. "*Bite \n*Jump"@en . "Rottweiler"@es . . "thumb|266px|Kadr z 87. odcinka \"Ta\u0144ca z Sukami\". Tango ta\u0144czy Rychu i Rottweilerowa. Rottweiler \u2013 pies niezr\u00F3wnowa\u017Cony rasowo, prawdziwa mieszanka zwierz\u0119co-owadowa, uwa\u017Cany przez zoolog\u00F3w za istot\u0119 po\u015Bredni\u0105 mi\u0119dzy wron\u0105 a karaluchem."@pl . "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest of herding breeds. With a history possibly dating back to the Roman Empire, the Rottweiler may be a descendant of ancient Roman drover dogs; a mastiff-type dog that was a dependable, rugged dog with great intelligence and guarding instincts. During their quest to conquer Europe, the Roman legion traveled in large numbers across the continent. The non-existence of refrigeration meant the soldiers had to bring herds of cattle with them on their excursions for food. These drover dogs were not only used to keep the herds of cattle together, but to guard the supply stock at night. Around A.D. 74 the Roman army travelled across the Alps and into what is now southern Germany. For the next two centuries the Roman drover dogs were continually used in herding and "@en . "5"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . "50.0"^^ . . "Rottweiler"@en . . "10"^^ . "A breed of the canine species, Rottweilers were used by Earth-based minions of Quake as attack dogs."@en . . "Dominic Rott"@en . . . . . "No"@en . . "Melee"@en . . . "Rottweiler \u2013 rasa psa zaliczana do grupy molos\u00F3w w typie mastifa (typ dogowaty). Zgodnie z klasyfikacj\u0105 ameryka\u0144sk\u0105, nale\u017Cy do grupy ps\u00F3w pracuj\u0105cych."@pl . "Yes"@en . "Rottweiler is a German-Polish professional wrestler, currently working for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland."@en . "Melee"@en . "thumb|266px|Kadr z 87. odcinka \"Ta\u0144ca z Sukami\". Tango ta\u0144czy Rychu i Rottweilerowa. Rottweiler \u2013 pies niezr\u00F3wnowa\u017Cony rasowo, prawdziwa mieszanka zwierz\u0119co-owadowa, uwa\u017Cany przez zoolog\u00F3w za istot\u0119 po\u015Bredni\u0105 mi\u0119dzy wron\u0105 a karaluchem."@pl . "2"^^ . "Bill Blakey"@en . "Face"@en . . "40.800000000000004"^^ . . . "Rottweiler"@en . . "O Rottweiler \u00E9 um c\u00E3o de guarda muito usado na Alemanha (terra natal da Ra\u00E7a).Por ter Porte alto o Rottweiler parece ser agressivo,mas,como o Pit Bull,se bem cuidado pode ser um pouco menos agressivo do que \u00E9.thumb|190px|um Rottweiler macho. Categoria:Molossos Categoria:C\u00E3es de guerra Categoria:C\u00E3es de guarda Categoria:Esbo\u00E7os de prioridade Categoria:C\u00E3es de porte alto Categoria:C\u00E3es de porte m\u00E9dio"@pt . . "thumb|Ein Rottweiler. Ein Rottweiler ist eine Hunderasse der Erde. Porthos, das Haustier von Commander Archer aus dem Spiegeluniversum geh\u00F6rt zu dieser Rasse. (ENT: )"@de . . "Rottweiler"@en . "Hundermann"@en . . "2001"^^ . . "Power"@en . "Werner Rott"@en . . "Rottweiler"@de . "File:Quake1.gif In Quake, a Rottweiler is a blood-soaked possessed dog that can bite somebody for medium damage. They also can jump short distances for slightly more damage. They are often found alongside Grunts. The Rottweiler is exclusive to idBase levels."@en . . "Superhuman strength, powerful bone crunching jaws, razor sharp iron teeth, intelligence"@en . "Rottweiler is a German-Polish professional wrestler, currently working for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland."@en . . "Rottweiler (voiced by Wally Wingert) is a dog that dislikes Garfield for making derogatory comments about dogs. He is therefore a common antagonist to Garfield. Rottweiler is often seen with an Unnamed Doberman."@en . . "2"^^ . "75"^^ . . . "Official shot of Rottweiler"@en . "79.8"^^ . "2"^^ . "The webkinz Rottweiler came out in July 2008. It Retired on January 25, 2010. It doesn't have a Lil'Kinz version and wasn't Pet of the Month. Its special item is a Cool Pooch Pool Table and special food is Chewy Spiced Spatzle. There is also a virtual Figurine which is called the Potato Sack Rottweiler."@en . . . "Rottweiler"@pt . . . . "Hardened steel spikes"@en . . . "160"^^ . "El rottweiler es un perro molosoide. La hembra pesa en torno a 40 kg y mide entre 56 y 63 cm hasta la cruz, consider\u00E1ndose \u00F3ptima una altura entre 60 y 61 cent\u00EDmetros. El macho pesa en torno a 50 kilogramos y mide entre 61 y 68 cm, siendo deseable dentro del est\u00E1ndar que mida entre 65 y 66 cm, capaz de generar una fuerza en su mordida de 150 Kg-F en el radio de su boca. La longitud del tronco seg\u00FAn el est\u00E1ndar de la Federaci\u00F3n Cinol\u00F3gica Internacional no deber\u00EDa superar a la altura en m\u00E1s de un 15%. Esta se mide desde el estern\u00F3n hasta la protuberancia isqui\u00E1tica."