. . . "thumb|300px|La ville de Rock Bottom Rock Bottom est la seule autre ville avec Bikini Bottom et Squidville o\u00F9 l'on peut voir les personnages de la s\u00E9rie en action. Bob l'\u00C9ponge et Patrick se rendent aussi \u00E0 Ukulele Bottom dans \"Un escargot affam\u00E9\" mais on ne voit pas la ville. On voit que dans l'\u00E9pisode Les Bus farceurs et dans un \u00E9pisode sp\u00E9cial en \"SpongeBob SquarePants 4D\" dans les parcs d'attraction (Walibi Belgium par exemple). Mais m\u00EAme si certains poissons ne sont pas vraiment aimables, il n'y aucun danger \u00E0 se balader seul dans les rues. Cat\u00E9gorie:Endroits"@fr . "Common Boon.jpg"@en . . "Zurtermor has dropped his precious pickaxe into a crevasse..."@en . "2160"^^ . . . . . "Hellbound"@en . . "1728"^^ . "2000-03-15"^^ . "Rona Grey.jpg"@en . . . . "Lynsey de Paul, Mike Moran"@en . "Reconstruction"@en . . "Rock Bottom"@en . . "117.0"^^ . . . "Sworn Sword"@en . "\"Sometimes I think I should have killed him long ago. Surely any idiot can count coin?\""@en . . . "common"@en . . . "A recurring water challenge"@en . . . . "Intransigent"@en . . "Rock Bottom is the second solo album by the British progressive rock musician Robert Wyatt. It was the first album that Wyatt made after the accident in 1973 leaving him in a wheelchair. Rock Bottom is the first obvious attempt to the worlds of jazz and rock together into something new with each other. Wyatts keyboard sounds, sound space continuously looking for to be able to process all the ideas in there, to all effects and words through. In the first \"Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road\" should Wyatt's voice recording against Feza's aggressive trumpet work. Result is a unique kind of free-style jazz song."@en . . "Strength, Skilled with Firearms"@en . . . . "true"@en . . . . . "1296"^^ . . "Rock Bottom is a PSA of Red vs. Blue regarding the financial crisis."@en . . . . . . . "thumb|Rock Bottom Rock Bottom (en Hispanoam\u00E9rica El Mero Fondo) es un programa de televisi\u00F3n ficticio de Los Simpson."@es . . . . . "Story"@en . . . "Tabloid"@en . . . "Promise Groat will be punished"@en . . "\"Homer Badman\""@en . "The game's prologue begins with a recorded voicemail from Malcolm Vanhorn saying how Ethan must be warned that \"it's not over\" before getting cut-off. Rosa, Agent Dorland, and Ike Farrell discuss the call and how it relates to Ethan, who had left the SCU eleven months ago. Farrell ultimately decides to send Dorland and Rosa to search for Ethan. Meanwhile, Ethan spends the night at a bar, drinking. The bartender informs Ethan that Vanhorn called, but Ethan refuses to speak to him. After a brief hallucination, Inferi bumps into Ethan before turning around and blowing a kiss which greatly angers Ethan. Ethan responds by tackling Inferi and punching him multiple times in the face. Ethan is then kicked out of the bar and, with nowhere to go, simply sits on the front steps for a while. Ethan is later approached by a a bum, who offers Ethan some assistance. Though initially hostile towards the bum, Ethan eventually follows him into a dark alley where the two are attacked by Inferi and some thugs. After a brief tutorial of the game's fighting mechanics, Ethan is surprise-attacked by Inferi and is knocked out. Ethan awakens some time later and begins navigating his way through the gritty alleways, fighting hoardes of Influenced and destroying Sonic Emitters. Ethan also has visions of both Malcolm Vanhorn and the Alcohol Demon, who mocks Ethan and tells him that he was wrong to ignore Vanhorn. Ethan eventually finds himself in a dirty, tar-filled store fighting grotesque beings. The ending reveals that the entire level was just a nightmare in Ethan's head, resulting from Inferi's earlier assault. Before Inferi can attack Ethan again, Dorland and Rosa interfere, and ask Ethan to report to SCU."