"Beta blockers are a class of pharmaceutical commonly used to treat arythmia, for protection of the heart after a heart attack and high blood pressure. They work by suppressing the effect of adrenaline and other stress hormones. They were first developed in the 1950s. One of their most useful side effects is the reduction of social anxiety, and they are occasionally prescribed for this purpose. Common side effects are nausea and diarrhea. Less common are hallucinations, insomnia, nightmares, fatigue and impotence"@en . . . . "Beta blockers were a type of drug that slowed down a person's heartrate and pulse. A certain class of them could be used to slow down a pulse to the point that it would appear that someone was dead. Metroprolol and atenolol were commonly available beta blockers that would slow down heartrate. Tetrodotoxin was a neurotoxin derived from a puffer fish that could cause the consumer to appear in a death-like state for days. (CTU Operations Manual) At the end of Day 4, Jack Bauer used beta blockers to slow his heart rate down in order to convince Dale Spalding that he had been killed. (\"Day 4: 6:00am-7:00am\")"@en . . . . "Beta blockers were a type of drug that slowed down a person's heartrate and pulse. A certain class of them could be used to slow down a pulse to the point that it would appear that someone was dead. Metroprolol and atenolol were commonly available beta blockers that would slow down heartrate. Tetrodotoxin was a neurotoxin derived from a puffer fish that could cause the consumer to appear in a death-like state for days. (CTU Operations Manual)"@en . "Beta blockers"@en . . "Beta blockers are a class of pharmaceutical commonly used to treat arythmia, for protection of the heart after a heart attack and high blood pressure. They work by suppressing the effect of adrenaline and other stress hormones. They were first developed in the 1950s. One of their most useful side effects is the reduction of social anxiety, and they are occasionally prescribed for this purpose. Common side effects are nausea and diarrhea. Less common are hallucinations, insomnia, nightmares, fatigue and impotence"@en . .