"Dead rat"@en . . "30"^^ . . "Tom 2 gp"@es . . . "It is dead"@en . . . . "Pre-6.0"@en . "Dead Rat"@en . ""@en . "a"@en . "Humgolf 2 gp"@es . "5"^^ . . . . "Baxter 1 gp"@es . "Resident Evil 7: Biohazard"@en . . . . . "Baxter 1 gp"@en . . "Dead Rat"@es . "6300"^^ . "Billy 2 gp"@es . "June stared at the dead rat in her closet, at a loss. For months she\u2019d been hearing it scuttle around her apartment at night, little feet on the hardwood floor, droppings in to morning to mark where it\u2019d been. With disdain she\u2019d sweep up the little black pellets with her hand broom and deposit them in the trash. Almost every morning. So often it\u2019d nearly become routine. The mousetrap that had snared it, she\u2019d put down within the first week after discovering that the thing was running around her apartment. She\u2019d almost forgotten that it was even there. Just another feature of the closet. So it had come as quite a surprise to her when she\u2019d opened the sliding door to find a twisted, furry little body pinned beneath the trap\u2019s wire jaw. It was quite decidedly dead, its little face pointed up in the air, mouth open, frozen in an expression of agony and surprise. Its yellow teeth gleamed in the morning light. Its neck was crushed in the trap, made nauseatingly flat\u2014nearly decapitated, actually. It made June sick just to look at it. She felt horrible. She\u2019d been so concerned about getting rid of it, she hadn\u2019t thought about the consequences of what would happen when\u2026 She put a hand to her neck subconsciously. Just the thought of having to touch the thing to throw it away\u2014she felt like she was about to puke. She glanced at the clock. Not to mention she was going to be late for work. She didn\u2019t like the idea, but it would have to stay where it was for now. Hesitantly, she shut the closet door. \n* \n* \n* Kerry was on top of her, sweat dripping from his forehead into her eyes. He was grunting like an animal, putting all the weight onto her shoulders, squeezing her so hard, she was certain there\u2019d be bruises tomorrow. She looked him in the face, avoiding his pale gray eye, trying to judge if he was going to hit her tonight or not. His teeth were bared and she could see the excitement in his face, his eyes dancing around her, her mouth, her neck, her breasts. His breathing became more rapid, shallow. He growled, lips curled like smoldering paper. A hand came off her, raised above her head. She tried to brace herself, but the slap still staggered her, knocked the breath out of her. Then a fist. \u201CStop,\u201D she said quietly. Much too quietly. He brought the fist into her gut, just above where he was thrusting in and out of her. She gagged and doubled up, coughing and gasping for air. Kerry laughed and pushed her back down. The fist came up again and she wondered where it would come down this time. A loud thump from the closet and Kerry stopped moving. June pushed him off her, out of her, but Kerry hardly seemed to notice. \u201CWhat the fuck was that?\u201D June shrugged. She didn\u2019t really care, nursing her stomach. Kerry rolled off the bed, still hard, and walked over to the closet. He opened and quickly recoiled. \u201CJesus Christ, June. What the fuck is that?\u201D \u201CWhat?\u201D June asked, not daring to get up. He motioned her over though, horror on his face. Timidly, she got to her feet and peered into the closet, over his shoulder. It was the rat, but it was\u2026 swollen. Almost twice the size it had been that morning, like its insides had doubled. There was a split neatly down the side of its abdomen, a pile of intestine spilling out of the gash. Stricken, June reached out and slammed the closet shut. \u201CWhat\u2019re you doing, you little idiot?