. . . . . . "Captain Proton, Spaceman First Class, was nicknamed \"Protector of Earth\" and \"Scourge of Intergalactic Evil\" for his many heroic feats against numerous interstellar threats, with the assistance of his sidekick Buster Kincaid and his secretary Constance Goodheart. (VOY episode: \"Night\"; et al) As a child, James Wainwright was an avid reader of the Captain Proton stories as well as those featuring Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: \"The Aliens Are Coming!\"; TOS novel: From History's Shadow)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Captain Proton, Spaceman First Class, was nicknamed \"Protector of Earth\" and \"Scourge of Intergalactic Evil\" for his many heroic feats against numerous interstellar threats, with the assistance of his sidekick Buster Kincaid and his secretary Constance Goodheart. (VOY episode: \"Night\"; et al) As a child, James Wainwright was an avid reader of the Captain Proton stories as well as those featuring Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: \"The Aliens Are Coming!\"; TOS novel: From History's Shadow) In the 1938 radio adaptation, Captain Proton was played by Peter Collyer. (DS9 short story: \"Captain Proton and the Orb of Bajor\") One of the Captain Proton films, The Bride of Chaotica, was included in the motion picture library aboard the Enterprise (NX-01). (ENT episode: \"Cogenitor\") Commander Veronica Fletcher, the first officer of the Columbia (NX-02), was a huge fan of the Captain Proton novels and brought the first six with her aboard the ship. While trapped in the Caeliar city of Axion in the 16th century, she wrote novels of her own featuring the character. (ST - Destiny novels: Gods of Night, Mere Mortals) In the late 24th century, Tom Paris created a series of holonovels featuring Captain Proton. (VOY episode: \"Night\"; et al)"@en . . . . "Protector of Earth"@en . "Captain Proton"@de . . . . "Male"@en . . . . "thumb|Tom Paris als Captain Proton Captain Proton, im Universum auch bekannt als der \"Besch\u00FCtzer der Erde\" und der \"J\u00E4ger des intergalaktischen B\u00F6sen\" ist der Protagonist aus Lieutenant Tom Paris' Holoromanen \u00FCber die Die Abenteuer des Captain Proton. Eine Geschichte die w\u00E4hrend der langen Reise der USS Voyager von F\u00E4hnrich Tom Paris erdacht wurde. Gespielt wird er dabei von Paris selbst. Protons Antagonist ist der Erzfeind des Planeten Erde, Doktor Chaotica. Captain Protons treuer Begleiter ist Buster Kincaid (Harry Kim), seine Sekret\u00E4rin tr\u00E4gt den Namen Constance Goodheart."@de . . . . . . "Captain Proton"@en . . . . . . . . "thumb|Tom Paris als Captain Proton Captain Proton, im Universum auch bekannt als der \"Besch\u00FCtzer der Erde\" und der \"J\u00E4ger des intergalaktischen B\u00F6sen\" ist der Protagonist aus Lieutenant Tom Paris' Holoromanen \u00FCber die Die Abenteuer des Captain Proton. Eine Geschichte die w\u00E4hrend der langen Reise der USS Voyager von F\u00E4hnrich Tom Paris erdacht wurde. Gespielt wird er dabei von Paris selbst. Protons Antagonist ist der Erzfeind des Planeten Erde, Doktor Chaotica. Captain Protons treuer Begleiter ist Buster Kincaid (Harry Kim), seine Sekret\u00E4rin tr\u00E4gt den Namen Constance Goodheart."@de . . . . "Tom Paris as Captain Proton"@en . . . . .