@en . . . . "1977"^^ . "Jack and Miko wait for Bulkhead and Arcee, while talking about a concert. Bulkhead and Arcee discuss about the Energon mine, which was an abandon mine. Miko rushed into the mine Bulkhead follows. Arcee and Jack go in as well. Then Megatron and Starscream arrive. Megatron and Starscream enter the abandon Decepticon Mine. Starscream says, \"There's nothing left\". Megatron wants to be indulged. Miko thinks an empty space could be used for rehersal and Bulkhead contacts Arcee and digs for Energon. Megatron and Starscream enter a hollow space with three Decepticon drills, where Megatron explains he has become wise to Starscream's transgression. He almost terminates Starscream. Arcee and Jack enter as well and Arcee fights Megatron. Starscream abandons Megatron. A cave-in occurs on Megatron after Arcee shoots his arm. This effects Starscream, along Bulkhead and Miko. Jack looks for Arcee. Miko and Bulkhead are safe, thanks to Bulkhead. Outside Starscream ponders on a would-be of a failure of a plan. Miko is running out of oxygen. Jack, after drilling, comes face-to-face with Megatron, who almost tempts Jack into murdering him. Jack walks off. Meanwhile, Miko keeps bang until she hears a noise, Bulkhead says ignore it. His arm is hurting. His arms are giving up. Elsewheree Jacks tries to use the Decepticons drill. Miko and Bulkhead hears. Bulkhead tries to get Miko to bang his foot. Then Starscream comes in and harasses Miko, only to get kicked by Bulkhead. He says he would love to see Miko fight him. Then the drill comes in and hits Starscream. Jack and Miko run into a figure. As Starscream taunts Bulkhead, he is stopped by Arcee. The four heroes leave while Starscream is holding the roof of a cave as Megatron stares and ponders on to help or abandon Starscream."@en . "Felix the Cat"@en . "Paul Tibbitt"@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Rock Bottom is the bumbling minion of The Professor and one of Felix the Cat's more recurring enemies, first appearing in the Felix the Cat cartoons of the 50s and 60s (as opposed to the earlier silent era films). He acts as The Professor's sidekick. With more brawl than brains, he takes everything. He helps the Professor to try to steal Felix the Cat's Magic Bag, but ended up falling. He is depicted as a bull-dog of some description and unlike The Professor is seldom very bright and often messing things up - Rock Bottom's goal in life is to capture Felix's bag of tricks so as to please The Professor but the two have never succeeded in winning against the cat, no matter the number of crazy plans they come up with."@en . . "Inconnu"@fr . . . "399"^^ . . "-Sir Aquanetta O. Suijin Rock Bottom City is a steampunk styled city, mixed with Cold War Era Russian Architecture. It was built by a man named Sir Dominic Suijin to be a series of things, a labortory, a resort, and a self-substaining city. It was around the time of Gol D. Roger's capturing that the Marines, who once delivered a regular amount of supplies, stopped and the city began it's descent into darkness."@en . "Rock Bottom"@en . . . "1728"^^ . . . . . "30m"@en . "Maester Lucas"@en . "Wagging Tongues"@en . . . . . . "Spy"@en . . . "9.2"^^ . . "1728"^^ . . "\"Rock Bottom is the second segment of the seventeenth episode of SpongeBob SquarePants."@en . "Bus pour y acc\u00E9der"@fr . "Ennio Torresan"@en . . . . . . "Random Resource"@en . . "Rock Bottom"@fr . . "\"The smallfolk care nothing for Groat cheating a noble out of coin. Whatever their reasons for turning on him, they must be personal.\""@en . . "Cunning"@en . . . "Maester Lucas.jpg"@en . . . "David Fain"@en . "203.0"^^ . "210"^^ . "31"^^ . "City"@en . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Rock Bottom is the bumbling minion of The Professor and one of Felix the Cat's more recurring enemies, first appearing in the Felix the Cat cartoons of the 50s and 60s (as opposed to the earlier silent era films). He acts as The Professor's sidekick. With more brawl than brains, he takes everything. He helps the Professor to try to steal Felix the Cat's Magic Bag, but ended up falling."@en . "Sabotage"@en . "The gossips and easily offended in [Your Holdings], who will surely share why the smallfolk now despise Groat."