\u201D Kerry said. \u201CThrow that shit out.\u201D June shook her head, eyes wide. \u201CYou can\u2019t just leave that thing in there. It\u2019s disgusting,\u201D he said. \u201CThen you get rid of it,\u201D she said. He looked like she\u2019d just slapped him. One tiny vulnerable moment, and then rage boiled back into his eyes. \u201CI\u2019m not staying here if that fucking thing is rotting in your closet.\u201D She said nothing. For a second she thought he was going to hit her again. But then the moment passed. \u201CFine,\u201D he spat and then turned and started to gather up his clothes. She couldn\u2019t help it. The twinge of a smile pulled at her lips. \n* \n* \n* She couldn\u2019t bring herself to look in the closet all the next day. Her work clothes were scattered around the room, so she just left it alone. Later, at work, some creep at the bar grabbed her ass as she walked by, her arms laden with trays of food. It made her jump and she spilled the food all over him. He screamed, his skin turning lobster red before her eyes. \u201CI\u2019m sorry! I\u2019m so sorry!\u201D she said, repeating it over and over, trying to towel him off. \u201CYou clumsy bitch!\u201D the man screamed, shoving her away. The manager came out of the back to see what the commotion was all about and the man ended up ranting at him for about ten minutes solid, plunging the whole restaurant into uncomfortable silence. He threatened to sue. He said his brother was an attorney. Said he would see the place shut down and would see her, thrusting his grubby finger at June, put in jail. And before she knew what was happening, June was on top of him, throwing punches at his face. Only a few connected and she was fairly certain she hurt herself more than him. Then she was thrown back, landing sprawling onto a table, sending utensils and dirty plates flying everywhere. \u201CGo to the kitchen! Now!\u201D her manager shouted, not daring to touch her. But June was already running, gathering her things and then sprinting out to her car. \n* \n* \n* She sat on the edge of her bed, her face in her hands. She wasn\u2019t crying. She couldn\u2019t cry. She was dried up inside. Desiccated. Hollow. There was a loud rattling sound in her closet, but she didn\u2019t dare look. \n* \n* \n* Her manager called her the next day to let her know she was fired. Her last check would be in the mail by the end of the week. He also made sure to take the time to let her know that she was lucky that man had been bluffing about suing and that she was lucky she hadn\u2019t had the police called on her. He could\u2019ve pressed charges and then really have seen her behind bars. She knew that was bullshit, but she didn\u2019t say so. She didn\u2019t say anything at all, in fact. She just listened and took it all and then hung up when he was done. A strange smell had been coming from her closet ever since last night. Sweet and pungent, but she couldn\u2019t put her finger on it. Familiar. Just on the edge of memory. Uncertainly, she walked to her closet and looked inside. \n* \n* \n* Kerry showed up that night, scuttling at the lock and then nearly falling into her apartment, dead drunk. \u201CWhere are you, you bitch?\u201D he yelled. Silence. \u201CI know you\u2019re fucking here. I stopped by your work and found out you got fired for fightin\u2019 some asshole.\u201D He cackled. \u201CDidn\u2019t know you had it in you.\u201D He stumbled into the bedroom and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed. She was staring at the floor, unmoving. \u201CWhat\u2019s your problem, huh? You just not going to talk anymore, is that it?