. "1"^^ . . "Orville Wright et son fr\u00E8re Wilbur Wright \u00E9taient deux Humains, pionniers de l'aviation, qui ont r\u00E9alis\u00E9 le premier vol motoris\u00E9 en avion \u00E0 bord du Wright Flyer* sur Terre, en 1903*. (ENT: \"North Star\") Dans les ann\u00E9es 2150, sur une colonie skagarane de l'Etendue Delphique, l'enseignante Bethany enseignait \u00E0 des enfants Humains et Skagarans le vol historique des Fr\u00E8res Wright. (ENT: \"North Star\") En 2154, apr\u00E8s que Jonathan Archer ait r\u00E9par\u00E9 la ligne temporelle, le Wright Flyer fut visible dans le flux temporel. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\")"@fr . . . . "132.0"^^ . . "Orville Wright"@en . . . . "no"@en . . "empty"@en . . "Historical figure"@en . . . "Orville Wright"@fr . . . . . . "*Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose\n*Find a way into the Sierra Army Base"@en . . . "Damage Resistance: 0%"@en . "Orville Wright"@pl . . . . "Resistencia al da\u00F1o: 0%"@es . . . . "Fo2 Orville Wright.png"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "-"@en . . "Orville Wright is the head of the Wright family, the weakest crime family in New Reno, in 2241."@en . "Ethyl Wright - spouse"@en . . . . . . . . "Mo\u017Cna go w bardzo fajny spos\u00F3b zabi\u0107, daj\u0105c jego dzieciom przed domem pistolet laserowy (trzeba tylko doda\u0107 tekst by pokaza\u0142y now\u0105 zabawk\u0119 tatusiowi). Po jakim\u015B czasie, Orville Wright znika. Jednak je\u015Bli magazynek b\u0119dzie pusty, to nic si\u0119 nie stanie."@pl . . . "Stimpak x2"@en . . . . "Orville Wright (\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u5144\u5F1F\uFF08\u5F1F\uFF09 Raito-ky\u014Ddai (Ot\u014Dto), Younger Wright Brother) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes."@en . . "Richard Wright - son"@en . . "Christopher Wright - son"@en . "Head of the family"@en . "no"@en . . "Action Points: 8"@en . . . . "Keith Wright - son"@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Orville Wright es el jefe de la Familia Wright, la familia m\u00E1s d\u00E9bil de New Reno en 2241"@es . . . . . . . "FO2"@es . "przyw\u00F3dca Rodziny Wright"@pl . . . . . "no"@en . "Orville Wright et son fr\u00E8re Wilbur Wright \u00E9taient deux Humains, pionniers de l'aviation, qui ont r\u00E9alis\u00E9 le premier vol motoris\u00E9 en avion \u00E0 bord du Wright Flyer* sur Terre, en 1903*. (ENT: \"North Star\") Dans les ann\u00E9es 2150, sur une colonie skagarane de l'Etendue Delphique, l'enseignante Bethany enseignait \u00E0 des enfants Humains et Skagarans le vol historique des Fr\u00E8res Wright. (ENT: \"North Star\") En 2154, apr\u00E8s que Jonathan Archer ait r\u00E9par\u00E9 la ligne temporelle, le Wright Flyer fut visible dans le flux temporel. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\") En 2372, avant que le Lieutenant Tom Paris tenta le premier vol en transdistorsion humain, le Capitaine Kathryn Janeway lui indiqua qu'il rejoindrait ainsi l'\u00E9lite des pilotes historiques, comprenant Orville Wright. (VOY: \"Threshold\") Leur vol historique appara\u00EEt \u00E9galement dans le g\u00E9n\u00E9rique de Star Trek: Enterprise."@fr . . . . . "Orville Wright is the head of the Wright family, the weakest crime family in New Reno, in 2241."@en . . "no"@en . "Hit Points: 65"@en . . "Jefe de la Familia Wright"@es . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . "?"@en . . . . . . "cz\u0142owiek"@pl . "Orville Wright"@pl . . "Mo\u017Cna go w bardzo fajny spos\u00F3b zabi\u0107, daj\u0105c jego dzieciom przed domem pistolet laserowy (trzeba tylko doda\u0107 tekst by pokaza\u0142y now\u0105 zabawk\u0119 tatusiowi). Po jakim\u015B czasie, Orville Wright znika. Jednak je\u015Bli magazynek b\u0119dzie pusty, to nic si\u0119 nie stanie."@pl . "Sequence: 4"@en . . . . . "-"@en . . . "Orville Wright was an inventor and the brother of Wilbur Wright. Together, the Wright brothers from Ohio were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible. (ENT: \"North Star\") Their aircraft, the Wright Flyer, was historically significant even as late as the mid 22nd century. On a failed Skagaran colony in the Delphic Expanse, the teacher Bethany educated Human and Skagaran children about the Wright Brothers' historic flight in 2153, showing them a picture of Wilbur, who was flying the plane, and Orville. (ENT: \"North Star\")"@en . "4"^^ . . . "12"^^ . "Probabilidad de cr\u00EDtico: 5%"@es . "Puntos de acci\u00F3n: 8"@es . . . . . . "Orville Wright es el jefe de la Familia Wright, la familia m\u00E1s d\u00E9bil de New Reno en 2241"@es . . "no"@en . . . "no"@en . "Var\u00F3n"@es . . "Encendedor"@es . "Puntos de vida: 65"@es . . "-"@en . "Desarmado: 75%"@es . "Cuerpo a cuerpo: 75%"@es . "no"@en . "Armas grandes: 90%"@es . "Clase de Armadura: 6"@es . "FO2"@es . "Armor Class: 6"@en . . . . . . . "FO2"@en . "Critical Chance: 5%"@en . "2"^^ . . "-"@es . . "Orville Wright was an inventor and the brother of Wilbur Wright. Together, the Wright brothers from Ohio were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible. (ENT: \"North Star\") Their aircraft, the Wright Flyer, was historically significant even as late as the mid 22nd century. On a failed Skagaran colony in the Delphic Expanse, the teacher Bethany educated Human and Skagaran children about the Wright Brothers' historic flight in 2153, showing them a picture of Wilbur, who was flying the plane, and Orville. (ENT: \"North Star\") In 2256, trying to motivate Paul Stamets to continue his work on the spore drive, Captain Gabriel Lorca asked if Stamets wanted to be compared to the Wright brothers, Elon Musk, and Zefram Cochrane, or if he wanted to go down in history as a failed scientist. (DIS: \"The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry\") In 2372, before Lieutenant Tom Paris attempted the first transwarp flight by Humans, Captain Kathryn Janeway told him he would be joining an elite group of pilots, including Orville Wright. (VOY: \"Threshold\") A scene featuring their historic flight is also featured in the opening credits for Star Trek: Enterprise. Orville Wright was also mentioned in a cut line in the script of Star Trek: First Contact, in which Geordi refers to the Wright Flyer as \"Orville Wright's plane\"."@en . . . "m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Orville Wright (\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u5144\u5F1F\uFF08\u5F1F\uFF09 Raito-ky\u014Ddai (Ot\u014Dto), Younger Wright Brother) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes."@en . . . . . "Orville Wright"@es . . "32"^^ . "-"@es . "Fallout 2"@pl . "132.0"^^ . . . "Armas peque\u00F1as: 90%"@es . . "Orville Wright"@en .