"A flirt is a type of romantic interaction between two Sims. Flirts are often the first romantic interactions that Sims engage in, prior to more intimate interactions like hugging, kissing or WooHooing. Flirting can be an autonomous interaction, or can be initiated by the player. NPCs can often engage in flirting with Sims, regardless of whether the target Sim is single or in a romantic relationship, or whether the target Sim has a preference for the initiating Sim's gender. Flirts, like other romantic interactions, can spark a crush or new romance between Sims who were not previously romantically engaged. Flirtation can spark jealousy if the Sims engaged in the flirting are also in a romantic relationship with other Sims, or if other Sims have romantic feelings for either Sim that are not "@en . . . . . . . "Ardette and Reginald do exactly that. Ew. (COMPLETE) Initial Setting: At the Conservatory."@en . . . . "Type of Feat: Character history Prerequisite: Charisma 12+, Female, chosen only during character creation phase. Specifics: More than just an attractive face, you knew how to listen and talk in a way that many found very appealing. Unfortunately, you're so soft around the edges that no one takes you seriously when you try to act tough. You gain +1 to Listen and Diplomacy, but suffer -2 to Intimidate. Use: Automatic. May alter some dialogue conversations (in the official campaign at least)."@en . . . . . "Name: Flirt Run Time: 3:09 Written By: Bill Bruford, Michiel Borstlap Year: 2007"@en . . "Flirt is a non-player character met at Hyda IV in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time."@en . . "Name: Flirt Run Time: 3:09 Written By: Bill Bruford, Michiel Borstlap Year: 2007"@en . . . . . . "http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Warcraft#World_of_Warcraft|desc=World of Warcraft quotes"@en . . "Flirt was Chenlambec's personal handheld translator. Externally, she looked like a small decorative silver cube, but she was actually a positronic processor, too small to actually be considered a droid. She was a one-of-a-kind illegal creation, designed and built by a friend of Chenlambec, who had been slain. Flirt was programmed to infiltrate and seduce computer systems into cooperating with her and was able to open data streams, override commands with those from her master, and completely shut down security systems if she was able to seduce the computer she was accessing. More importantly, she was able to do this without having to jack into an information socket. The first centimeter of space under her titanium covering was layered with a powerful sensor/antenna winding that allowed her to access any computer from any sort of port the computer had a connection to, including regular power ports. However, because of the way she seduced computers, it often meant that Flirt could take a long time accomplishing tasks that other droids or programs might be able to do quickly. At the same time though, Flirt was able to break into almost any sort of intelligent system, given the time. Equipped with an enthusiastic and verbose personality and a shrill female voice, Flirt would hum tunelessly while working. If she stayed silent, she would look like a decorative ornament, especially when hooked to Chenlambec's bandolier, which had other decorative silver cubes in order to disguise Flirt. After Chenlambec and his partner Tinian I'att captured Bossk and took the Hound's Tooth, Flirt took the body of the large and powerful but essentially mindless X10-D as her own to move herself around and operate."@en . "Flirt, der; Bezeichnet extreme Hitze. Verdammt hei\u00DF, so ein Flirt. Bei 35 Grad im Schatten kann ein Flirt schon vorkommen. Achtung Fata Morgana! Wenn der Asphalt flirt, ist das eine Folge von extremer Sonneneinstrahlung. S. Studien \u00FCber die Extreme des Flirts (ISBN 367-8921-75-310). Das Flirten im Sommer ist mittlerweile durch die Anh\u00E4ufung der Flirts in den letzten Jahren zu einer neuen Mode geworden. Aber Achtung: Nicht zu viel flirten, sonst bekommen Sie vielleicht einen Sonnenstich. In diesem Fall flirt die Umgebung in verschiedensten Farben, und dann wird's dunkel."@de . . . . . "Ardette and Reginald do exactly that. Ew. (COMPLETE) Initial Setting: At the Conservatory."@en . . "Similar to jokes, these voice emotes happen when you use the /flirt slash command. __TOC__"@en . "Flirt was Chenlambec's personal handheld translator. Externally, she looked like a small decorative silver cube, but she was actually a positronic processor, too small to actually be considered a droid. She was a one-of-a-kind illegal creation, designed and built by a friend of Chenlambec, who had been slain. Flirt was programmed to infiltrate and seduce computer systems into cooperating with her and was able to open data streams, override commands with those from her master, and completely shut down security systems if she was able to seduce the computer she was accessing. More importantly, she was able to do this without having to jack into an information socket."