\u201D She said nothing. \u201CFine by me. We don\u2019t need to talk. In fact, a vow of silence is just what I need. Makes this whole relationship a whole lot easier,\u201D he laughed, but it was a fluttering, nervous thing and it died halfway in his throat. \u201CHey, seriously. What\u2019s your deal.\u201D She looked up at him. Her eyes were glossy, distant. She lifted a thin hand and pointed towards the closet. \u201CWhat? That rat still in there?\u201D he sniffed the air. \u201CFuck, it does stink in here.\u201D She shook her head. \u201CWhat? What is it then?\u201D The hand stayed, unmoving. \u201CWell, fine, if you aren\u2019t going to tell me\u2026\u201D His legs were shaking, but he teetered towards the closet anyway. Fingers trembling with alcohol and nerves, he grabbed the door to the closet and threw it open. Where the rat had once been was now a wall of flesh. A huge, pulpy mass of glistening organs and muscle\u2014twitching, writhing. It was strung between her clothes on thick cords like tendons, suspended and piled in roping coils. There were teeth and clusters of eyes\u2014tiny black eyes. They blinked at him, clicking wetly. The thing moved as he watched it. Its muscles shifted and a hole began to open in its core. A field of squirming flagellum. He wanted to scream, but another voice screamed for him. A high tone of fury coming from behind him. Pounding footsteps, a fist clutched at his hair and he was thrust face-first into the hole\u2014now unmistakably a mouth. It sprouted a thousand of rodent-like incisors around him. They closed in on his neck, an enamel collar. They were very sharp. \n* \n* \n* June found a new job at a caf\u00E9 just down the road. She liked everyone who worked there. They were all very nice to her. She drove home, unclipping her hair and letting it fall down to her shoulders. It was a good day. She\u2019d walked away with almost sixty dollars in tips and had been asked out by one of the regulars. He was cute, but she\u2019d respectfully declined. He hadn\u2019t seemed too broken up by the rejection, which was good. She didn\u2019t want to hurt anyone\u2019s feelings. She pulled up to her building and parked in her assigned spot. The weather was nice that day, the wet smell of flowers on the breeze. Although, she thought, that might just be the smell venting from her apartment. It was hard to say sometimes. She jogged up the stairs to her apartment, unlocked it and stepped inside. It was dark and the sweetness in the air was thick as syrup. She fumbled around and flicked on the light. Her walls glistened and pulsed around her. Calmly she kicked off her shoes, staring disinterestedly at the eyes watching her from the ceiling. Pale grey irises contracted in the sudden light, blinking. The wetness under her feet was calming. Undoing buttons, she let her clothes fall off around her. She walked into the bedroom, each footstep squelching, to where his face stared out. She was relieved to see that he didn\u2019t look scared anymore. He almost looked calm, mute eyes watching her. She smiled at him and gave him a little wave. The sound of breathing filled the air, two massive lungs hanging from the ceiling, inflating and deflating rhythmically. He couldn\u2019t talk, but that was fine by her. It made the relationship a whole lot easier. She walked into the kitchen to make herself some dinner. Credited to [Jamie Kinn ]"@en . . "Dead Rat"@es . "Dead Rat"@es . . "Junio \u200B\u200Bqued\u00F3 mirando la rata muerta en su armario , en una p\u00E9rdida. Durante meses hab\u00EDa estado oyendo que sabotear su alrededor Deadratinshovel FurbearingbrickAdded por Furbearingbrick apartamento en la noche, los peque\u00F1os pies sobre el piso de madera , excrementos en a ma\u00F1ana right|233pxpara marcar donde hab\u00EDa estado . Con desd\u00E9n que hab\u00EDa barrer los peque\u00F1os gr\u00E1nulos de negro con su escoba de mano y los depositan en la basura. Casi todas las ma\u00F1anas. Muy a menudo casi se hab\u00EDa convertido en rutina. Vacilante , ella cerr\u00F3 la puerta del armario. \"Entonces te deshaces de ella\", dijo. Silencio."