. . . "Have you ever made a mistake so unnoticeable that it could actually cost you your life? Well let\u2019s just say that you never underestimate a book by its cover because you\u2019ve never flipped the pages. The long-brown-haired girl flipped various papers only to see news from last week. \u201CDon\u2019t give up Avalon, if you want, you could work as a janitor like me!\u201D She blurted out in encouragement. Avalon\u2019s blue-orbs locked onto her roommates green-shimmering ones. \u201CWell I\u2019m flattered and all, but maybe next time ha-ha.\u201D She nervously laughed until her eyes scanned the fine-print \u2018help wanted at Freddy Fazbear\u2019s pizzeria.\u2019 \u201CWhy do you look so interested, did our high-school burn down?\u201D She joked slightly. \u201CWell Kiara, looks like I\u2019m getting a job as a night-guard.\u201D She rejoiced with a smile forming on her face. Kiara paced impatiently as her roommate was on the phone with the famous Mr. Fazbear who\u2019d made the advertisement. \u201CI start right now!\u201D She screamed in a high-pitched voice startling Kiara out of thought. \u201CWell, how much do you get? Kiara curiously asked with an eyebrow raised up. \u201CI get one-hundred and twenty dollars a week, better than twenty-five, am I right?\u201D Avalon mumbled quietly with a grin forming on her face. She headed out the door and jogged down the empty street of down town Woodland Falls. The moon was looming over the very building of Freddy Fazbear\u2019s with two silhouette\u2019s standing at the door. \u201CHello, I\u2019m ready for the tour\u2026uh.\u201D She hesitantly and quietly responded. \u201COh, Avalon, you\u2019re finally here! I\u2019d like you to meet Mike, my son who\u2019s working with you.\u201D He insisted instantly with a chuckle followed after it. \u201CHey co-worker, nice to meet you.\u201D Mike quietly greeted while looking down at his black-bulky-boots. Mr. Fazbear gestured for them to follow him inside the eerie restaurant with an unnoticeable glimmer of worry in his eye. \u201CI like you to meet the \u2018Fazbear Crew\u2019 Freddy, Bonnie, and good \u2018ole Chica.\u201D Mr. Fazbear orderly introduced. Avalon looked around the dining-room to see something odd in the purple and blue curtains. \u201CWhat\u2019s in there sir?\u201D She curiously asked. He seemed frantic and paranoid when he looked over there, bad enough to even slam his eyes shut. \u201CD-don\u2019t be silly Avalon, it\u2019s only an empty compartment is all.\u201D Mr. Fazbear stammered on his words looking as believable as he could. After the tour, Avalon and Mike settled into the office located in the back of the restaurant with security equipment. \u201CSo our shift begins.\u201D Mike whispered to himself and looked directly at the security cameras. \u201CAny idea of why we watch the animatronics\u2026like any?\u201D Avalon hesitantly whispered loud enough for him to here. \u201CWell, Scott the day-guard said something about them moving in a hostile manner.\u201D He explained with a weird look of confusion on his face. Two hours had passed and nothing had happened besides the sudden sounds of the floor-boards settling. \u201CHey, do you see that?\u201D His raspy voice echoed in her ears. She scanned the screen to see something standing near the exit light of the west hallway. \u201COh that\u2026our imaginations I\u2019m guessing.\u201D Avalon squeaked with a bit of worry in her voice. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow almost following her ever since she walked into the very building and it seemed to only get closer. \u201CI\u2019m all of a sudden getting a bad feeling about this now.\u201D She uttered out with low volume. Mike rolled his eyes and stared at the screen continuously. \u201CHaven\u2019t you paid attention to the power?\u201D Avalon demanded to know since 3am was approaching. \u201CNo\u2026why\u2019d you ask, do we have to keep track?\u201D He sarcastically replied until the darkness in his eyes came clear to his answer. \u201CI take that as a yes.\u201D He muttered in defeat. Avalon tried to find her way towards the emergency light as did Mike who was currently stumbling over his feet. \u201CAt a time like this, we\u2019ll never survive.\u201D Then something popped up in her head, there was something standing at the very exit light they were heading to. The smell of rotten flesh stirred in the air and heavy metal foot-steps echoed closer to the security guards. \u201CIf we die like Scott, the phone-guy says, I will never give you peace.\u201D Avalon sneered quietly to the shivering boy. \u201COh so you think it\u2019s my fault now!\u201D He thundered in instant anger, but before Avalon could protest, a robotic brown hand grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to the hard-floor. \u201CYou may have hidden in the day-time Mike, but you\u2019re worse mistake was confronting yourself to us life-less souls.\u201D Freddy roared with a robotic screech that tore in both Avalon and Mike\u2019s ears. \u201CSo\u2026what about me?\u201D Avalon asked un-intelligently to the killer animatronic. His blue-metal eyes looked at her and only shook his head. \u201CI remember you from the past, you were friends with a cold-blooded killer named Vincent, he\u2019s dead now hiding from us in this very building and you\u2019re the only one who can awaken his soul\u2026so you live.\u201D He explained almost like an order. \u201CWhat about Mike\u2026is he going to live or something?\u201D He shrugged his robotic shoulders and walked away towards the stage and a chime of happy children rang through the building. Avalon and Mike barely survived and it was only the first night, who was Vincent and why does it sound vaguely familiar to them. Avalon returned home with her roommate, telling her unbelievable tale. Avalon wanted to rewind her decisions of crossing roads of Freddy Fazbear\u2019s pizzeria. She didn\u2019t even want to research about the very restaurant because she was never going back. Though later that week, she searched the history and almost like that, like every security guard in the past, she wanted more information. (To be continued)"@en . . . "Five Nights at Freddy\u2019s Six Hours of Graveyard"@en . . . . "Have you ever made a mistake so unnoticeable that it could actually cost you your life? Well let\u2019s just say that you never underestimate a book by its cover because you\u2019ve never flipped the pages. The long-brown-haired girl flipped various papers only to see news from last week. \u201CDon\u2019t give up Avalon, if you want, you could work as a janitor like me!\u201D She blurted out in encouragement. Avalon\u2019s blue-orbs locked onto her roommates green-shimmering ones. \u201CWell I\u2019m flattered and all, but maybe next time ha-ha.\u201D She nervously laughed until her eyes scanned the fine-print \u2018help wanted at Freddy Fazbear\u2019s pizzeria.\u2019 \u201CWhy do you look so interested, did our high-school burn down?\u201D She joked slightly. \u201CWell Kiara, looks like I\u2019m getting a job as a night-guard.\u201D She rejoiced with a smile forming on h"@en . . .