. . . "Auducar N\u00FArn (Har. \u2018Red Wall of N\u00FArn\u2019, S. Caradhram N\u00FArn) was the name given by the Haruze to the southern chain of the Ephel D\u00FBath that ran eastward from Harondor to the plateau of Khand, so called for the red colour of their southern slopes. It's black volcanic rocks stood over a base of red sandstone; several active volcanoes continued to build up this mountain barrier. Most of the good passes over the Auducar lay towards its eastern reach. The best of them however, was the Cirith N\u00FArn, lying on the eastern border of Harondor."@en . "Auducar N\u00FArn (Har. \u2018Red Wall of N\u00FArn\u2019, S. Caradhram N\u00FArn) was the name given by the Haruze to the southern chain of the Ephel D\u00FBath that ran eastward from Harondor to the plateau of Khand, so called for the red colour of their southern slopes. It's black volcanic rocks stood over a base of red sandstone; several active volcanoes continued to build up this mountain barrier. Most of the good passes over the Auducar lay towards its eastern reach. The best of them however, was the Cirith N\u00FArn, lying on the eastern border of Harondor."@en . "Auducar N\u00FArn"@en . . .