"One of the few countries in the world that is completely bear-free (except for its zoos). If you don't know where the country is located, look on your map, look at those group of islands right below Japan that kinda looks like a sitting dog (funny, because they like to eat them). Stephen likes it because it is run by the people who ought to run it - the Roman Catholic Bishops. Like typical Asians, they like to eat rice and fish. But unlike typical Asians, they look and sound Mexican because some of their natives had sex with white people from Spain. Although some of them still look very Asiany with monolids because of the amalgamation of Chinese people from Chinaland who immigrate into the country for those delicious plentiful seahorses the country's ocean provides for medicinal purposes and for garnishing their lo-mein."@en . . . . . . "The Philippines"@en . . . . . . "The Philippines is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean off South America. The Roman Catholic Church is rather strong and in some ways primitive in the Philippines, for example Flagellation is a regular feature of Easter there."@en . "One of the few countries in the world that is completely bear-free (except for its zoos). If you don't know where the country is located, look on your map, look at those group of islands right below Japan that kinda looks like a sitting dog (funny, because they like to eat them). Stephen likes it because it is run by the people who ought to run it - the Roman Catholic Bishops."@en . . . . . . "The Philippines is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean off South America. The Roman Catholic Church is rather strong and in some ways primitive in the Philippines, for example Flagellation is a regular feature of Easter there. The Philippines suffers Third World poverty cursed with a fast growing populationThe poorest who most need to limit family size can\u2019t afford Contraception. The Roman Catholic Church fought against free contraception and delayed it till 2014 but that is ending. The government will from now on provide free or subsidized contraception for those who need it. In other areas the Roman Catholics still impose their morality, Divorce is illegal in the Philippines forcing some people to stay in abusive Marriages. there\u2019s only one other nation in the World where divorce is illegal, that\u2019s guess where? The Vatican."@en .