"Herminia Valentina"@en . . . "Vettius Insteius Iuncus"@en . . . "Lucius Aquilinus (3815-3873) was a Selucian politician and military leader, and a close associate of Dictatrix Octavia Flavia Hadriana. Alleged to be one of her numerous lovers, Aquilinus was elected Pontifex Maximus of Religio Seluciana in 3848 as a result of political pressure from the Dictatrix, in spite of his irreligiosity. Following Hadriana's assassination in 3849, he renounced the office, pursuing instead a political career as leader of newly formed Pagan Republican Party. Aquilinus gained notoriety for his tendency to show up intoxicated to Senate sessions and for his occasional violent outbursts."@en . . "3858-05-11"^^ . . . "3861-04-14"^^ . . . . "and Cyprianus Tertius"@en . "Praeses of the Pagan Republican Party"@en . "Titus Maecilius Macro"@en . "3853-08-06"^^ . "and Herminia Valentina"@en . "Lucius Cassius Aquilinus"@en . "Lucius Aquilinus (3815-3873) was a Selucian politician and military leader, and a close associate of Dictatrix Octavia Flavia Hadriana. Alleged to be one of her numerous lovers, Aquilinus was elected Pontifex Maximus of Religio Seluciana in 3848 as a result of political pressure from the Dictatrix, in spite of his irreligiosity. Following Hadriana's assassination in 3849, he renounced the office, pursuing instead a political career as leader of newly formed Pagan Republican Party. Aquilinus gained notoriety for his tendency to show up intoxicated to Senate sessions and for his occasional violent outbursts. In 3852 he married Nonus Cassius Sophus, the son of former Consul Caeso Cassius Sophus and grandson of Dictator Caius Cassius Sophus, thus legally joining the Gens Cassia and changing his name to Lucius Cassius Aquilinus. He was elected to the Senatorial Consulship in 3858, serving for the constitutional 3 years, and was in 3861 re-elected as Consul, this time as a result of popular election. While Consul Popularis, Aquilinus spearheaded the \"Fuck the Pirates Act\", granting him consular imperium over the Majatran Sea and starting the Pirate War. During the war he led a large armada that battled Majatran piracy for twelve years, successfully removing piracy from most of the Majatran Sea. In 3873 he brought his navy into the Cildanian Civil War (3870) on the side of the Imperial government. He was however defeated in the naval battle of Qart Ramesh by the Cildanian rebels, and his own ship was sunk during the battle. Aquilinus himself was confirmed dead several months afterwards."@en . "Minister of Defence"@en . "Cyprianus Tertius"@en . "Lucius Cassius Aquilinus"@en . "Soldier, pontiff, politician"@en . "3851-08-07"^^ . "Pagan Atheist"@en . "3873-03-12"^^ . "Crispus Callum"@en . "3815-01-21"^^ . "Hadriana's Civil War"@en . . "May 3862"@en . "3861-04-14"^^ . "3858-05-11"^^ . "Invasion of Pontesi"@en . "Lucretius Faustus"@en . "3862-01-28"^^ . "himself"@en . "3848-08-19"^^ . . "himself"@en . "3851-08-11"^^ . . . "Tribune"@en . "25"^^ . "Herminia Valentina"@en .