"Aokii was a star system located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in the Dorvan sector of Alpha Trianguli sector block. This system was near the border between the Cardassian Union and the Federation, in the general vicinity of the Andoss, Minas Korva and Obrom systems."@en . "Aokii"@en . . . . . . . "Aokii was a star system located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in the Dorvan sector of Alpha Trianguli sector block. This system was near the border between the Cardassian Union and the Federation, in the general vicinity of the Andoss, Minas Korva and Obrom systems. By the 25th century, this system was under the control of the Cardassian group known as the True Way. Starfleet forces in the area were summoned to neutralize shipbuilding efforts at Aokii in order to prevent the True Way and Jem'Hadar forces from using the area's drydocks and shipyards as an attack base. (STO mission: \"Patrol the Aokii System\")"@en . . . . .