"Later, Cackletta was swimming through a barren part of the ocean, holding mermaid Peach. Beldam, Marilyn, Fawful, and Doopliss were there to greet her. Cackletta then looked at the blond-haired mermaid with an evil smirk. \u201CPoor little princess.\u201D The green-skinned witch said in sarcastic sympathy. \u201CLucky for you, it\u2019s not you that I want. No, the one I\u2019m after is a much bigger fish.\u201D Peach gasped in realization; she knew what Cackletta meant. \u201CYou mean you\u2019ve been using me as bait to reel in my father? \u201D She asked in shock. \u201CThat\u2019s right, sweetheart.\u201D Cackletta said, chuckling evilly. \u201CBecause.\u201D"@en . "The Little Mermaid: Cartoon Crossover Style Chapter 11: Fight to the Finish!"@en . "Later, Cackletta was swimming through a barren part of the ocean, holding mermaid Peach. Beldam, Marilyn, Fawful, and Doopliss were there to greet her. Cackletta then looked at the blond-haired mermaid with an evil smirk. \u201CPoor little princess.\u201D The green-skinned witch said in sarcastic sympathy. \u201CLucky for you, it\u2019s not you that I want. No, the one I\u2019m after is a much bigger fish.\u201D Peach gasped in realization; she knew what Cackletta meant. \u201CYou mean you\u2019ve been using me as bait to reel in my father? \u201D She asked in shock. \u201CThat\u2019s right, sweetheart.\u201D Cackletta said, chuckling evilly. \u201CWhy are you doing this?\u201D \u201CBecause.\u201D \u201CWhat do you care about overthrowing my father?\u201D \u201CBecause.\u201D \u201CWhy are you only saying because in response?\u201D Peach asked, a bit annoyed. Before Cackletta could answer, however\u2026 \u201CCackletta, STOP!\u201D A familiar voice ordered angrily. Cackletta turned and saw Kakashi right in front of her, pointing his trident in her face. Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette, and Peach\u2019s friends were right there next to him, with looks of determination. Despite being confronted, however, Cackletta wasn\u2019t the least bit shocked. \u201CWhy, King Kakashi.\u201D The vampire-like witch said with a chuckle. \u201CHow are you?\u201D \u201CDon\u2019t how are you, King Kakashi me! Let my daughter go!\u201D The white-haired king ordered angrily. Cackletta just laughed. \u201CYeah; I\u2019ll do that when land pigs learn to swim! She\u2019s mine now! You see; we made a deal!\u201D Upon saying that, Cackletta pulled out the same contract that Peach signed the day she became a human. \u201CYeah. A deal you cheated on, you witch!\u201D Riku snapped angrily. \u201CDaddy, I\u2019m sorry!\u201D Peach cried sadly as Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful kept a hold on her. \u201CI didn\u2019t mean it! I didn\u2019t know!\u201D Her father glared at the contract and aimed his trident at it. He then fired a laser at the contact, but to his shock, the laser didn\u2019t even make a tear in the contact. Cackletta just cackled evilly. \u201CYou see? The contact\u2019s legal, waterproof, binding and completely unbreakable, even for YOU!\u201D The sea witch said. \u201COf course, I am a girl with an eye for a bargain. The daughter of the great sea king is a precious commodity.\u201D At that moment, the contract turned into a sphere of light. It then went towards Peach, and it trapped her in a swirling vortex, and she gasped as she went downward. Just then, to the good guys\u2019 shock, Peach slowly started turning into a Heartless. \u201CBut\u2026 I\u2019m willing to exchange her for something or someone even better.\u201D Cackletta concluded, glancing at Kakashi. Toadsworth then gasped. \u201CYour Majesty! Don\u2019t do it! \u201D He exclaimed. \u201CI\u2019m sorry, Toadsworth, but I can\u2019t let my daughter get hurt.\u201D The sea king told him sadly. Back on the ship, Mario was standing on the railing on the side of the ship. The plumber was clad once again in his trademark attire and he held his Keyblade. He was just about to dive into the water when Bloo and Eduardo came up to him. \u201CMario! What are you doing?\u201D Bloo demanded. \u201CBloo, I lost-a her once! I\u2019m not-a gonna let that-a happen again!\u201D Mario answered sternly. \u201CAy carumba. You really love Peach, don\u2019t you?\u201D Eduardo asked. \u201COf course-a I do!\u201D The red-clad plumber responded. And just as he got ready to jump in, Eduardo grabbed his arm. \u201CHold on, Se\u00F1or Mario. We es going with you to help!\u201D The purple-furred beast said. \u201CWell, we can\u2019t go in looking like this! I got to transform ourselves into sea creatures if were gonna save Peach and King Kakashi.