. "El Disc\u00EDpulo de la Fuerza Oscura"@en . . . . . . . "Dark Apprentice (novel)"@en . . . "*1.4 FD P-Tower \"Ion cannon\"\n*Acceleration compensator\n*Anticoncussion field generator\n*Bacta tank \n*Blaster cannon\n*Blaster rifle\n*Bowcaster\n*Chronometer\n*Comm station\n*Comm unit\n*Computer\n*Concussion grenade \n*Crash webbing\n*Cyberfuse \n*Cyborg\n*Datapad\n*Deflector shield\n*DL-44 heavy blaster pistol \"personal blaster\"\n*Food-processing unit\n*Glowlamp\n*Hologram\n*Holographic gameboard\n*Holopad\n*Holoprojector\n*Holotape\n*Hydrospanner\n*Hyperdrive\n*Intercom\n*Jedi Holocron\n*Laser cannon\n*Lightsaber\n*Medikit\n*Navicomputer\n*Optical sensor\n*Power cell / power pack\n*Proton bomb\n*Repulsorlift\n*Resonance torpedo / Supernova torpedo\n*Servomotor\n*Stun cuffs \n*Sublight engine\n*Superlaser \n*Tracking device\n*Tractor beam\n*Transparisteel\n*Turbo-ski \n*Turbolaser\n*Turbolift\n*Twin ion engine\n*Vibroaxe \n*Waldo"@en . . "*Armored rat\n*Bantha \n*Cannibal arachnid \n*Coruscani ogre\n*Energy spider \n*Granite slug\n*Grazer\n*Hawk-bat\n*Kieler \n*Krabbex \n*Krakana \n*Krayt dragon \n*Mace fly \n*Manticore \n*Rancor \n*Runyip \n*Snow falcon \n*Spider-roach \n*Tauntaun\n*Vornskyr \n*Wampa \n*Woolamander"@en . "553297996"^^ . "Der Geist des Dunklen Lords"@en . "Dark Apprentice"@en . . . "*Bafforr tree \n*Bothan\n*Caridan\n*Ewok\n*Gorax\n*Human\n*Ithorian \"Hammerhead\"\n*Jawa \n*Khommite \n*Knowledge Bank \n*Krevaaki \n*Massassi \n*Merman \n*Mon Calamari\n*Omwati\n*Quarren\n*Ranat\n*Sullustan\n*Ugnaught\n*Vor"@en . . . . "Ucze\u0144 ciemnej strony"@en . "Champions of the Force"@en . . . "Dark Apprentice"@en . . "11"^^ . . . "*Airlock\n*Algae\n*Aura of Uneasiness \n*Binary\n*Black hole \n*Blba tree \n*Blueleaf shrub \n*Carbonite \n*Charbote root \n*Code of the Sith \n*Corellian Trade Spine\n*Corusca gem \n*Duracrete\n*Feather fern \n*Hyperspace\n*Ithorese\n*Jedi Code\n*Jedi cloak\n*Jedi training\n*Life debt\n*Lightsider \n*Marble-berry\n*Massassi tree\n*May the Force be with you\n*Mon Calamarian \n*Nebula orchid\n*Nerf sausage \n*New Order \n*Nova lily\n*Obsidian \n*Organic gill \n*Oxygen\n*Plasma\n*Plasteel\n*Quarrenese \n*Radiation\n*Raven-thorn \n*Sabacc\n**Balance\n**Demise\n**Endurance\n**Moderation\n**Queen of Air and Darkness\n**Random sabacc\n***Bespin Standard \n***Cloud City Casino \n***Corellian Gambit \n***Ecclessis Figg Variation \n***Empress Teta Preferred \n**The Star\n*Seaflower\n*Seatree \n*Shyriiwook \"Wookiee language\"\n*Singing fig trees \n*Slavery \n*Steelstone\n*Sullustese\n*Tarkin Doctrine \n*The Ballad of Nomi Sunrider \n*The Force\n**Dark side of the Force \n***Dark side tendrils \n***Force drain \n***Force lightning\n**Disturbance in the Force\n**Force Jump\n**Force Sight\n**Force vision\n**Light side of the Force\n**Telekinesis\n***Force Choke\n*The Little Lost Bantha Cub \n*Thermal gel\n*Tibanna \n*Torture \n*Viewport"@en . "*Agricultural droid \n*Bartender droid\n*EVS Construction Droid \n*Labor droid \n*Maintenance droid\n*Medical droid\n**2-1B \"Too-Onebee\"\n*Messenger droid\n*MixRMastR robo-bartender \n*Protocol droid\n**3PO-series protocol droid\n*R2-series astromech droid\n*Viper probe droid \"Probot\"\n*Zoo control droid"@en . "*Air skimmer\n*All Terrain Armored Transport \"AT-AT\"\n*B-wing starfighter \"B-wing\"\n*B-wing/E starfighter \n*Chu'unthor \n*Constructor Pod \n*Corellian Corvette\n*Death Star I \n**Death Star corridor \n*Death Star II \n*Death Star prototype \n*Lady Luck \n*Landspeeder \n*Maw Fleet\n**Basilisk\n**Gorgon\n**Hydra \n**Manticore\n*Mon Calamari Star Cruiser\n**Startide\n*Mountain Terrain Armored Transport \"MT-AT\" \n*Sandcrawler \n*Seaskimmer \n*Shuttle\n**SQ/one\n*Snow skimmer\n*Startide \n*Submersible\n*Sun Crusher\n*TIE/sa bomber \"TIE bomber\"\n*TIE/LN starfighter \"TIE fighter\"\n*Wavespeeder\n*X-23 