. . . . . . . "The Wave Motion Gun(\u6CE2\u52D5\u7832had\u014D h\u014D) was a powerful weapon capable of destroying anything as large as Australia. Its energy comes from the Wave Motion Engine, which is a large device that behaves as a high-power capacitor. This \"capacitor\" charges up the power input to the critical point of 120% at which point the person in charge of the firing mechanism releases the final safety lock and fires the weapon when ready. Due to the massive need of concentrated power, the \"barrel\" of the weapon is required to be long, and in the Yamato's case, the barrel is the whole ship from the engine to the firing gate. Light emitted from the cannon is so intensive that crew within the light range of the cannon must wear Anti-Shock/Flash goggles in addition of tinting the window."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Wave Motion Gun(\u6CE2\u52D5\u7832had\u014D h\u014D) was a powerful weapon capable of destroying anything as large as Australia. Its energy comes from the Wave Motion Engine, which is a large device that behaves as a high-power capacitor. This \"capacitor\" charges up the power input to the critical point of 120% at which point the person in charge of the firing mechanism releases the final safety lock and fires the weapon when ready. Due to the massive need of concentrated power, the \"barrel\" of the weapon is required to be long, and in the Yamato's case, the barrel is the whole ship from the engine to the firing gate. Light emitted from the cannon is so intensive that crew within the light range of the cannon must wear Anti-Shock/Flash goggles in addition of tinting the window. The Wave Motion Gun comes in at least two types, the dispersal type which at a certain point spreads out and causes damage to enemy ships in its surrounding vicinity and the concentration type, a more common type it fires a beam straight forward from the bow. The gun does have one flaw though: if it fires all six shots at once, the ship that it's mounted on will be destroyed. Though you can recalibrate it (see Yamato: Resurrection) it is still a risky move to fire all six shots at once. More than one Wave Motion Gun can be mounted into the ship's design. For an example, the Andromeda-Class Battleships and its successor all have two Wave Motion Guns that receive its energy through one core. This allows a firepower equivalent or higher than the Yamato along with with more surface area hit with one shot. The Wave Motion Gun, developed from the energy dispersed from the wave motion engine, was originally invented by the Iscandarians, a race which expanded throughout the galaxy and ruled with an iron fist, just as the Gamillians did."@en . . . "Wave Motion Gun"@en . . . "The Cool Ship needs an equally cool weapon. If it's a sufficiently humongous Cool Ship, it will be equipped with a Laser Beam on steroids: the Wave Motion Gun -- an enormous Ray Gun that fires a massive energy beam capable of blowing away an enemy ship (in the \"blow a battleship in half\" sense), sometimes an entire fleet, with one shot, and maybe even blowing up an entire planet. It doesn't necessarily have to even hit; if you're too close, the sheer energy bleeding off from the beam can be deadly. And don't even think about trying to waste your time with puny Deflector Shields -- it'll just punch right through 'em."@en . . . . "The Cool Ship needs an equally cool weapon. If it's a sufficiently humongous Cool Ship, it will be equipped with a Laser Beam on steroids: the Wave Motion Gun -- an enormous Ray Gun that fires a massive energy beam capable of blowing away an enemy ship (in the \"blow a battleship in half\" sense), sometimes an entire fleet, with one shot, and maybe even blowing up an entire planet. It doesn't necessarily have to even hit; if you're too close, the sheer energy bleeding off from the beam can be deadly. And don't even think about trying to waste your time with puny Deflector Shields -- it'll just punch right through 'em. Frequently, the Wave Motion Gun is made of Lost Technology, or is an experimental prototype, but sometimes they're a dime a dozen. It also explains how a small fleet can win consistently against enemies that grossly outnumber them: the defense units just have to hold their ground until the Gun(s) is ready to fire. Invariably, just before firing, The Captain has to order the attack. This sort of weapon could also qualify as a Kill Sat. If it's built into a famous real-world location, then it's a Weaponized Landmark. If the bad guys have one, it's a Death Ray. Wave Motion Guns usually require a significant charging period before firing and re-charging/cooldown afterwards (occasionally depicted by Sucking-In Lines; the Wave Motion Tuning Fork is a popular subtrope used for visual effect). Can lead to Wave Motion Fun (that Pothole being, of course, a Wave Motion Pun). When it's built into the ship so that it's always pointed straight forward, it's a Fixed Forward-Facing Weapon. A sufficiently powerful Sword Beam is the sword version of this trope. Kamehame Hadoken is the ki version of this trope. Named after the gun of the same name in Space Battleship Yamato. The reason why you should use it? For Massive Damage! See also There Is No Kill Like Overkill, Big Bulky Bomb. Examples of Wave Motion Gun include:"@en . .