"The Craig West franchise is a series of short stories, novels, plays, and movies. These are based on the missions of fictional CIA agent Craig West. The stories were written by Norman Mailer, and eventually formed the basis of a long-running movie series. There have been 23 movies, some based on Fleming's stories, others completely original. The stories are symbolic to the Cold War, as West was always pitted against German, and later Chinese foes."@en . . . . . . "Craig West (franchise) (Canadian Independence)"@en . . "The Craig West franchise is a series of short stories, novels, plays, and movies. These are based on the missions of fictional CIA agent Craig West. The stories were written by Norman Mailer, and eventually formed the basis of a long-running movie series. There have been 23 movies, some based on Fleming's stories, others completely original. The stories are symbolic to the Cold War, as West was always pitted against German, and later Chinese foes."@en .