@es . "44"^^ . "Storage"@en . "5"^^ . "60"^^ . . "Seymour 2 gp"@es . . . . "Humgolf 2 gp"@en . "June stared at the dead rat in her closet, at a loss. For months she\u2019d been hearing it scuttle around her apartment at night, little feet on the hardwood floor, droppings in to morning to mark where it\u2019d been. With disdain she\u2019d sweep up the little black pellets with her hand broom and deposit them in the trash. Almost every morning. So often it\u2019d nearly become routine. Hesitantly, she shut the closet door. \n* \n* \n* The fist came up again and she wondered where it would come down this time. \u201CThen you get rid of it,\u201D she said. She said nothing. \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* Silence."@en . "63"^^ . . "2"^^ . "5"^^ . "It is dead"@en . "Tom 2 gp"@en . "Dead Rat"@en . . . "3000"^^ . "Seymour 2 gp"@en . "Junio \u200B\u200Bqued\u00F3 mirando la rata muerta en su armario , en una p\u00E9rdida. Durante meses hab\u00EDa estado oyendo que sabotear su alrededor Deadratinshovel FurbearingbrickAdded por Furbearingbrick apartamento en la noche, los peque\u00F1os pies sobre el piso de madera , excrementos en a ma\u00F1ana right|233pxpara marcar donde hab\u00EDa estado . Con desd\u00E9n que hab\u00EDa barrer los peque\u00F1os gr\u00E1nulos de negro con su escoba de mano y los depositan en la basura. Casi todas las ma\u00F1anas. Muy a menudo casi se hab\u00EDa convertido en rutina. La trampa para ratones que hab\u00EDan atrapado a \u00E9l, que se hab\u00EDa puesto hacia abajo en la primera semana despu\u00E9s de descubrir que la cosa estaba corriendo alrededor de su apartamento. Casi hab\u00EDa olvidado que estaba all\u00ED . S\u00F3lo otra caracter\u00EDstica del armario. As\u00ED que hab\u00EDa llegado como una sorpresa para ella cuando ella abri\u00F3 la puerta corredera de encontrar un cuerpo retorcido , peludo atrapado bajo la mand\u00EDbula del alambre de la trampa. Era muy decididamente muerto, su peque\u00F1o rostro apuntando hacia arriba en el aire, la boca abierta , congelado en una expresi\u00F3n de la agon\u00EDa y la sorpresa. Sus dientes amarillos brillaban a la luz de la ma\u00F1ana. Su cuello estaba aplastado en la trampa, hizo asquerosa mente plana , casi decapitado , en realidad. Hizo enfermo junio s\u00F3lo para mirarlo. Se sent\u00EDa horrible. Hab\u00EDa estado tan preocupado por deshacerse de ella , ella no hab\u00EDa pensado en las consecuencias de lo que iba a pasar cuando ... Se llev\u00F3 una mano al cuello subconsciente mente . S\u00F3lo la idea de tener que tocar lo que hay que tirarlo a la basura - se sent\u00EDa como si estuviera a punto de vomitar. Mir\u00F3 el reloj. Por no hablar de que iba a llegar tarde al trabajo . No le gustaba la idea, pero tendr\u00EDa que quedarse donde estaba , por ahora. Vacilante , ella cerr\u00F3 la puerta del armario. Kerry estaba encima de ella, el sudor que gotea de la frente a los ojos. \u00C9l gru\u00F1\u00EDa como un animal, poniendo todo el peso sobre sus hombros , apretando con tanta fuerza , que estaba segura de que habr\u00EDa contusiones ma\u00F1ana. Ella lo