"Active"@en . "6"^^ . . "Soul Society"@en . . "Albatross Syndicate"@en . "Raidon Higurashi"@en . . "Not Yet Revealed"@en . "Kagami Dougan Giman"@en . "Higurashi Raidon"@en . . . "--04-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . "B+"@en . . . . . "Gotei 13 (JCP)"@en . "Blond"@en . . "Blue"@en . . "Male"@en . . "Single"@en . . . . "Raiden Higurashi"@en . "Raidon Higurashi is a Kami born to the once noble Higurashi Family, the eldest son of the Higurashi siblings, most notably Raiden Higurashi . He was once a member of the Albatross Syndicate before being one of the five founders of the Holy Guard, roughly 500 years before the start of the series. At some point in the past he went missing, and later showed up again, workign with Shikyo Fushiawase as a member of the Balance Breakers organization. A prodigy in his family, he's never been able to excel in anything higher than an Expert level in any area of the Zankenoski; instead, to conpensate for this, he learned how to combine any two, any three, or all four of these fields to create downright devastating techniques."@en . "Soul Society"@en . . . "Holy Guarded"@en . "Raidon Higurashi"@en . "Balance Breakers Hideout"@en . . . "Albatross Syndicate Hueco Mundo Hideout"@en . "Shino Academy"@en . . "112.0"^^ . "Raidon Higurashi"@en . . "Raidon Higurashi is a Kami born to the once noble Higurashi Family, the eldest son of the Higurashi siblings, most notably Raiden Higurashi . He was once a member of the Albatross Syndicate before being one of the five founders of the Holy Guard, roughly 500 years before the start of the series. At some point in the past he went missing, and later showed up again, workign with Shikyo Fushiawase as a member of the Balance Breakers organization. A prodigy in his family, he's never been able to excel in anything higher than an Expert level in any area of the Zankenoski; instead, to conpensate for this, he learned how to combine any two, any three, or all four of these fields to create downright devastating techniques."@en . "Holy Guard"@en . "900"^^ . . "\u30A4\u30B6\u30CA\u30A6\u30A3\u30B9\u30BF\u30EA\u30A2"@en .