\u201D Bloo said. \u201CAnd if ya ask me, I\u2019m guessing that Luigi\u2019s got a bet to pay Jumba.\u201D Mario looked unsure at first, but he then nodded. \u201COkay! Let\u2019s-a go!\u201D At that moment, when the trio was about to jump in\u2026 \u201CHold on, guys! We\u2019re going with you!\u201D A familiar voice exclaimed. The three turned to see Lilo, Stitch, Scorpio (Experiment 627), Shuzco (Experiment 628), Angel (Experiment 624), Reuben (625) and Wizard (635) standing there. (A/N: Shuzco and Wizard are my original characters.) \u201CWhat?! Uh-uh! No way! You guys are not coming along! You could get killed cause this mission is too dangerous!\u201D Bloo scolded. Mario then knelt down to Bloo\u2019s level. \u201CC\u2019mon-a, Bloo. They just wanna help.\u201D The red-hatted plumber urged. The blue blob scowled, and then let out a frustrated sigh. \u201CFine! You can come along! But for a heads-up, if Nani asks, it\u2019s not my fault!\u201D The ten then jumped into the sea. Before they actually hit the water, Bloo and Wizard waved their staffs, and the group started to glow. Back underwater, Peach was just about almost finished with being turned into a Heartless. Cackletta was holding the contract in front of herself to Kakashi. \u201CNow\u2026 do we have a deal?\u201D Cackletta asked with a smirk. With a sad look on his face, Kakashi nodded. He then aimed his trident at the contract while he turned his head away. As that happened, a blue laser fired from the tip of the trident, and at the contract. In an instant, the words Princess Peach Toadstool changed to King Kakashi Hatake. \u201CHa! It\u2019s done then!\u201D The vampire-like witch exclaimed. Suddenly, Peach reverted back to her original self. Then, to everyone\u2019s shock and horror, a yellow-glowing vortex surrounded Kakashi, and he began to turn into a Heartless. \u201CDaddy, no!\u201D Peach cried in horror as Cackletta laughed manically. After a while, the swirling vortex faded away. Now what stood in Kakashi\u2019s place was a shadow Heartless. His headband lay at his feet with the trident next to his side. \u201CYour Majesty\u2026\u201D Toadsworth groaned. \u201CWe\u2019re so sorry.\u201D Toad and Toadette said sadly in unison. \u201CAt last\u2026 it\u2019s mine!\u201D Cackletta exclaimed in delight as she took the discarded headband and placed it on her head. \u201CAfter all these years, it\u2019s mine!!\u201D The witch then picked up the trident and began to chuckle fiendishly as the trident began to glow. Peach looked sadly at her now Heartless father, and she looked at the sea witch (whose chuckle turned into derisive laughter) with rage in her eyes. \u201CYou\u2026you monster!\u201D The blond-haired mermaid yelled angrily as she swam at Cackletta. All that happened to Peach was that she got tossed at a rock. \u201CDon\u2019t mess with me, you keyblade-holding prince/plumber loving little BRAT!\u201D The green-skinned witch snapped angrily, and on BRAT, she pointed the trident at Peach, nearly jabbing her. \u201CContact or no contract, I can still blast\u2026\u201D Suddenly, a red blur swam really fast by Cackletta, scratching her across the arm and drawing a bit of green blood. \u201CAH!\u201D The sea witch screeched, clutching her arm where it was bleeding. \u201CWho did that?\u201D \u201CThat was-a me! \u201D A familiar voice exclaimed. Cackletta turned around angrily to see Mario and the gang there in underwater forms. Mario was now a merman with a red tail, Bloo was an octo-blob (in which he had his same upper body and his lower body was replaced with six octopus tentacles), and Eduardo was now a purple fish about the same length as Mario. Like Bloo, Stitch, Angel, Wizard, and Shuzco\u2019s lower bodies were replaced with six octopus tentacles; except Angel\u2019s tentacles were pink, Wizard\u2019s tentacles were golden brown, and Shuzco\u2019s tentacles were black, and there was a shark-like dorsal fin on his back. Scorpio had a red mer-tail like Mario, and a red shark-like dorsal fin on his back like Shuzco while Reuben was now a sea turtle with his shell being the same color as his fur. Finally, Lilo was now a mermaid with a red top, and a green tail. \u201CWhy, you little fools!\u201D Cackletta growled angrily. \u201CMario! Look out!\u201D Peach cried out. Cackletta then summoned a cavalry of Heartless. \u201CAfter them!\u201D The witch ordered, pointing to Mario\u2019s group. With that, Heartless went after the gang and surrounded them. A bolt tower then used its catch beam on Mario, trapping the mer-plumber. \u201CCome on!