mir\u00F3 a la cara, evitando sus ojos gris p\u00E1lido , tratando de juzgar si \u00E9l iba a golpear esta noche o no. Ten\u00EDa los dientes al descubierto y ella pod\u00EDa ver la emoci\u00F3n en su rostro, sus ojos bailando alrededor de ella, su boca, su cuello, sus pechos. Su respiraci\u00F3n se hizo m\u00E1s r\u00E1pida y superficial . \u00C9l gru\u00F1\u00F3 , labios curvados como humeantes papel. Una mano sali\u00F3 de ella, elevado por encima de su cabeza. Ella trat\u00F3 de prepararse a s\u00ED misma , pero la bofetada todav\u00EDa le tambale\u00F3, dej\u00F3 sin aliento de ella. Entonces un pu\u00F1o. \" Detener \", dijo en voz baja . Demasiado silencio . \u00C9l trajo el pu\u00F1o en sus entra\u00F1as , justo encima de donde \u00E9l estaba empujando dentro y fuera de ella. Ella amordazado y se dobl\u00F3 , tos y falta de aire . Kerry ri\u00F3 y la empuj\u00F3 hacia abajo . El pu\u00F1o se acerc\u00F3 de nuevo y se pregunt\u00F3 donde bajar\u00EDa este momento. Un golpe fuerte del armario y Kerry dej\u00F3 de moverse. Junio \u200B\u200Blo empuj\u00F3 fuera de ella, de ella, pero Kerry no parec\u00EDa darse cuenta. \" \u00BFQu\u00E9 demonios fue eso? \" Se encogi\u00F3 de junio. Ella no le importaba , que cuida a su est\u00F3mago. Kerry sali\u00F3 de la cama, todav\u00EDa con fuerza , y se dirigi\u00F3 hacia el armario. Abri\u00F3 y r\u00E1pidamente retrocedi\u00F3. \"Jesucristo , junio. \u00BFQu\u00E9 co\u00F1o es eso? \" \" \u00BFQu\u00E9? \" Pregunt\u00F3 junio , sin atreverse a levantarse. \u00C9l le hizo se\u00F1as a pesar , horror en su rostro. T\u00EDmidamente , ella se puso de pie y mir\u00F3 en el armario , por encima del hombro . Fue la rata , pero era ... hinchada . Casi el doble del tama\u00F1o de lo que hab\u00EDa sido aquella ma\u00F1ana , al igual que su interior se hab\u00EDa duplicado. Hubo una divisi\u00F3n claramente por el costado de su abdomen , una pila de intestino se derrame fuera de la herida . Afligida , junio extendi\u00F3 la mano y cerr\u00F3 la armario. \" \u00BFQu\u00E9 est\u00E1s haciendo , pedazo de idiota? \", Dijo Kerry. \"Tira esa mierda . \" Junio \u200B\u200Bneg\u00F3 con la cabeza , los ojos muy abiertos . \"No se puede dejar esa cosa ah\u00ED. Es repugnante \", dijo . \"Entonces te deshaces de ella\", dijo. Se ve\u00EDa como ella lo hubiera abofeteado . Un peque\u00F1o momento vulnerable , y luego la rabia hirvi\u00F3 de nuevo en sus ojos. \" No voy a quedarme aqu\u00ED, si esa maldita cosa se \u200B\u200Best\u00E1 pudriendo en su armario. \" Ella no dijo nada . Por un segundo pens\u00F3 que iba a golpearla de nuevo. Pero el momento pas\u00F3 . \"Bien\", escupi\u00F3 y luego dio media vuelta y empez\u00F3 a recoger su ropa. No pod\u00EDa evitarlo. La punzada de una sonrisa tir\u00F3 de sus labios. Ella no se atrev\u00EDa a mirar en el armario todo el d\u00EDa siguiente . Sus ropas de trabajo estaban esparcidos por la habitaci\u00F3n, as\u00ED que s\u00F3lo lo dejaron solo. M\u00E1s tarde , en el trabajo , algunos de fluencia en el bar agarr\u00F3 su culo mientras ella caminaba por el , con los brazos cargados de bandejas de comida . Eso la hizo saltar y ella derram\u00F3 la comida encima. Grit\u00F3 , su piel se pone roja langosta ante sus ojos. \" \u00A1Lo siento! ! Lo siento mucho \", dijo, repitiendo una y otra vez , tratando de toalla despedirlo. \" Perra torpe ! \" Grit\u00F3 el hombre , empuj\u00E1ndola lejos . El encargado sali\u00F3 de la parte trasera para ver cu\u00E1l era el alboroto todo alrededor y el hombre termin\u00F3 despotricando contra \u00E9l durante unos diez minutos s\u00F3lidos , sumiendo a todo el restaurante en un silencio inc\u00F3modo. \u00C9l