@es . . . "Rottweiler"@en . "\"Here Comes the Pain\" by"@en . . "A breed of the canine species, Rottweilers were used by Earth-based minions of Quake as attack dogs."@en . . . . . . "HM183"@en . "Rottweiler"@en . "0"^^ . . . . "Rottweiler (voiced by Wally Wingert) is a dog that dislikes Garfield for making derogatory comments about dogs. He is therefore a common antagonist to Garfield. Rottweiler is often seen with an Unnamed Doberman."@en . . . "300"^^ . . "Kill Dante and everyone else who stands in it's way"@en . "259200.0"^^ . "In the mirror universe, Jonathan Archer's pet Porthos was a Rottweiler, unlike his counterpart, which was a Beagle. (ENT: \"In a Mirror, Darkly\")"@en . . "217.0"^^ . . . "coin"@en . . . . "2000"^^ . "Slayhound/Security Dog"@en . . "-35"^^ . "5"^^ . "Rottweiler"@pl . "Killing"@en . . . "None"@en . . "18"^^ . . . . . . "The Rottweiler is a cybernetic monstrous Slayhound who once was a normal Rottweiler owned by a rich man. This Slayhound is almost unstoppable when it locks on a target, it's also virtually undestructible as it's immune to bullets. It appeared in the 2004 film Rottweiler."@en . . "The Rottweiler is a cybernetic monstrous Slayhound who once was a normal Rottweiler owned by a rich man. This Slayhound is almost unstoppable when it locks on a target, it's also virtually undestructible as it's immune to bullets. It appeared in the 2004 film Rottweiler."@en . . "Rottweiler"@en . . . . "O Rottweiler \u00E9 um c\u00E3o de guarda muito usado na Alemanha (terra natal da Ra\u00E7a).Por ter Porte alto o Rottweiler parece ser agressivo,mas,como o Pit Bull,se bem cuidado pode ser um pouco menos agressivo do que \u00E9.thumb|190px|um Rottweiler macho. Categoria:Molossos Categoria:C\u00E3es de guerra Categoria:C\u00E3es de guarda Categoria:Esbo\u00E7os de prioridade Categoria:C\u00E3es de porte alto Categoria:C\u00E3es de porte m\u00E9dio"@pt . . "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest of herding breeds. With a history possibly dating back to the Roman Empire, the Rottweiler may be a descendant of ancient Roman drover dogs; a mastiff-type dog that was a dependable, rugged dog with great intelligence and guarding instincts. During their quest to conquer Europe, the Roman legion traveled in large numbers across the continent. The non-existence of refrigeration meant the soldiers had to bring herds of cattle with them on their excursions for food. These drover dogs were not only used to keep the herds of cattle together, but to guard the supply stock at night. Around A.D. 74 the Roman army travelled across the Alps and into what is now southern Germany. For the next two centuries the Roman drover dogs were continually used in herding and driving cattle for trade even after the Romans were driven out of the area by the Swabians. A town in this region was eventually given the name Rottweil. It became an important trade center and the descendants of the Roman cattle dogs proved their worth by driving the cattle to market and protecting the cattle from robbers and wild animals. The dogs are said to have been used by traveling butchers at markets during the Middle Ages to guard money pouches tied around their necks. The dogs eventually came to be called Rottweiler Metzgerhunds, or butcher dogs. As railroads became the primary method for moving stock to market, the need for the breed declined, as did the number of Rottweilers. The number of Rottweilers diminished so severely that by 1882 in a dog show in Heilbronn, there was only one very poor representative of the breed. The buildup to World War I saw a great demand for police dogs, and that led to a revival of interest in the Rottweiler. During the First and Second World Wars, Rottweilers were put into service in various roles, including as messenger, ambulance, draught, and guard dogs. The Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (DRK, German Rottweiler Club), the first Rottweiler club in Germany, was founded on 13 January 1914, and followed by the creation of the S\u00FCddeutscher Rottweiler-Klub (SDRK, South German Rottweiler Club) on 27 April 1915 and eventually became the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). The DRK counted around 500 Rottweilers, and the SDRK 3000 Rottweilers. The goals of the two clubs were different. The DRK aimed to produce working dogs and did not emphasise the