"Blue"@en . "Ethan Bunch"@nl . . "Spaghetti"@en . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Ethan is the smart guy, who wants to go to college and then get a great job, but his mother says he is hanging out with the wrong guys. More Info Coming Soon"@en . . . "High School"@en . "Spaghetti"@pl . "Ethan Bunch"@en . "Umi\u0119\u015Bniony"@pl . "Nieletni"@pl . "Bespeelbaar"@nl . . . "Fit"@nl . . . "Niebieskie"@pl . "Charismatic"@en . "Tiener"@nl . . . . "Male"@en . "Blue"@en . . "Sim"@pl . ", ,"@nl . "The Sims 3"@pl . "Niebieski"@pl . "Ethan Bunch es un sim precreado de Sunset Valley. Vive con sus padres, Jack y Judy Bunch y sus hermanos menores Lisa, Arlo y Darlene Bunch; tiene buena relaci\u00F3n con todos y m\u00E1s con Darlene. Tambi\u00E9n es amigo de Pastor L\u00F3pez. Es uno de los mejores estudiantes de la Escuela de Sunset Valley."@es . "Sunset Valley"@en . "Pop"@nl . "Licht"@nl . "Aktywny"@pl . . "Bookworm"@en . "The Sims 3"@en . "Geniusz"@pl . "250"^^ . . . . "Blond"@en . "Sunset Valley"@nl . . "Ethan Bunch to najstarsze z czw\u00F3rki dzieci w rodzinie. Jest niezwykle przyjazny i niezale\u017Cny. W szkole nale\u017Cy do najlepszych uczni\u00F3w w klasie. Jest tak\u017Ce najbardziej lubiany. Szczeg\u00F3lnym uwielbieniem darzy go jego najm\u0142odsza siostra, Darlene."@pl . "Blauw"@nl . "Ethan Bunch"@nl . . "Ethan Bunch \u2013 jeden z Sim\u00F3w wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w The Sims 3. Mieszka w Sunset Valley z rodzicami i tr\u00F3jk\u0105 rodze\u0144stwa: Darlene, Arlo i Lis\u0105. Ethan przyja\u017Ani si\u0119 z Przemys\u0142awem Lad\u0105 i ma dobre stosunki z rodzin\u0105, ale najlepsze ze swoj\u0105 najm\u0142odsz\u0105 siostr\u0105, Darlene. Odziedziczy\u0142 niebieskie oczy po mamie, Judy. Ethan ucz\u0119szcza do szko\u0142y \u015Bredniej. Jest jednym z najlepszych uczni\u00F3w w mie\u015Bcie."@pl . . . "He has good relationships with his younger siblings and is the \"good child\" of the family who never gets in trouble. He is said to be very friendly and smart, and he has a lot of friends at school. He has a B in school when the game starts. Despite his \"popularity\" he really only has one friend outside of his family, Parker Langerak. He is 11 days away from becoming a young adult. Ethan has blonde hair that sticks up, blue eyes, and a blue and dark blue checkered shirt."@en . . "He has good relationships with his younger siblings and is the \"good child\" of the family who never gets in trouble. He is said to be very friendly and smart, and he has a lot of friends at school. He has a B in school when the game starts. Despite his \"popularity\" he really only has one friend outside of his family, Parker Langerak. He is 11 days away from becoming a young adult. Ethan has blonde hair that sticks up, blue eyes, and a blue and dark blue checkered shirt. He is remarkably similar to Joseph Doe from Midnight Hollow. They have the same hairstyle, hair color, eye color, two of the same traits, and wear blue clothing."@en . "Man"@nl . "Playable"@en . "Jasna"@pl . . "M\u00F3l ksi\u0105\u017Ckowy"@pl . "Goed"@nl . . "Fit"@en . . "Pop"@pl . "Sunset Valley"@pl . "Ethan Bunch is het oudste kind in het gezin Bunch. Hij is ontzettend spontaan en onafhankelijk. Op school is hij een van de beste leerlingen van de klas en hij is ook nog eens razend populair. Hij is heel erg dol op zijn kleine zusje, Darlene."@nl . "Ethan Bunch es un sim precreado de Sunset Valley. Vive con sus padres, Jack y Judy Bunch y sus hermanos menores Lisa, Arlo y Darlene Bunch; tiene buena relaci\u00F3n con todos y m\u00E1s con Darlene. Tambi\u00E9n es amigo de Pastor L\u00F3pez. Es uno de los mejores estudiantes de la Escuela de Sunset Valley."@es . . "Ethan Bunch"@pl . "Genius"@en . "Blauw"@nl . "Dobry"@pl . "Ethan Bunch"@es . "Teen"@en . . . . "Ethan Bunch"@pl . . . "Blond"@nl . "Pop"@en . "Nastolatek"@pl . "Ethan is the smart guy, who wants to go to college and then get a great job, but his mother says he is hanging out with the wrong guys. More Info Coming Soon"@en . "Spaghetti"@nl . "250"^^ . "Ethan Bunch"@pl . "Ethan Bunch \u2013 jeden z Sim\u00F3w wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w The Sims 3. Mieszka w Sunset Valley z rodzicami i tr\u00F3jk\u0105 rodze\u0144stwa: Darlene, Arlo i Lis\u0105. Ethan przyja\u017Ani si\u0119 z Przemys\u0142awem Lad\u0105 i ma dobre stosunki z rodzin\u0105, ale najlepsze ze swoj\u0105 najm\u0142odsz\u0105 siostr\u0105, Darlene. Odziedziczy\u0142 niebieskie oczy po mamie, Judy. Ethan ucz\u0119szcza do szko\u0142y \u015Bredniej. Jest jednym z najlepszych uczni\u00F3w w mie\u015Bcie."@pl . "8"^^ . "Single"@en . "Charyzmatyczny"@pl . "Charismatisch"@nl . "Middelbare School"@nl . "Ethan Bunch is the oldest of the four Bunch children. He is extremely outgoing and independent. At school, he is one of the top students in his class as well as one of the most popular. He has a special place in his heart for his littlest sister, Darlene."@en . "Boekenwurm"@nl . "De Sims 3"@nl . "Light"@en . . "Blond"@pl . "Good"@en . "B"@en . "Ethan Bunch"@en . "Szko\u0142a \u015Brednia"@pl . . . . . "Genie"@nl .