@en . . . "Aid"@en . "Offer Groat's belongings"@en . . . "BT"@en . "none"@en . "''Les Bus farceurs"@fr . "Rock Bottom is a story serial written by DeltaStriker set in Mahri Nui some time after the Great Cataclysm."@en . . "After \"Last Knight\", Nick has been taken to Monaco by Lacroix, where he is confronted by Janette. Sometimes, you have to hit rock bottom to see the light above you."@en . . . . . . . . . "Tom Yasumi"@en . "Burn effigy of Groat"@en . . "Jack and Miko wait for Bulkhead and Arcee, while talking about a concert. Bulkhead and Arcee discuss about the Energon mine, which was an abandon mine. Miko rushed into the mine Bulkhead follows. Arcee and Jack go in as well. Then Megatron and Starscream arrive. Megatron and Starscream enter the abandon Decepticon Mine. Starscream says, \"There's nothing left\". Megatron wants to be indulged. Miko thinks an empty space could be used for rehersal and Bulkhead contacts Arcee and digs for Energon."@en . . . . "Rock Bottom is a PSA of Red vs. Blue regarding the financial crisis."@en . "Bullying Felix"@en . "thumb|300px|La ville de Rock Bottom Rock Bottom est la seule autre ville avec Bikini Bottom et Squidville o\u00F9 l'on peut voir les personnages de la s\u00E9rie en action. Bob l'\u00C9ponge et Patrick se rendent aussi \u00E0 Ukulele Bottom dans \"Un escargot affam\u00E9\" mais on ne voit pas la ville. On voit que dans l'\u00E9pisode Les Bus farceurs et dans un \u00E9pisode sp\u00E9cial en \"SpongeBob SquarePants 4D\" dans les parcs d'attraction (Walibi Belgium par exemple). Rock Bottom est une ville bien plus profond dans l'oc\u00E9an que Bikini Bottom. Elle est si basse que la lumi\u00E8re du soleil arrive \u00E0 peine \u00E0 l'\u00E9clairer, il y fait donc toujours nuit. La route menant \u00E0 Rock Bottom n'est pas facile, apr\u00E8s avoir quitt\u00E9 Bikini Bottom, la route devient verticale en suivant la falaise. Nous sommes donc oblig\u00E9s de prendre le bus pour repartir. Tout est bizarre dans cette ville lugubre : les poissons, l'heure, les \u00E9critures (dans n'importe quel sens et pas avec les m\u00EAmes lettres), les toilettes\u2026 M\u00EAme la langue est diff\u00E9rente : les habitants de Rock Bottom ont effectivement un petit accent qui fait qu'ils postillonnent presque \u00E0 chaque mot. Mais m\u00EAme si certains poissons ne sont pas vraiment aimables, il n'y aucun danger \u00E0 se balader seul dans les rues. Cat\u00E9gorie:Endroits"@fr . . "\"Rock Bottom\" is a SpongeBob SquarePants spin-off about when SpongeBob and Patrick are stuck in Rock Bottom. It is the first show created by Rock Bottom Inc."@en . "\"Certainly, my [lord/lady]. They can count it all the way down to nothing. Groat is the rare man who ensures the numbers only go up.\""@en . . . . . "1296"^^ . . "*Arcee \n*Bulkhead"@en . "Lynsey de Paul, Mike Moran"@en . . "\"There are two sides to every story. Since Groat will not speak, we will have the other.\""@en . . . . . "Rock Bottom"@es . . . "Beyond the Beyonds"@en . "Rock Bottom is a tabloid news show produced in Springfield. Godfrey Jones is the host."@en . . . . . . "Rock Bottom"@fr . "Rock Bottom is a tabloid news show produced in Springfield. Godfrey Jones is the host."@en . "\"Depending on what truths Rona learns, Groat may die after all.\""@en . . . . "Truthful"@en . "\"Rock Bottom\" is a SpongeBob SquarePants spin-off about when SpongeBob and Patrick are stuck in Rock Bottom. It is the first show created by Rock Bottom Inc."@en . "--"@en . . "2160"^^ . "2014-08-10"^^ . "1728"^^ . "Ronnie Hazlehurst"@en . "Harass"@en . "Swindle"@en . . . . . . . . . "Rona Grey"@en . . "9"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "Zurtermor"@en . . "Rock Bottom"@en . "2017-02-13"^^ . . . . . "The game's prologue begins with a recorded voicemail from Malcolm Vanhorn saying how Ethan must be warned that \"it's not over\" before getting cut-off. Rosa, Agent Dorland, and Ike Farrell discuss the call and how it relates to Ethan, who had left the SCU eleven months ago. Farrell ultimately decides to send Dorland and Rosa to search for Ethan. The ending reveals that the entire level was just a nightmare in Ethan's head, resulting from Inferi's earlier assault. Before Inferi can attack Ethan again, Dorland and Rosa interfere, and ask Ethan to report to SCU."