. . . . . . . . "Ren-dro, As requested, I've included a full listing of the security accommodations that will be in place during your visit to Riften next month. Now stop your complaining. I'm serious, this is the last time I submit to one of your ridiculous demands. You milk-drinking cats and your cowardice. Stuff your moons up your arse. \u2014 Close-cover bodyguards. Every one is a Nord I trust implicitly. My son will be running the crew. \u2014 Disguise variety. We'll be able to offer you a different set of robes every day you're in the city. Hope you don't mind pretending to be a Priest of Mara. \u2014 Your damned food requests. Do you have any idea how much moon-sugar my chef requested to meet your menu requirements? \u2014 I've reluctantly agreed to host one of your men. This J'darzi has access to our network, and we'll accommodate him as best we can. I hope you're satisfied. If you're not, you can whine to me in person next month. \u2014 Leidela Black-Briar"@en . . . . . . . "Letter of Understanding"@en . . . "Ren-dro, As requested, I've included a full listing of the security accommodations that will be in place during your visit to Riften next month. Now stop your complaining. I'm serious, this is the last time I submit to one of your ridiculous demands. You milk-drinking cats and your cowardice. Stuff your moons up your arse. \u2014 Close-cover bodyguards. Every one is a Nord I trust implicitly. My son will be running the crew. \u2014 Disguise variety. We'll be able to offer you a different set of robes every day you're in the city. Hope you don't mind pretending to be a Priest of Mara. \u2014 Leidela Black-Briar"@en .