. . . "The Kings of Arnor through Amandil claimed descent from the Lords of And\u00FAni\u00EB, and from there to Silmari\u00EBn and the Kings of N\u00FAmenor. Elendil and Isildur were Kings of Gondor as well as Arnor, but after Isildur's reign the realm was split."@en . . . "The Kings of Arnor through Amandil claimed descent from the Lords of And\u00FAni\u00EB, and from there to Silmari\u00EBn and the Kings of N\u00FAmenor. Elendil and Isildur were Kings of Gondor as well as Arnor, but after Isildur's reign the realm was split."@en . . "Kings of Arnor"@en . . .