@en . . . "Listen in at inn"@en . "Rona Grey.jpg"@en . . . . . "A Niece Dishonored"@en . . . . . . "\"Personal? Do you mean Groat has slighted the smallfolk in some way?\""@en . "Pretend to be Groat's relative"@en . "Spy -432, Swindle +432"@en . . . "--"@en . "1728"^^ . . "Rock Bottom is a story serial written by DeltaStriker set in Mahri Nui some time after the Great Cataclysm."@en . "After \"Last Knight\", Nick has been taken to Monaco by Lacroix, where he is confronted by Janette. Sometimes, you have to hit rock bottom to see the light above you."@en . . . . "Bribe"@en . "thumb|Rock Bottom Rock Bottom (en Hispanoam\u00E9rica El Mero Fondo) es un programa de televisi\u00F3n ficticio de Los Simpson."@es . "No"@en . "III"@en . "\"Rock Bottom is the second segment of the seventeenth episode of SpongeBob SquarePants."@en . . . "Rona Grey"@en . . . "*Jack Darby \n*Miko Nakadai"@en . "Rock Bottom was the United Kingdom entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1977 in London performed by Lynsey de Paul and Mike Moran. A fairly mid-tempo song, it implies that people should work together to solve problems and avert tragedies when facing bad situations."@en . "Rock Bottom is a recurring Reward Challenge of Survivor appearing in Marquesas and All-Stars."@en . . . . . . "City"@en . "Rock Bottom is a recurring Reward Challenge of Survivor appearing in Marquesas and All-Stars."@en . . . . . "Thief"@en . "Rock Bottom was the United Kingdom entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1977 in London performed by Lynsey de Paul and Mike Moran. A fairly mid-tempo song, it implies that people should work together to solve problems and avert tragedies when facing bad situations. Their performance at the contest was quite unique: the two artists seated back to back and each playing a grand piano, Lynsey starting the song with her face behind a newspaper with the headline \"Where are we? Rock Bottom\" on the front page. Even conductor Ronnie Hazlehurst got into the presentation by conducting the orchestra wearing a bowler hat and waving a furled umbrella as a baton. The song was performed ninth on the night, following Portugal and preceding Greece. At the close of voting, it finished second with 121 points. It topped the Swiss charts and made the top 10 in several other countries, making it to #19 in its home country. In the eyes of the record-buying public across the continent, this was the winner and it outperformed the winning French entry in record sales."@en . . . . . "Help Professor steal Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks, Steal Money"@en . "\"The smallfolk care for good weather, good health, and what prosperity they can get. Groat must have offended their morals in some way.\""@en . . . . . . "English"@en . "Minion, Bully"@en . . . "17.0"^^ . "*Megatron \n*Starscream"@en . "Defend Groat to smallfolk"@en . . . . . . . . . "-Sir Aquanetta O. Suijin Rock Bottom City is a steampunk styled city, mixed with Cold War Era Russian Architecture. It was built by a man named Sir Dominic Suijin to be a series of things, a labortory, a resort, and a self-substaining city. It was around the time of Gol D. Roger's capturing that the Marines, who once delivered a regular amount of supplies, stopped and the city began it's descent into darkness."@en . . "121"^^ . "Rock Bottom is the second solo album by the British progressive rock musician Robert Wyatt. It was the first album that Wyatt made after the accident in 1973 leaving him in a wheelchair. Rock Bottom is the first obvious attempt to the worlds of jazz and rock together into something new with each other. Wyatts keyboard sounds, sound space continuously looking for to be able to process all the ideas in there, to all effects and words through. In the first \"Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road\" should Wyatt's voice recording against Feza's aggressive trumpet work. Result is a unique kind of free-style jazz song."@en . "World Grand Market Victory.jpg"@en . .