. "Klingon/Romulan hybrid"@en . . . . . . . . "M\u00E8re: Gi'ral"@fr . ") Ba'el was the daughter of the male Romulan Tokath and the female Klingon Gi'ral, living in the Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV, where Klingon prisoners and Romulan guards lived peacefully together following the Khitomer Massacre of 2346. She also had a sense of tolerance between the two races because she was half Klingon and half Romulan."@en . . . "Active"@en . . "kling"@en . . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . "Ba'el"@en . . . . . "Ba'el was a half-Romulan, half-Klingon female born in a Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV. Her father was Tokath, a Romulan involved in the Khitomer Massacre of 2346, and her mother a Klingon survivor of that attack named Gi'ral. In 2369, Worf visited the planet, investigating rumors that his father Mogh was among the captives. Ba'el fell in love with him, and defended him when Tokath threatened his life. When Worf left, taking a number of young Klingon prisoners back to the Klingon Empire, Ba'el decided to stay, believing that because of her mixed heritage, she would not find acceptance outside the camp. (TNG episodes: \"Birthright, Part I\", \"Birthright, Part II\") In 2376, the camp in Carraya IV was attacked by Gorrik, son of Gannik, leaving Ba'el one of only three survivors. She was found and rescued by former camp resident Toq, who brought her back to Qo'noS and helped her reunite with Worf, then Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. Worf helped her secure a job at the Federation Embassy on Qo'noS as an assistant to events coordinator Eduardo Mazzerone. (KE novel: A Burning House)"@en . "Ba'el"@en . . . . "Ba'el was a half-Romulan, half-Klingon female born in a Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV. Her father was Tokath, a Romulan involved in the Khitomer Massacre of 2346, and her mother a Klingon survivor of that attack named Gi'ral."@en . "Brown"@en . . "Ba'el"@fr . "Ba'el"@en . "2369"^^ . ") Ba'el was the daughter of the male Romulan Tokath and the female Klingon Gi'ral, living in the Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV, where Klingon prisoners and Romulan guards lived peacefully together following the Khitomer Massacre of 2346. She also had a sense of tolerance between the two races because she was half Klingon and half Romulan. Her first contact with the outside world came in 2369 when Worf came to the camp. Worf discovered Ba'el bathing in a pond, and Ba'el fell in love with him. Worf responded to the romantic overtones until he discovered that she was part Romulan. She protected him when Tokath was going to kill him for influencing some Klingons to leave by standing in front of him as her father's men aimed their weapons at Worf. Ba'el stayed at the camp as she felt she would not be accepted by either the Klingons or the Romulans. (TNG: \"Birthright, Part I\" , \"Birthright, Part II\" )"@en . . "24"^^ . . . . . . . . . "24"^^ . . "Ba'el"@fr . . "assistant to Eduardo Mazzerone, Federation Embassy on Qo'noS"@en . "Citoyenne de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien"@fr . "Ba'el \u00E9tait une hybride klingo-romulienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "Ba'el in 2369."@en . "P\u00E8re: Tokath"@fr . . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . . "Ba'el"@de . . "thumb|Ba'el im Jahr 2369 Ba'el ist die gemeinsame Tochter des Romulaners Tokath und der Klingonin Gi'ral. Ihre Eltern lernen sich kennen, nachdem die Romulaner die klingonische Kolonie Khitomer \u00FCberfallen und einige Bewohner als Gefangene genommen haben. Nach einigen Jahren des Zusammenlebens kommt Ba'el zur Welt. Sie verbringt ihre Kindheit im Gefangenenlager auf Carraya IV, in dem die Klingonen und ihre romulanischen Bewacher nach den vielen Jahren in einem friedlichen Verh\u00E4ltnis leben. Ba'el wurde von Jennifer Gatti gespielt und von Daniela Thuar synchronisiert."@de . "thumb|Ba'el im Jahr 2369 Ba'el ist die gemeinsame Tochter des Romulaners Tokath und der Klingonin Gi'ral. Ihre Eltern lernen sich kennen, nachdem die Romulaner die klingonische Kolonie Khitomer \u00FCberfallen und einige Bewohner als Gefangene genommen haben. Nach einigen Jahren des Zusammenlebens kommt Ba'el zur Welt. Sie verbringt ihre Kindheit im Gefangenenlager auf Carraya IV, in dem die Klingonen und ihre romulanischen Bewacher nach den vielen Jahren in einem friedlichen Verh\u00E4ltnis leben. 2369 besucht Worf das Lager, in der Hoffnung sein Vater Mogh k\u00F6nnte zu den \u00DCberlebenden geh\u00F6ren. Ba'el verliebt sich nach einiger Zeit in ihn. Als Worf mit anderen jungen Klingonen das Lager verl\u00E4sst, bleibt sie lieber zur\u00FCck, da sie der Ansicht ist, dass au\u00DFerhalb weder Klingonen noch Romulaner sie akzeptieren w\u00FCrden. (TNG: , ) Ba'el wurde von Jennifer Gatti gespielt und von Daniela Thuar synchronisiert."@de . "Ba'el \u00E9tait une hybride klingo-romulienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . "Brown"@en . . . "Hybride Klingo-romulienne"@fr .