. . . . . . "Inferno"@en . "Man"@sv . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "St. Anthony's Hospital"@en . . . . . . . . . "Inferno"@de . . "Human"@en . . "Patterson"@en . "Soldier"@en . . . "Patterson ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er ist 1972 der Fahrer von Sir Keith Gold und soll diesen von einem Gespr\u00E4ch mit einem Minister zum Inferno-Bohrprojekt bringen, damit Sir Keith das gef\u00E4hrliche Unterfangen stoppen kann. Patterson hat jedoch von Professor Eric Stahlman den befehlt bekommen, Sir Keith vom Projekt fern zu halten, damit Stahlman die Bohrung zu Ende bringen kann. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (20. Jahrhundert)"@de . "- \u03A7\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03AF\u03B1:"@el . . . "Patterson is a character from Operation Crash-Dive. He is an aircraft engineer who works at London International Airport."@en . . . "Patterson \u00E4r en manlig Tau'ri och \u00E4r medlem i USA:s Flygvapen. Han intervjuades av \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant Cameron Mitchell f\u00F6r en plats p\u00E5 SG-1. Han valdes inte som ursprungliga medlemmarna tillbaka p\u00E5 grund av hotet om Ori. (SG1: \"Avalon, Part 1\") kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal"@sv . . "Patterson"@pl . . . . . . . "Patterson is an American soldier who is mentioned in Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage add-on. He dies shortly before the player arrives at the U.S. Army field headquarters and is never met in person. The player takes over his team and his mission in the quests Paving the Way and Operation Anchorage!."@en . . "Patterson is the mayor of Britain in Ultima VII. He is married to Judith, the director of the Hall of Bards. Their marriage, however, isn't the best and he has a secret. He is a Fellowship member, and despite appearing innocent and simply ignorant at first, it is later revealed that he is much deeper involved than first seen. Patterson found his end after his last crime, when the Avatar killed him in combat, avenging the people he had murdered. Patterson died with hatred in his eyes. On his last breath, he asked Avatar to tell Judith that he was sorry."@en . . . "Patterson is a human male appearing in the short story \"Day One\"."@en . "Lieutenant or Colonel"@en . . "Patterson"@sv . "thumb|Vizeadmiral Patterson (2371) Vice Admiral Patterson ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte und einer der F\u00FChrungsoffiziere der Utopia-Planitia-Flottenwerften. Er ist Professor an der Sternenflottenakademie und eine Art Mentor f\u00FCr Kathryn Janeway. Im Jahr 2371 empf\u00E4ngt er Captain Janeway auf der gerade erst fertiggestellten USS Voyager, die zu dieser Zeit noch im Trockendock liegt. Er f\u00FChrt sie auf dem Schiff herum und erkl\u00E4rte ihr alle Systeme und Besonderheiten. (VOY: ) Patterson wurde von Dakin Matthews gespielt und von Ulrich Vo\u00DF synchronisiert."@de . "1.0"^^ . "Patterson is a character from Operation Crash-Dive. He is an aircraft engineer who works at London International Airport."@en . "Dr. Patterson was a professor at Semmelweis University on Beowulf in the 19th Century PD. He was known as a kind and cheerful person. Alfred Harrington had an appointment with him the day he \"accidentally\" ran into Allison Chou for the first time. (HHA6.3: BATB)"@en . "Patterson"@pl . . . "Active"@en . . . "Patterson.png"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "Vice Admiral Patterson"@en . . . "- \u03A7\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03AF\u03B1:"@el . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "International Air Ministry"@en . . . "Patterson ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er ist 1972 der Fahrer von Sir Keith Gold und soll diesen von einem Gespr\u00E4ch mit einem Minister zum Inferno-Bohrprojekt bringen, damit Sir Keith das gef\u00E4hrliche Unterfangen stoppen kann. Patterson hat jedoch von Professor Eric Stahlman den befehlt bekommen, Sir Keith vom Projekt fern zu halten, damit Stahlman die Bohrung zu Ende bringen kann. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (20. Jahrhundert)"@de . . "Male"@en . . "Patterson is a human male appearing in the short story \"Day One\"."@en . . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . . . "none"@en . . . . "Engineer"@en . . . . "Patterson - to ameryka\u0144ski \u017Co\u0142nierz wspomniany w DLC Operacja Anchorage do Fallout 3. Umiera tu\u017C przed przybyciem gracza do Sztabu polowego armii USA. Gracz dostaje oddzia\u0142 Pattersona pod swoje dow\u00F3dztwo oraz jego misj\u0119 kt\u00F3ra si\u0119 wcze\u015Bniej nie powiod\u0142a."