. . . . . "Sometimes, authors, script writers, etc. simply don't do the research when it comes to Religion Tropes in their work. Well, ok, more than sometimes.... Often it's laughable, as when a hack writer/bomb-thrower attempting a Take That against a particular faith demonstrates he knows absolutely zip about his targets and their beliefs. Most believers will gladly tell you everything you want to know and leave you with a free copy of their holy text(s)\u2014it's not like the research is difficult. If you really want to know about the religions, why, look no further than our Useful Notes pages."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Artistic License Religion"@en . "Sometimes, authors, script writers, etc. simply don't do the research when it comes to Religion Tropes in their work. Well, ok, more than sometimes.... Often it's laughable, as when a hack writer/bomb-thrower attempting a Take That against a particular faith demonstrates he knows absolutely zip about his targets and their beliefs. Most believers will gladly tell you everything you want to know and leave you with a free copy of their holy text(s)\u2014it's not like the research is difficult. See also Hijacked by Jesus, Sadly Mythtaken, Symbology Research Failure, Hollywood Voodoo, Christianity Is Catholic and Nuns Are Mikos. If you really want to know about the religions, why, look no further than our Useful Notes pages. While we can understand your love for a show, please refrain from making justifying edits based on your personal theories or explanations. That's what the discussion pages are for. Also be aware of the No True Scotsman Fallacy; a lot of things in religion are open to (mis)interpretation, and for every alternate theory, there's bound to be some group that takes it deadly seriously. This is more about claiming such-and-such a belief is mainstream, or explicitly stated in a certain religion's scriptures or equivalent thereof, when it's not."@en . . . .