. . . . "Laxius Power/Laxius Force is a series of RPGs created by French programmer Indinera Falls, using the RPG Maker series of tools. The story follows young ace Random Pandragon, who has dreams of becoming a knight; his lover, Sarah Brandolino; their friends, Luciana Vincenti (or Luci) and Coryool Tallemuyr; and Team Pets Herasia (a white cat) and Guanidia (supposedly a winged chameleon). During their adventures, they would discover they are no ordinary mortals, but rare inheritants of the elusive \"Laxius Power\", and that the fate of the world falls squarely on their shoulders."@en . . . . . . . "Laxius Power/Laxius Force is a series of RPGs created by French programmer Indinera Falls, using the RPG Maker series of tools. The story follows young ace Random Pandragon, who has dreams of becoming a knight; his lover, Sarah Brandolino; their friends, Luciana Vincenti (or Luci) and Coryool Tallemuyr; and Team Pets Herasia (a white cat) and Guanidia (supposedly a winged chameleon). During their adventures, they would discover they are no ordinary mortals, but rare inheritants of the elusive \"Laxius Power\", and that the fate of the world falls squarely on their shoulders. Gameplay is similar to the Dragon Quest series. While the graphics are not exactly dazzling, the games boast huge gameworlds with lots of secrets; they are quite possibly the largest games ever produced with RPG Maker. The first three titles (the \"Laxius Power\" games) are free, while the subsequent ones are available as shareware. Seven titles have been released: \n* Laxius Power I: Random Story: Random travels from his hometown, Rillia, to the city of SankT Leona to take part in a knight tournament, and gets far more than he bargained for. Luckily, he dragged his friends along, as he needs all the help he can get. \n* Laxius Power II: Destinies: The city of SankT Leona rewards our hero with a chance to study with the best teachers. They go separate ways to pursue their destiny. \n* Laxius Power III: The Final Terror: Random and his friends are summoned to Metrolia, the biggest city in the world, for a celebration. Unknown to them, a dreadful presence is wending into the city, and our heroes are to face an evil greater than anything they can imagine. \n* Laxius Force I: Heroes Never Die: The traumatic experience at Metrolia has driven Random and Sarah to a reclusive existence. But their peaceful, secluded life is interrupted by news from the city of Adretana: an evil organisation simply known as \"The Order\" has lain siege to the city and threatens to take over the world. \n* Three Stars of Destiny: A rather clumsy Retcon that recounts how Random, Sarah and Luci got together in the first place. \n* Laxius Force II: The Queen of Adretana: Luci too receives the call, and meets the others at Adretana. They are to infiltrate the Order's fortress at Arvendel. \n* Laxius Force III: Conclusion of the second trilogy. Random is finally going to meet the Grand Commendanter. What will be the outcome? Will the Laxius Force or the Order win the war? Author Indinera Falls no longer maintains a personal website, but the official forum of the Laxius series is active, and you can find downloads of the freeware Power games there. The shareware Force games are available for purchase here."@en . . "Laxius Force"@en . .