"The story is set in a futuristic earth where rogue experiments have lead to insects taking over earth and slowing gain in numbers and intelligence they begin to work together as one unified species consisting of all the common insects no longer killing each other to survive but not genetically altered they work in symbiotic relation to grow through out earth and with their new leadership and power as a species, humans are now trying to regain control in the chaotic world they have made as the insects rule and take over the massive empty structures left behind"@en . "The story is set in a futuristic earth where rogue experiments have lead to insects taking over earth and slowing gain in numbers and intelligence they begin to work together as one unified species consisting of all the common insects no longer killing each other to survive but not genetically altered they work in symbiotic relation to grow through out earth and with their new leadership and power as a species, humans are now trying to regain control in the chaotic world they have made as the insects rule and take over the massive empty structures left behind"@en . . "Earth of Insects"@en .