. . "Lab equipment appears on some base maps. If it is destroyed by attacks, characters caught in the blast will be subjected to one of the following effects, which last for three to five real-time minutes: Image:SuperSpeed AcceleratedCombat.png Haste +Recharge, +Speed The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel energized, and you are hastened. Effects last for five real-time minutes. Image:Empathy RegenerationAura.png Invigorate +Regeneration The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel invigorated and your regeneration rate is greatly increased. Image:EnergyMastery FocusedAccuracy.png Keen Sight: +Accuracy The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel sharp, and your accuracy is improved. Effects last for five real-time minutes. Image:ElectricalBolt ShortCircuit.png Lethargic: -Recovery The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel lethargic and you can no longer recover endurance. Image:RadiationPoisoning EnervatingField.png Sick: -Regeneration The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel ill and you can no longer Regeneration [sic] your wounds. Image:IceArmor ChillingEmbrace.png Slow -Recharge, -Speed The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel cold, and you are slowed. Effects last for three real-time minutes. Image:Empathy RecoveryAura.png Stimulated +Recovery The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel stimulated and your recovery rate is greatly increased. Image:PowerPunch BuildUp.png Strengthen +Damage The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel strong, and you deal more damage now. Image:DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Weaken -Damage The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel weak, and you deal less damage now. Image:RadiationPoisoning RadiationInfection.png Woozy -Accuracy The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel woozy, and your accuracy is reduced."@en . "Lab equipment appears on some base maps. If it is destroyed by attacks, characters caught in the blast will be subjected to one of the following effects, which last for three to five real-time minutes: Image:SuperSpeed AcceleratedCombat.png Haste +Recharge, +Speed The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel energized, and you are hastened. Effects last for five real-time minutes. Image:ElectricalBolt ShortCircuit.png Lethargic: -Recovery The exploding lab equipment has exposed you to something strange. You feel lethargic and you can no longer recover endurance."@en . "Lab_Equipment_3.png"@en . . "4"^^ . . "* Aurora\n* Degasi Seabases\n* Destroyed Lifepods\n* Safe Shallows\n* Wrecks"@en . . . . "Non-functional laboratory equipment."@en . "Lab Equipment"@en . "* labequipment1"@en . "Fluid Analyzer"@en . "* labequipment2"@en . . "Lab Equipment is a placeable Item found in wrecks, the Aurora, Lifepod 7, and the Deep Grand Reef Degasi Seabase. Lab Equipment currently serves as a decoration."@en . . . "* Aurora\n* Degasi Seabases\n* Safe Shallows\n* Wrecks"@en . "Electron Microscope"@en . "Sample Analyzer"@en . . "Used to grow bioweaponry. Systems inoperative."@en . . "* labequipment3"@en . "Lab Equipment is a placeable Item found in wrecks, the Aurora, Lifepod 7, and the Deep Grand Reef Degasi Seabase. Lab Equipment currently serves as a decoration."@en . "Lab_Equipment_1.png"@en . "Lab_Equipment_2-0.png"@en . . . .