"Nasu (sometimes Nasubi) is a duo by Fuji Shusuke (Yuki Kaida) and Kawamura Takashi (Naru Kawamoto)."@en . . . . "Moos Akka"@en . "M"@en . . . . "Nasu"@en . "MF"@en . . . . . "Nasu"@en . . . "(Biography ) A greedy man who cares about no one elses needs but his own. Nasu uses his power to achieve the upmost desires. Needless to say he has a reckless behavior midset. He knowing of the trade of young girls was rejoiced when one was given to him as a \"gift.\" He was easily bought over with dumplings and can be bribed. He's foolish as well and that brought his fate at the hands of Rikimaru."@en . . "Fire"@en . "Nasu (sometimes Nasubi) is a duo by Fuji Shusuke (Yuki Kaida) and Kawamura Takashi (Naru Kawamoto)."@en . . "Nasu Nasuji (\u90A3\u9808(\u306A\u3059) \u8304\u5B50\u5150(\u306A\u3059\u3058)) is a scout character."@en . "Nasu Nasuji (\u90A3\u9808(\u306A\u3059) \u8304\u5B50\u5150(\u306A\u3059\u3058)) is a scout character."@en . "\u306A\u3059"@en . "(Biography ) A greedy man who cares about no one elses needs but his own. Nasu uses his power to achieve the upmost desires. Needless to say he has a reckless behavior midset. He knowing of the trade of young girls was rejoiced when one was given to him as a \"gift.\" He was easily bought over with dumplings and can be bribed. He's foolish as well and that brought his fate at the hands of Rikimaru."@en . .