morphology of the Rottweiler. The various German Rottweiler Clubs amalgamated to form the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (ADRK, General German Rottweiler Club) in 1921. This was officially recorded in the register of clubs and associations at the district court of Stuttgart on 27 January 1924. The ADRK is recognised worldwide as the home club of the Rottweiler. In 1931 the Rottweiler was officially recognised by the American Kennel Club. In 1936, Rottweilers were exhibited in Britain at Crufts. In 1966, a separate register was opened for the breed. In fact, in the mid-1990s, the popularity of the Rottweiler reached an all-time high with it being the most registered dog by the American Kennel Club. In 2013, the American Kennel Club ranked the Rottweiler as the 9th most popular purebreed in the United States."@en . . . . . "Team UK Robotics"@en . . . . . "Evil Creation, Hybrid, Seeker Of Vengeance"@en . . . "Pet Run"@en . . . . "Rottweiler was a heavyweight robot that was entered by Team UK Robotics in Series 2 of Robot Wars. The robot itself was named after the family's surname, Rott. \"I saw Robotwars On TV and thought it would be good fun to enter as i have always liked electronics and making small robots.\" \u2014 Dominic Rott on the UK Robotics website It was eliminated in the Trial stage of its heat and was never seen fighting another competitor robot. The team later built a new robot, Constrictor, which competed in the Seventh Wars."@en . . . . "1"^^ . "In the mirror universe, Jonathan Archer's pet Porthos was a Rottweiler, unlike his counterpart, which was a Beagle. (ENT: \"In a Mirror, Darkly\")"@en . "Rottweiler was a heavyweight robot that was entered by Team UK Robotics in Series 2 of Robot Wars. The robot itself was named after the family's surname, Rott. \"I saw Robotwars On TV and thought it would be good fun to enter as i have always liked electronics and making small robots.\" \u2014 Dominic Rott on the UK Robotics website It was eliminated in the Trial stage of its heat and was never seen fighting another competitor robot. The team later built a new robot, Constrictor, which competed in the Seventh Wars."@en . . "coin"@en . "The webkinz Rottweiler came out in July 2008. It Retired on January 25, 2010. It doesn't have a Lil'Kinz version and wasn't Pet of the Month. Its special item is a Cool Pooch Pool Table and special food is Chewy Spiced Spatzle. There is also a virtual Figurine which is called the Potato Sack Rottweiler."@en . "Animal"@en . . "Rott"@en . . ""@en . . . "10.0"^^ . "File:Quake1.gif In Quake, a Rottweiler is a blood-soaked possessed dog that can bite somebody for medium damage. They also can jump short distances for slightly more damage. They are often found alongside Grunts. The Rottweiler is exclusive to idBase levels."@en . "home"@en . . . "Quake"@en . . . . "Rottweiler"@en . "20"^^ . "Player"@en . "40000"^^ . . "Rottweiler \u2013 rasa psa zaliczana do grupy molos\u00F3w w typie mastifa (typ dogowaty). Zgodnie z klasyfikacj\u0105 ameryka\u0144sk\u0105, nale\u017Cy do grupy ps\u00F3w pracuj\u0105cych."@pl . "46"^^ . "thumb|Ein Rottweiler. Ein Rottweiler ist eine Hunderasse der Erde. Porthos, das Haustier von Commander Archer aus dem Spiegeluniversum geh\u00F6rt zu dieser Rasse. (ENT: )"@de . . . "1"^^ . "El rottweiler es un perro molosoide. La hembra pesa en torno a 40 kg y mide entre 56 y 63 cm hasta la cruz, consider\u00E1ndose \u00F3ptima una altura entre 60 y 61 cent\u00EDmetros. El macho pesa en torno a 50 kilogramos y mide entre 61 y 68 cm, siendo deseable dentro del est\u00E1ndar que mida entre 65 y 66 cm, capaz de generar una fuerza en su mordida de 150 Kg-F en el radio de su boca. La longitud del tronco seg\u00FAn el est\u00E1ndar de la Federaci\u00F3n Cinol\u00F3gica Internacional no deber\u00EDa superar a la altura en m\u00E1s de un 15%. Esta se mide desde el estern\u00F3n hasta la protuberancia isqui\u00E1tica. La morfolog\u00EDa de la cabeza es determinante en la evaluaci\u00F3n de un ejemplar. Seg\u00FAn el est\u00E1ndar alem\u00E1n, la longitud del cr\u00E1neo medida desde la punta del occipital hasta la esquina interior del ojo ha de ser de 8,5 a 13 cm en las hembras y de 9,5 a 15 cm en los machos. Adem\u00E1s, la proporci\u00F3n entre el cr\u00E1neo y el hocico ha de ser de 6 a 4 \u00F3, dicho de otra manera, el 60% de la longitud total de la cabeza debe estar ocupada por el cr\u00E1neo, dejando el 40% restante para el hocico. De origen: Alemania Categor\u00EDa:Razas"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "25"^^ . .