"-"@en . . "Melee"@en . "-"@en . "Rester of the Moon (TFE)"@en . . "White Knight"@en . "lightseagreen"@en . . "The White Knight's name is not known. He is known as the Rester of the Moon, presumably his code name in the organization. At the end of the episode \"Clue\" he is teleported to Port Sarim Jail by Dancus Frumac, his right arm having been broken by Livan Alder."@en . "Unknown, estimated at 120 5th Age"@en . . "Unknown, called Rester of the Moon"@en . . "The White Knight's name is not known. He is known as the Rester of the Moon, presumably his code name in the organization. At the end of the episode \"Clue\" he is teleported to Port Sarim Jail by Dancus Frumac, his right arm having been broken by Livan Alder."@en . "\"Clues\""@en . .