\u201D Toadsworth yelled as he and Peach\u2019s friends charged towards the Heartless. Toadsworth whacked a Heartless on the head with his cane while Sora used a powerful Keyblade combo on the Bolt Tower, killing it as it let go of Mario. Soon enough, Bloo, Wizard, and Donald started using their magic on some of the Heartless, killing more of them. Meanwhile, Eduardo and Goofy blocked and countered every attack that the Heartless tried on them with their shields and the other good guys fought the Heartless with everything they had. The group did their best to fight off the Heartless, but soon it was clear that they were still outnumbered. \u201CHang on, Peach! We\u2019ll save you!\u201D Stitch shouted as he, Reuben, Angel, Scorpio, Wizard and Shuzco swam towards Cackletta. \u201CYou pathetic creatures!\u201D Cackletta growled as her trident began to glow, \u201CAVADA KEDAVRA!\u201D Then, a green light shot from the trident towards the undersea experiments. \u201CStitch! Guys! LOOK OUT!\u201D Lilo shouted as she pushed Stitch and the others out of the way, but then she screamed bloodcurdlingly as the blast hits her. \u201CLILO!\u201D Stitch screamed. Then, Lilo went limp and she started floating like a dead fish. \u201CI told you it\u2019s a bad idea to bring Lilo!\u201D Bloo said to Mario. \u201COh, shut-a up!\u201D Mario snapped. \u201CSay goodbye to your sweetheart.\u201D Cackletta said evilly to Peach while aiming the trident (which began to glow again) at Mario\u2019s group. Peach gasped in horror. Then, all of a sudden, the mermaid swam right up to the witch and pulled on her horns, making Cackletta scream in pain. This also caused the witch to miss and fire at the Heartless, destroying them. Cackletta\u2019s lackeys looked on in shock at this, especially Cackletta who just recovered from having her horns pulled. The villain gasped. \u201CMy Heartless!\u201D She yelled as she looked over the damage. \u201CMy, poor, beautiful Heartless!\u201D The witch then glared angrily at Mario and Peach with evil pink and yellow striped eyes while growling with anger. The two lovers then swam up to the surface as fast as their fins could carry them. As Cackletta snarled angrily, she became engulfed in a cloud of smoke while Peach\u2019s friends looked on in fright. \u201CUh- I quit!\u201D Beldam exclaimed in panic, slithering away immediately. \u201CDuh- wait for me!\u201D Marilyn exclaimed, slithering off after Beldam. Meanwhile, Sora looked towards Donald and Goofy. \u201CC\u2019mon, guys! Mario and Peach will need our help!\u201D The spiky-haired boy exclaimed. Sora\u2019s companions nodded, and the three swam up to the surface with Bloo and Eduardo following. What they didn\u2019t know was that this would be the biggest battle of their lives\u2026 Up on the surface, Mario and Peach swam up to each other and embraced. \u201CMario, you\u2019ve gotta get outta here!\u201D Peach said to her love. \u201CNo! I won\u2019t-a leave you!\u201D Mario protested. Suddenly, the water underneath them began to glow and bubble. Then, something emerged from the water and rose up, knocking Peach and Mario back. The two then looked up in horror to see that the shape before them was none other than Cackletta, who was now the size of King Kong, and the witch began to sing. (A/N: The upcoming song is a spoiler for the Ursula fight for those who haven\u2019t played KH II yet, except Cackletta is still Ursula.) Cackletta: This witch is back to bring her wrath upon the sea Sora, Donald, Goofy, Bloo, and Eduardo then came up to the surface as Mario came over to them. They then looked up at the sea witch. \u201CYou got what you deserved!\u201D Sora exclaimed angrily as he pointed up at her. Without warning, Doopliss jumped out of the water, and tackled Sora, bringing him under. Then, Fawful came up right behind Mario, and grabbed him with a mechanical hand, and brought him under, too. \u201CDoopliss! And Fawful!\u201D Cackletta shouted. Cackletta: Loyal darlings strong as the tide (Underwater, Mario was struggling to get free of Fawful\u2019s grasp, same with Sora struggling from Doopliss\u2019s grip. Then, Bloo and Eduardo came underwater and whacked Fawful on the head with their weapons, causing the lackey to let go of Mario. Donald and Goofy did the same to Doopliss, forcing him to let go of Sora.) (Doopliss and Fawful then began running (or in the case of being underwater, swimming) for their lives as Mario and Sora chased them, Keyblades in hand.) \u201CI don\u2019t think-a so!