@en . . "Flirt, also known as Cute and Fascination, is a skill which has a chance of briefly stunning all opponents of the opposite gender or even causing them to fight on the side of the user, although in that case they cannot be directly controlled. The rate and degree of success depends on the SPI of the opponent, with lower-spirited opponents falling victim to a more severe effect at a higher chance, and the attractiveness of the user."@en . "Flirt is a non-player character met at Hyda IV in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time."@en . . . "Type of Feat: Character history Prerequisite: Charisma 12+, Female, chosen only during character creation phase. Specifics: More than just an attractive face, you knew how to listen and talk in a way that many found very appealing. Unfortunately, you're so soft around the edges that no one takes you seriously when you try to act tough. You gain +1 to Listen and Diplomacy, but suffer -2 to Intimidate. Use: Automatic. May alter some dialogue conversations (in the official campaign at least)."@en . "Flirt, der; Bezeichnet extreme Hitze. Verdammt hei\u00DF, so ein Flirt. Bei 35 Grad im Schatten kann ein Flirt schon vorkommen. Achtung Fata Morgana! Wenn der Asphalt flirt, ist das eine Folge von extremer Sonneneinstrahlung. S. Studien \u00FCber die Extreme des Flirts (ISBN 367-8921-75-310). Das Flirten im Sommer ist mittlerweile durch die Anh\u00E4ufung der Flirts in den letzten Jahren zu einer neuen Mode geworden. Aber Achtung: Nicht zu viel flirten, sonst bekommen Sie vielleicht einen Sonnenstich. In diesem Fall flirt die Umgebung in verschiedensten Farben, und dann wird's dunkel."@de . . . . "en.wikiquote.org"@en . . . "Flirt, also known as Cute and Fascination, is a skill which has a chance of briefly stunning all opponents of the opposite gender or even causing them to fight on the side of the user, although in that case they cannot be directly controlled. The rate and degree of success depends on the SPI of the opponent, with lower-spirited opponents falling victim to a more severe effect at a higher chance, and the attractiveness of the user."@en . "A flirt is a type of romantic interaction between two Sims. Flirts are often the first romantic interactions that Sims engage in, prior to more intimate interactions like hugging, kissing or WooHooing. Flirting can be an autonomous interaction, or can be initiated by the player. NPCs can often engage in flirting with Sims, regardless of whether the target Sim is single or in a romantic relationship, or whether the target Sim has a preference for the initiating Sim's gender. Flirts, like other romantic interactions, can spark a crush or new romance between Sims who were not previously romantically engaged. Flirtation can spark jealousy if the Sims engaged in the flirting are also in a romantic relationship with other Sims, or if other Sims have romantic feelings for either Sim that are not reciprocated. Sims in romantic relationships that engage in flirting are often considered to be cheating, even if they did not initiate the interaction."@en . . "Similar to jokes, these voice emotes happen when you use the /flirt slash command. __TOC__"@en . . . "Flirt"@en . . "thumb|Ezri Tigan und Leeta flirten. Ein Flirt bezeichnet die Kontaktaufnahme zwischen zwei Personen, um die andere Person kennen zu lernen. Zum Schein flirtet Kasidy Yates mit der Wache vor dem Z\u00E4hlraum im Spielkasino von Frank Chalmers. Sie will damit den Raub des Geldes aus dem Safe im Z\u00E4hlraum vorbereiten. Kasidy gibt vor, dass der Wachmann sie an ihren Highschoolschwarm aus Asheville in North Carolina erinnert. Sie berichtet, dass es sich dabei um den Captain des Footballteams handelt. Der Wachmann berichtet daraufhin, dass er selbst ein ehemaliger Footballspieler ist. (DS9: ) Als Thomas Eugene Paris eines Abends davon berichtet, dass B'Elanna Torres ihn anfangs nicht ansah und erst nach drei Jahren auftaute, meint der Doktor, dass dies wohl der l\u00E4ngste Flirt in der Geschichte der Sternenflotte war. (VOY: )"@de . "Flirt"@de . "thumb|Ezri Tigan und Leeta flirten. Ein Flirt bezeichnet die Kontaktaufnahme zwischen zwei Personen, um die andere Person kennen zu lernen. Zum Schein flirtet Kasidy Yates mit der Wache vor dem Z\u00E4hlraum im Spielkasino von Frank Chalmers. Sie will damit den Raub des Geldes aus dem Safe im Z\u00E4hlraum vorbereiten. Kasidy gibt vor, dass der Wachmann sie an ihren Highschoolschwarm aus Asheville in North Carolina erinnert. Sie berichtet, dass es sich dabei um den Captain des Footballteams handelt. Der Wachmann berichtet daraufhin, dass er selbst ein ehemaliger Footballspieler ist. (DS9: )"@de . . . . .