amenaz\u00F3 con demandar . Dijo que su hermano era un abogado. Dijo que iba a ver el lugar cerrado y la volver\u00EDa a ver , metiendo el dedo sucio en junio , puso en la c\u00E1rcel. Y antes de que supiera lo que estaba pasando , junio estaba encima de \u00E9l, lanzando golpes a la cara. S\u00F3lo unos pocos conectado y estaba casi segura de que ella se lastim\u00F3 m\u00E1s que \u00E9l. Entonces ella fue echada hacia atr\u00E1s , aterrizando en expansi\u00F3n sobre una mesa , el env\u00EDo de los utensilios y platos sucios volando por todas partes . \" Ve a la cocina ! Ahora! \" Grit\u00F3 su manager , sin atreverse a tocarla. Pero junio ya estaba corriendo , recogiendo sus cosas y luego corriendo hacia su coche . Se sent\u00F3 en el borde de su cama, con la cara entre las manos . No estaba llorando . Ella no pod\u00EDa llorar. Ella se sec\u00F3 por dentro. Desecado . Hollow. Hubo un sonido de confusi\u00F3n en voz alta en su armario , pero no se atrev\u00EDa a mirar . Su gerente le llam\u00F3 al d\u00EDa siguiente para decirle que fue despedida . Su \u00FAltimo cheque ser\u00EDa en el correo a finales de la semana. Tambi\u00E9n se asegur\u00F3 de tomar el tiempo para hacerle saber que ella tuvo la suerte de que el hombre hab\u00EDa sido un farol en demandar y que ten\u00EDa suerte que no hab\u00EDa tenido la polic\u00EDa pidieron a ella. Pudo haber presentado cargos y luego realmente la he visto detr\u00E1s de las rejas . Ella sab\u00EDa que era mentira , pero ella no lo dijo . Ella no dijo nada en absoluto , de hecho. Ella se limit\u00F3 a escuchar y se llev\u00F3 todo y luego colg\u00F3 cuando termin\u00F3 . Un olor extra\u00F1o hab\u00EDa estado viniendo de su armario desde que ayer por la noche . Dulce y picante , pero no pod\u00EDa poner su dedo en la llaga . Familiar. Justo en el l\u00EDmite de la memoria. Vacilante , ella se acerc\u00F3 a su armario y mir\u00F3 dentro. Kerry se present\u00F3 esa noche, echar a pique en la cerradura y luego casi caer en su apartamento, completamente borracho . \" \u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1s , perra ? \" , Grit\u00F3 . Silencio. \" S\u00E9 que est\u00E1s jodiendo aqu\u00ED . Pas\u00E9 por su trabajo y se enter\u00F3 de que te despidieron por peleando un imb\u00E9cil \" . \u00C9l se ri\u00F3 . \" No sab\u00EDa que ten\u00EDas en ti . \" Tropez\u00F3 en el dormitorio y la vio sentada en el borde de la cama. Ella estaba mirando el suelo , inm\u00F3vil. \" \u00BFCu\u00E1l es tu problema, \u00BFeh ? Usted simplemente no va a hablar m\u00E1s , \u00BFes eso? \" Ella no dijo nada . \" Por m\u00ED est\u00E1 bien . No necesitamos hablar. De hecho , un voto de silencio es justo lo que necesito . Hace que toda esta relaci\u00F3n sea mucho m\u00E1s f\u00E1cil \", se ri\u00F3 , pero fue un aleteo , algo nervioso y que muri\u00F3 a mitad de camino en su garganta. \"Oye , en serio. \u00BFCu\u00E1l es su negocio \" . Ella lo mir\u00F3 . Ten\u00EDa los ojos brillantes, distante. Levant\u00F3 una mano delgada y se\u00F1al\u00F3 hacia el armario. \" \u00BFQu\u00E9? Esa rata sigue ah\u00ED ? \" Olfate\u00F3 el aire. \" Joder, que apesta aqu\u00ED. \" Ella neg\u00F3 con la cabeza. \" \u00BFQu\u00E9? \u00BFQu\u00E9 es entonces ? \" La mano se qued\u00F3 , inm\u00F3vil. \" Bueno, est\u00E1 bien , si no vas a decirme ... \" Sus piernas temblaban , pero se tambaleaba hacia el armario de todos modos. Los dedos temblando de alcohol y los nervios , cogi\u00F3 la puerta del armario y la abri\u00F3 . Cuando la rata una vez que se era ahora un muro de carne . Una enorme masa pulposa de brillantes \u00F3rganos y m\u00FAsculos espasmos , retorci\u00E9ndose . Se encadenan entre su ropa en las cuerdas gruesas como tendones , suspendido y apilados en rollos roping . Hab\u00EDa dientes y racimos de ojos - diminutos ojos negros. Ellos parpadearon hacia \u00E9l, haciendo clic h\u00FAmedamente . La cosa se \u200B\u200Bmovi\u00F3 mientras ve\u00EDa \u00E9l. Sus m\u00FAsculos cambiaron y un agujero empezaron a abrir en su n\u00FAcleo. Un campo de retorcerse flagelo . Quer\u00EDa gritar, pero otra voz grit\u00F3 por \u00E9l. Un alto tono de furia que viene de detr\u00E1s de \u00E9l. Golpeando pasos, un pu\u00F1o se agarr\u00F3 el pelo y fue arrojado de cara contra la inconfundiblemente una boca agujero ahora . Brot\u00F3 un millar de los incisivos de los roedores como \u00E9l alrededor . Ellos se acercaban a su cuello, un collar de esmalte. Eran muy agudo. Junio \u200B\u200Bencontrado un nuevo trabajo en una cafeter\u00EDa en la misma calle . Le gustaba todo el mundo que trabajaba all\u00ED . Todos fueron muy amables con ella . Ella llev\u00F3 a casa , desenganchando el cabello y dejarlo caer hasta los hombros . Fue un buen d\u00EDa . Ella hab\u00EDa alejado con casi sesenta d\u00F3lares en consejos y hab\u00EDa sido invitado a salir por uno de los clientes habituales. \u00C9l era lindo , pero hab\u00EDa declin\u00F3 respetuosamente . \u00C9l no le hab\u00EDa parecido demasiado roto por el rechazo , lo cual era bueno . No quer\u00EDa herir los sentimientos de nadie. Se subi\u00F3 a su edificio y aparc\u00F3 en su lugar asignado . El clima era agradable ese d\u00EDa , el olor h\u00FAmedo de flores en la brisa. Aunque , pens\u00F3, ese ser\u00EDa el olor de ventilaci\u00F3n de su apartamento. Era dif\u00EDcil decir a veces. Corri\u00F3 por las escaleras hasta su apartamento, la abri\u00F3 y entr\u00F3. Estaba oscuro y la dulzura en el aire era espeso como jarabe. Tante\u00F3 alrededor y encendi\u00F3 la luz . Sus paredes brillaban y se pulsan a su alrededor. Con calma se quit\u00F3 los zapatos , mirando desinteresadamente a los ojos la observaba desde el techo. Iris de color gris p\u00E1lido contratados a la luz repentina , parpadeando. La humedad bajo sus pies estaba calmando . Botones de Deshacer , dej\u00F3 que su ropa se caen a su alrededor. Entr\u00F3 en el dormitorio, cada chapoteo paso, a donde su rostro contempl\u00F3 . Se sinti\u00F3 aliviada al ver que no parec\u00EDa asustada . Casi parec\u00EDa , ojos mudos tranquilas observ\u00E1ndola. Ella le sonri\u00F3 y le salud\u00F3 con la mano . El sonido de la respiraci\u00F3n llenaba el aire , dos pulmones enormes que cuelgan del techo , inflar y desinflar r\u00EDtmicamente. No pod\u00EDa hablar , pero que estaba bien para ella. Hizo que la relaci\u00F3n sea mucho m\u00E1s f\u00E1cil . Ella entr\u00F3 en la cocina para hacerse algo de cenar . Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . "Master Bedroom"@en . "The corpses are commonly used by low level players on Rookgaard to earn some gold for better equipment. Only fresh corpses are accepted, rotted corpses are ignored."@es . . "These corpses are commonly used by low level players on Rookgaard to earn some gold for better equipment. Only fresh corpses are accepted, rotted corpses are ignored."@en . "It has no game changing purpose other than being a collectible. To \"collect\" them the player only needs to interact with it. Successfully finding all rats will reward the player the award \"Ratcatcher\"."@en . . . . . "4400"^^ . . "Billy 2 gp"@en . . "It has no game changing purpose other than being a collectible. To \"collect\" them the player only needs to interact with it. Successfully finding all rats will reward the player the award \"Ratcatcher\"."@en .