Galbatorix left the capital city of Ur\u00FB'baen to put an end to T\u00E1bor's rule. Coincidentally his visit was very close to the time Eragon and Brom were in Dras-Leona, searching for the Ra'zac. The result of this visit is unknown."@en . . . . "Marcus T\u00E1bor"@de . . . "Marcus T\u00E1bor"@en . "Aufseher"@de . "Marcus T\u00E1bor was the lord of Dras-Leona. He abused his authority however and for the first time in nearly ten years, King Galbatorix left the capital city of Ur\u00FB'baen to put an end to T\u00E1bor's rule. Coincidentally his visit was very close to the time Eragon and Brom were in Dras-Leona, searching for the Ra'zac. The result of this visit is unknown."@en . .