\u201D Mario remarked. The two keybearers then swam up in front of the two evil sidekicks, blocking their path. Doopliss and Fawful then swam the other way, screaming. Mario and Sora then aimed their Keyblades at the baddies, and each fired a blue fireball at them, destroying the villainous lackeys instantly. \u201CAll right!\u201D Sora exclaimed. Meanwhile, Mickey swam up to Lilo\u2019s dead body with his Keyblade ready. \u201CLight, give me power!\u201D He shouted as his Keyblade began glowing. Then he fired a golden ball of light to Lilo\u2019s corpse. Up on the surface, Cackletta was waving the trident around like she was a madwoman. At that moment, Mario came back up to the surface, but ducked when Cackletta almost hit him. Cackletta: What a feeble human, No, I can\u2019t believe my eyes (As she continued singing, Cackletta looked at Peach with a wicked grin.) The witch then swung the trident at Peach, who luckily dodged it by ducking. \u201CI\u2019m not-a gonna lose her!\u201D Mario shouted angrily. \u201CRight! We\u2019re with you all the way!\u201D Sora agreed, leaping up into the air. The keybearer then fired a blue beam at Cackletta, but the sea witch blocked it with the trident. \u201CDoopliss! And Fawful!\u201D Cackletta called out to her minions, unaware of their deaths. Cackletta: Loyal darlings strong as the tide (Donald and Goofy leapt out of the water and smacked the villain in the face, annoying her before jumping back into the water.) \u201CSorry, \u2018Mommy\u2019!\u201D Bloo called out, mocking Cackletta and gesturing with his fingers on mommy. \u201CYour poopsies es toast!\u201D Eduardo said, chuckling in amusement. Upon hearing this, Cackletta got furious and began waving the trident again. The heroes managed to dodge the attack. Cackletta: This is not the end my \u2018dears\u2019. I swear I\u2019ve just begun As soon as the song ended, Mario leapt out of the water with his Keyblade in hand. \u201CThat\u2019s-a what you think! The plumber shouted. Bloo, Ed! Now!\u201D At that moment, Bloo and Eduardo leapt out of the water, but before the three could do anything\u2026 \u201CGotcha!\u201D Cackletta exclaimed evilly, and in an instant, she trapped Mario, Bloo, and Eduardo each in a yellow bubble. Peach watched in horror as Mario cried out in agony when his tail split into two and became human legs. After a flash of light, Mario, Bloo, and Eduardo reverted back to their old forms. The red-clad plumber was clad again in his trademark outfit; Eduardo the same. As soon as the three were reverted to their old forms, the bubbles that trapped them popped, and the trio fell to the ocean below them. \u201CNO FAIR!\u201D Bloo shouted before he, Mario, and Eduardo hit the water. Peach then swam over to where the group was, who then resurfaced. At that same time, the four heard Cackletta laughing evilly as her voice became deeper and booming. They looked up at the gigantic witch in fear as Peach and Mario embraced. \u201CMamma mia! I forgot-a to say this before, but-a that witch is now big enough-a to have her own-a zip code!\u201D Mario exclaimed, commenting Cackletta\u2019s size. \u201CActually, she\u2019s big enough to have her own orbit!\u201D Bloo added. \u201CNo; she es big enough to have her own satellite!\u201D Eduardo exclaimed in fear. \u201CThen again, she\u2019s big enough to have her own Netjets!\u201D Peach exclaimed in fear. The others looked at her in confusion. \u201CHer own-a what?\u201D Mario asked, raising an eyebrow. Peach then giggled. \u201CSorry. Guess I got carried away.\u201D (A/N: The previous dialogue was the exact same thing DBV and his family said when commenting on Ursula\u2019s size when they last watched The Little Mermaid.) \u201CYou pitiful, INSIGNIFCANT FOOLS!\u201D Cackletta yelled evilly to the four in her now booming voice. \u201CLOOK OUT!\u201D Bloo shouted, pointing up. The four swam out of the way before Cackletta brought the trident down on them. \u201CNow I am the ruler of all the ocean!\u201D The huge witch exclaimed as she waved the trident around, literally stirring up a violent storm. \u201CThe waves obey my every whim!\u201D As the waves got stronger, Mario, Bloo, and Eduardo got separated from Peach. \u201CMARIO!\u201D The mermaid cried. The red-clad plumber and his companions screamed as they got tumbled in the waves. Peach saw this and looked horrified, and she looked up at Cackletta with the same look. \u201CThe sea and all its spoils BOW TO MY POWER!