StarWorker \n*Yacht\n*YT-1300 light freighter\n**Millennium Falcon\n*Z-95 Headhunter"@en . . "*Admiral Gial Ackbar\n*General Wedge Antilles\n*Ardax \n*Vodo-Siosk Baas \n*T'nun Bdu\n*Captain Brusc \n*C-3PO \"See-Threepio\"\n*Joruus C'baoth \n*General Lando Calrissian\n*Chewbacca\n*Cilghal \n*Admiral Natasi Daala\n*Onibald Daykim \n*General Jan Dodonna\n*Moruth Doole \n*Dorsk \n*Dorsk 81 \n*Kyp Durron\n*Zeth Durron \n*Furgan\n*Gantoris\n*Glena \n*Vill Goir \n*Garm Bel Iblis\n*Mara Jade\n*Talon Karrde \n*Karena \n*Obi-Wan Kenobi \n*Commander Kratas\n*Exar Kun \"Dark man\" \n*Crix Madine\n*Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo \"Thrawn\" \n*Captain Mullinore\n*Momaw Nadon\n*General Odosk\n*Bail Prestor Organa \n*Palpatine \n*Warlord Ulic Qel-Droma \n*R2-D2 \"Artoo-Detoo\"\n*Baron Administrator Dominic Raynor \n*General Carlist Rieekan\n*Tol Sivron \n*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader \n*Luke Skywalker\n*Anakin Solo\n*Han Solo\n*Jacen Solo\n*Jaina Solo\n*Leia Organa Solo\n*Kam Solusar\n*Streen\n*Andur Sunrider \n*Nomi Sunrider \n*Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin \n*Terpfen \n*Hrekin Thorm \n*Kirana Ti\n*Tionne \n*Unidentified Coruscani ogre\n*Vima-Da-Boda \n*Warton\n*Winter\n*Dr. Qwi Xux\n*Yoda \n*Warlord Zsinj"@en . "\u0422\u0451\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0434\u043C\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044C\u0435"@en . "1994-07-01"^^ . "Dark Apprentice (novel)"@ru . . . "*Ambassador\n*Arakyd Industries \n*Black Sun \n*Coruscant Control\n*Daykim's Kingdom\n*Doole's Defense Fleet \n*Galactic Empire\n**Galactic Emperor \n***Emperor's Hand \n**Imperial Army\n**Imperial Navy\n**Imperial Remnant\n**Stormtrooper\n*Galactic Republic \"Old Republic\" \n*Incom Corporation \n*Jedi Order \n*Medic\n*Moisture farmer \n*New Jedi Order\n**Jedi Knight\n**Jedi Master\n*New Republic\n**New Republic Defense Fleet\n***Supreme Commander\n**New Republic Ruling Council\n***Chief of State\n***Minister of State\n**New Republic Senate\n***Senator\n*Pirate \n*Rebel Alliance \n*Saboteur\n*Sith\n**Brotherhood of the Sith \n**Dark Lord of the Sith\n*Smugglers' Alliance \n*Spy\n*Ssi-ruuvi Imperium \n*Witches of Dathomir"@en . "Dark Apprentice"@en . . . "Paperback"@en . . "Jedi Search"@en . "Pimeyden oppipoika"@en . "Temn\u00FD u\u010Dedn\u00EDk"@en . "The Jedi Academy Trilogy"@en . "354"^^ . "*Alderaan \n*Anoat \n*Anoth system\n**Anoth \n*Bakura \n*Bespin \n**Cloud City \n**Tibannopolis \n*Carida\n**Academy of Carida\n*Cauldron Nebula\n**Eol Sha \n*Coruscant\n**Imperial City \n***Coruscant underworld\n***Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals \n***Imperial Palace\n*Cron Drift\n*Dantooine\n**Dantooine base\n*Dathomir \n*Deyer \n*Duros \n*Endor\n*Hoth \n**Echo Base \n*Ithorian system \n**Ithor \n***Tafanda Bay \n***Mother Jungle \n*Kessel \n**Kessel Correctional Facility \n**Spice Mines of Kessel \n*Khomm \n*Mon Calamari\n**Coral Depths City \n**Foamwander City \n**Mon Calamari Shipyards \n**Reef Home City \n*Myrkr \n*Outer Rim Territories\n**Omwat \n*Pil Diller \n*Tatooine \n**Mos Eisley \n***Mos Eisley cantina \n*The Maw \n**Maw Installation \n*Umgul \n*Vortex\n**Cathedral of Winds \n*Yavin\n*Yavin 4\n**Jedi Praxeum/Massassi Temple \n***Grand Audience Chamber\n**Temple of Exar Kun"@en . . . . "*Blob racing \n*Cloud City Sabacc Tournament \n*Duel at the Jedi Praxeum \n*Subjugation of Mon Calamari \n*Galactic Civil War\n**Attack on Dantooine \n**Battle of Endor \n**Battle of Hoth \n**Battle of Onderon \n**Battle of Yavin \n**Destruction of Alderaan \n**Destruction of the Cauldron Nebula \n**Mission to Mount Tantiss \n**Invasion of Bakura \n**Attack on Mon Calamari \n**Skirmish in the Maw \n*Ghorman Massacre \n*Great Jedi Purge \n*Great Sith War \n**Battle of Yavin 4"@en . . .