@pl . . . "tot"@de . "IS"@pl . . "Patterson_.png"@en . . . . . . . "Patterson is the AN soldier in charge of the Port Of Caracas Outpost as well as commander of all Forward Operations during the Venezuelan conflict. He offers the player a single mission, to capture another outpost."@en . "2371"^^ . . . . . "Castle Britannia"@en . "Operation Crash-Dive"@en . . . . . . "FO3OA"@en . . . . . . "Image:Patterson2.gif"@en . . "Patterson"@en . . . . "Patterson - to ameryka\u0144ski \u017Co\u0142nierz wspomniany w DLC Operacja Anchorage do Fallout 3. Umiera tu\u017C przed przybyciem gracza do Sztabu polowego armii USA. Gracz dostaje oddzia\u0142 Pattersona pod swoje dow\u00F3dztwo oraz jego misj\u0119 kt\u00F3ra si\u0119 wcze\u015Bniej nie powiod\u0142a."@pl . . "Patterson is the mayor of Britain in Ultima VII. He is married to Judith, the director of the Hall of Bards. Their marriage, however, isn't the best and he has a secret. He is a Fellowship member, and despite appearing innocent and simply ignorant at first, it is later revealed that he is much deeper involved than first seen. Patterson won the elections in a landslide, because of massive sponsorship from the Fellowship, with over 70% against his rival, the farmer Brownie. Brownie had decided not to use Patterson's dirty secret against him. The Avatar met him in Ultima VII, where Patterson gave him the details of the murder on Finster, a aspiring politician, a few years ago. But Patterson seemed nervous about something. After hearing the rumors from Brownie and suspicions from his wife, Judith, the Avatar caught Patterson cheating with the curator of the Royal Museum, Candice, thus forcing him to speak of the affair. Patterson got his married life back in order in time, and he was seen as simply a victim of the Fellowship. But a different face of his was revealed in Ultima Underworld II one year later. While he appeared nervous and useless most of the time, it was actually him who cast the spell to erect the Blackrock Dome at the Guardian's orders, and then he waited for the troops from Killorn Keep, proving that he was deeply involved in the Fellowship and the Guardian's plot. He killed Lady Tory in cold blood when she discovered his secret, and murdered Nelson, when he found a way to destroy the dome. Patterson found his end after his last crime, when the Avatar killed him in combat, avenging the people he had murdered. Patterson died with hatred in his eyes. On his last breath, he asked Avatar to tell Judith that he was sorry."@en . "switchboard operator"@en . "Ian Patterson"@en . . . . "Patterson"@de . "Patterson is an American soldier who is mentioned in Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage add-on. He dies shortly before the player arrives at the U.S. Army field headquarters and is never met in person. The player takes over his team and his mission in the quests Paving the Way and Operation Anchorage!."@en . . "Dr. Patterson was a professor at Semmelweis University on Beowulf in the 19th Century PD. He was known as a kind and cheerful person. Alfred Harrington had an appointment with him the day he \"accidentally\" ran into Allison Chou for the first time. (HHA6.3: BATB)"@en . "Keith James"@en . . . "Patterson is the AN soldier in charge of the Port Of Caracas Outpost as well as commander of all Forward Operations during the Venezuelan conflict. He offers the player a single mission, to capture another outpost."@en . "Patterson \u00E4r en manlig Tau'ri och \u00E4r medlem i USA:s Flygvapen. Han intervjuades av \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant Cameron Mitchell f\u00F6r en plats p\u00E5 SG-1. Han valdes inte som ursprungliga medlemmarna tillbaka p\u00E5 grund av hotet om Ori. (SG1: \"Avalon, Part 1\") kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal"@sv . "45"^^ . . . . . . "*Imperium Systemowe\n**Tajna Policja Imperialna"@pl . "54"^^ . . . . . . "Patterson"@el . "Patterson"@sv . . . . . "thumb|Vizeadmiral Patterson (2371) Vice Admiral Patterson ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte und einer der F\u00FChrungsoffiziere der Utopia-Planitia-Flottenwerften. Er ist Professor an der Sternenflottenakademie und eine Art Mentor f\u00FCr Kathryn Janeway. Im Jahr 2371 empf\u00E4ngt er Captain Janeway auf der gerade erst fertiggestellten USS Voyager, die zu dieser Zeit noch im Trockendock liegt. Er f\u00FChrt sie auf dem Schiff herum und erkl\u00E4rte ihr alle Systeme und Besonderheiten. (VOY: ) Patterson wurde von Dakin Matthews gespielt und von Ulrich Vo\u00DF synchronisiert."@de .