\u201D The witch shouted, putting the trident into the water and she stirred the water around until she made a whirlpool. This whirlpool was so strong that it caused many shipwrecks from underwater to be brought up to the surface. When a shipwreck nearly hit Peach, she swam over to a rock and held onto it for dear life. At that moment, Mario, Bloo, and Eduardo resurfaced just as a shipwrecked version of the S.S. Brass was coming their way. The blue blob turned to notice this and gasped. \u201CBACK UNDERWATER!\u201D He shouted. And with that, the three went underwater just before they could get run over by the shipwreck. \u201CMario.\u201D Peach muttered sadly as she looked on in horror. Underwater, Mario noticed a rope, and he and his two companions swam up to the side of the S.S. Brass. The red-clad plumber then grabbed hold of the rope, and Eduardo grabbed Mario\u2019s hand to hold on, and Bloo grabbed Eds arm, and hung on for his dearest life. Soon enough, they reached the top of the deck, gasping for air. Meanwhile, Cackletta turned towards Peach, who was still hanging onto the rock. The sea witch then blasted at the rock, destroying. This also caused Peach to fall to the bottom of the whirlpool below, screaming. Back on the S.S. Brass, Mario saw the stem of the ship and got an idea. \u201CBloo, Ed! I got an idea!\u201D The red-clad plumber then pointed to the stem of the ship, and Bloo smiled. \u201CSo what you\u2019re saying is if we destroy the witch, then her tyranny will come to an end?\u201D \u201CTrue. And I\u2019ve-a seen it done in-a The Little Mermaid.\u201D Mario added with a nod. The three then rushed up to the stem, enduring the strong waves that hit the ship. Back with Peach, the mermaid looked up from the sandy dry bottom of the whirlpool. Above the whirlpool was Cackletta, who was grinning wickedly. The green-skinned witch then aimed the trident at Peach and fired blast after blast at the mermaid. As Peach dodged every blast, she cried out. Back on the S.S. Brass, Mario had just finished tying his Keyblade to the stem of the ship with some black leather rope, provided by Bloo. \u201CHey-a, Bloo. Where\u2019d you get-a this rope? It\u2019s pretty good at-a tying things down.\u201D The plumber asked, looking at Bloo. The blue blob-like friend sweatdropped upon hearing Mario\u2019s question. Uh- well- you see Bloo then pointed to Eduardo, whose belt was gone. The purple-furred monsters pants then fell down, revealing his blue boxer shorts with little Eduardo\u2019s on them, making Ed blush in embarrassment. \u201CI had-a to ask.\u201D Mario groaned. The red-clad plumber then rushed over to the steering wheel and steered in Cackletta\u2019s direction. The witch was not paying any attention to the S.S. Brass coming her way as she raised the trident while laughing derisively. \u201CSo much for true love!\u201D The witch shouted triumphantly as she got ready to thrust the trident at Peach. Peach\u2019s eyes widened in horror and she knew her fate was soon going to be concealed. Before Cackletta could finish the mermaid off, she heard the following shout: \u201CHey, Cackletta! SHUT UP!\u201D The witch turned around to see the S.S. Brass coming her way, and her eyes widened in horror. Then, suddenly, a familiar scream of anger was heard. \u201CI\u2019M COMIIIIIIIIIING!\u201D screamed a familiar voice, which came from a young mermaid that got out of the water and flew towards Cackletta while revealing a Keyblade and pointed it at her. It was Lilo, revived from Mickey\u2019s reviving power! \u201CLILO!\u201D Mario exclaimed excitedly. And just then, Cackletta got impaled on the ship\u2019s stem at the same time Lilo thrusted her Keyblade into her heart real hard. Cackletta let out a scream of pain. Then, electricity and power began to overflow her. As the witch let out one last scream, she exploded, and the impact knocked Mario and his companions off of the ship. Lilo was knocked away as well while changing from a mermaid to her normal self. A while later, Mario and his companions walked up onto the shore, exhausted and their outfits tattered. The three then collapsed, unconscious, not before Mario dropped his Keyblade. At the same time, Lilo was gonna collapse onshore as well, but Stitch, Scorpio, Angel, Reuben, Shuzco and Wizard, who all turned back to normal, ran onshore and Stitch caught Lilo. With the witch now destroyed, everything went back to normal. The merpeople changed back from their Heartless forms in Cackletta\u2019s lair. Also, at the same time, King Kakashi reverted from his Heartless form, and gained back his trident and headband. From underneath his mask, the king smiled, knowing things were truly back to normal."@en . . .