"The cooker has three panes of glazing, each separated by 6mm air spaces. The innermost pane is low-emissive, reducing heat loss from the cooking chamber. The glazing is angled at 30\u00B0 with respect to the ground, maximizing efficiency at Jordan's latitude. Three stainless steel reflectors - two stationary and one adjustable - increase light reaching the cooking chamber. The inside of the cooking chamber is aluminum, while the external walls of the cooker are galvanized steel. The cooker is insulated with a type of rock wool used in conventional gas ovens."@en . . . . . "The cooker has three panes of glazing, each separated by 6mm air spaces. The innermost pane is low-emissive, reducing heat loss from the cooking chamber. The glazing is angled at 30\u00B0 with respect to the ground, maximizing efficiency at Jordan's latitude. Three stainless steel reflectors - two stationary and one adjustable - increase light reaching the cooking chamber. The inside of the cooking chamber is aluminum, while the external walls of the cooker are galvanized steel. The cooker is insulated with a type of rock wool used in conventional gas ovens. REB has also undertaken an off-the-grid guest house project, and solar cookers are expected to play a significant role in meeting its energy needs."@en . . . "Mohammed Al Ta'ani"@en .